
fàn yà
  • Pan-Asia;Transasia
  1. 泛亚铁路建设方案研究

    Research on the Construction Plan of Pan-Asia Railway

  2. 泛亚铁路资本运作方式探索

    Prob to the Pan-Asia Railway Capital Running Style

  3. 与此同时,通讯应用连我(Line)中可爱卡通形象在泛亚地区走红,充分证实日本人头脑之聪明。

    Meanwhile , the genius Japan has demonstrated for creating likeable characters has spawned another Pan-Asian hit in the form of a chat service called Line .

  4. 朱柏章是泛亚裔职业机构Ascend的执行顾问。

    Buck Gee is an executive adviser to Ascend , a pan-Asian professional organization .

  5. 泛亚有色金属交易所(FanyaMetalsExchange)囤积铟和铋等稀有金属,今年春季,在遭遇流动性危机后,该公司已停止兑付其高息投资产品。

    Fanya Metals Exchange , which stockpiled minor metals including indium and bismuth , stopped payouts on high interest rate investment products after it suffered liquidity problems this spring .

  6. 要想在百老汇引起轰动,你需要请刘玉玲出演,张瑜说。她在1977年成立了泛亚剧场(PanAsianRepertoryTheater),为亚裔美国演员增加了很多表演机会。

    You need Lucy Liu to have a hit on Broadway , said Tisa Chang , who in 1977 founded the Pan Asian Repertory Theater , which significantly expanded opportunities for Asian-American performers .

  7. 点睛之笔是:上千盏LED灯点缀全车,让它周身散发出明亮的蓝光,这是泛亚中心高级汽车设计师曹明(音译)和他的团队对上海名扬全球的夜景灯光秀的礼赞。

    The crowning touch : Thousands of LED lights swathe the vehicle , illuminating it outside and in with a bright blue light , an ode to Shanghai 's famous evening light shows from PATAC advanced vehicle designer Cao Min and his team .

  8. 市中心忙碌的泛亚餐馆Moriki是柏林大厨DucNgo最近开的,菜肴包括挑战陈规的寿司比萨。

    In the city center , a buzzy pan-Asian restaurant called Moriki was just opened by the Berlin-based chef Duc Ngo with a menu that includes envelope-pushing courses like sushi pizza ;

  9. 它是由通用汽车泛亚汽车技术中心(PATAC)的合资企业在上海研制的。

    It was developed in Shanghai by GMs Pan Asia Technical Automotive Centre ( PATAC ) joint venture .

  10. 2008年7月11日作者:MaggieLee摘自:《好莱坞报道》作为重现公元208年赤壁之战——中国历史上最有名的军事壮举——的首部力作,吴宇森拍摄的电影《赤壁》是一个泛亚工程项目,足以用“丰碑”一词加以形容。

    July 11 , 2008 By Maggie Lee HONG KONG -- As the first film to re-create the 208 A.D. Battle of Chibi , the most famous military feat in Chinese history , John Woo 's " Red Cliff " is a Pan-Asian project with the word " monumental " written all over it .

  11. 为了提供最好的网络服务,并使中港电邮传输更稳定,港讯网络的伺服器会放在拥有最顶级泛亚网路的PACNET数据中心。

    In order to provide the best hosting services and solve the email receiving problem in China , we join PACNET 's data centre which own Asia Pacific 's leading submarine cable network .

  12. 这款名为雪佛兰FNR的车型,可能是雪佛兰迄今为止最不同寻常的概念车,也是其母公司通用汽车真正掷地有声的力作。这款全自动(即自动驾驶)电动车,是泛亚汽车技术中心研发的成果之一。

    Meet the Chevrolet-FNR , perhaps Chevy 's most unusual concept car to date , and a stake-in-the-ground statement from Chevy 's parent , General Motors.The FNR is a fully autonomous - that is , self-driving - electric vehicle , developed as part of PATAC , a joint venture of GM and Chinese automaker SAIC Motors .

  13. 河北泛亚龙腾建设工作始于2003年底。

    Construction of HPLC began at the end of 2003 .

  14. 河北泛亚龙腾纸业有限公司将安装最先进的美卓产纸机。

    HPLC will install a state-of-the-art Metso paper machine .

  15. 描述了泛亚公司的发展经历和存在的问题。

    This part describes the history and existing problems in Broad Asia Company ;

  16. 卡布奇诺微泛亚光,沉稳低调,大气格局满足您高贵需求。

    Matt cappuccino shows your gentle personality , decent layout meets your high-end needs .

  17. 我们预期河北泛亚龙腾将为中国市场上包括运费在内的最低成本。

    HPLC is expected to have the lowest delivered cost to the Chinese market .

  18. 视觉快感、日常生活与心理焦虑&当代泛亚地区恐怖电影心理研究

    Visual Pleasure , Daily Life and Psychological Anxiety & Study on Contemporary Pan-Asian Horror Movies

  19. 河北泛亚龙腾的运行成本将与泛亚纸业的其它工厂相似。

    The operating costs at HPLC will be similar to PanAsia Paper 's other operations .

  20. 各个市场不同的规章制度抑制了泛亚平台的出现。

    The emergence of pan-Asian platforms is hobbled by different rules and regulations in the various markets .

  21. 泛亚主题餐厅精彩的现场烹饪展示了厨师精湛的厨艺。

    Open kitchen in Asian Delights shows the live demonstration of culinary skill of hotel 's chef .

  22. 把许多不同的协议,纳入“泛亚自由贸易区”框架,是下一个重要目标。

    Encompassing the many diverse agreements within a pan-Asian free trade area is the next big objective .

  23. 受日本的启发,他们会梦想着不惧美国,泛亚主义。

    They would dream of a pan-Asian response to the West , inspired by Japan 's example .

  24. “专业知识,卓越服务”是泛亚系统对每一个客户的保证。

    " The professional knowledge , the excellent service " is the First Asia guarantee to every customer .

  25. 泛亚班拿的三个主要业务包括空运,海运和供应链管理。

    Panalpina 's three core activities of expertise include air freight , ocean freight and supply chain management .

  26. 今天,泛亚(中国)地区成为皇家钟意在世界的主要业务增长区域。

    Today , Pan-Asian ( China ) the area becomes imperial NICE-Chemical in the world primary service growth region .

  27. 泛亚纸业也是其两个股东及其附属公司在亚太地区的唯一供应商。

    PanAsia Paper is also the sole distributor in the Asian Pacific region for its two shareholders and affiliates .

  28. 该中心的建成是卡特彼勒在中国及泛亚地区长远战略的又一举措,以期扩大在该地区的产能。

    This move is another element of Caterpillar 's long-term strategy to increase its capability in China and greater Asia .

  29. 一个名为80-20促进会的泛亚-美政治组织对此进行请愿,请求巴拉克·奥巴马总统调查此事。

    A group called 80-20 , a pan-Asian-American political organisation , put together a petition asking President Barack Obama to investigate .

  30. 泛亚纸业是日本以外的远东地区的新闻纸及其它出版纸的最主要供应商。

    PanAsia Paper is a leading supplier of newsprint and other publication paper to the Far East , outside of Japan .