
  • 网络class alliance;class coalitions
  1. 它们不是单一阶级的政党,而是带有阶级联盟性质的组织,在政治态度上存在左、中、右的政治分野。

    They are not a single class , political parties , but the nature of a class alliance of organizations , the existence of political attitudes in the left , middle and right of the political dividing line .

  2. 这是利用同资产阶级的联盟,来克服农民的惜售。

    This means using our alliance with the bourgeoisie to overcome the peasants'reluctance to sell their produce .

  3. 我们现在有两个联盟:一个是同农民的联盟,一个是同民族资产阶级的联盟。

    We now have two alliances , one with the peasants and the other with the national bourgeoisie .

  4. 新经济政策的阶级基础是工农联盟,工农联盟是建设社会主义的基本力量,但长期实行新经济政策会破坏工农联盟。

    The class base of the new economic policy was worker-peasant alliance , which was the basic force for socialist construction .

  5. 农民是劳动者,不是剥削者,工人阶级和农民的联盟是长期的。

    As the peasants are labourers and not exploiters , the alliance of the working class and the peasants is a long-term one .

  6. 工人阶级跟农民阶级的联盟是基础,是最重要的。

    The alliance of the working class with the peasantry .

  7. 在面临帝国主义武装干涉的时候,要巩固国内工人阶级和农民阶级的政治军事联盟,通过后方巩固的工农联盟不断往前线输送人力和物资,这样才能使前线的胜利获得保障。

    In face of intervention , the working class and farmers should consolidate domestic political and military alliance . The worker-peasant alliance can transport personnel and supplies to the frontier .

  8. 我们的答复是:其阶级性是各革命阶级的联盟,其前途可能是走向社会主义。

    Our answer is : as to its class nature , the republic will be an alliance of all revolutionary classes , and as to its future , it may move towards socialism .

  9. 在大革命时期,民族资产阶级、无产阶级、小资产阶级和农民组成联盟共同北伐。

    In the period of the great revolution , the national bourgeoisie , the proletariat , the petty bourgeoisie and farmers formed a coalition for the northern expedition .