
fàn sù
  • ubiquitin
泛素[fàn sù]
  1. 通过Northern杂交检测大鼠膈肌内泛素mRNA表达的变化;

    The expressions of ubiquitin mRNA in the diaphragmatic muscle was determined with Northern blot analysis .

  2. 人泛素结合酶cDNA的分离与克隆

    The ldentification and Cloning of Human Ubiquitin Binding Enzyme cDNA

  3. 泛素-蛋白酶体系统在核因子κB途径中的作用

    Role of Ubiquitin-proteasome System in the NF - κ B Signaling Pathway

  4. 在蛋白的泛素结合区域的作用下,DNA应答及损伤修复蛋白会趋化至损伤位置。

    DNA response and damage-repair proteins can be recruited to damage sites by the proteins'ubiquitin-binding domains .

  5. p53核输入功能在鼠双微体2调节的p53蛋白降解和泛素化中的作用

    Nuclear import of p53 in relation to MDM2-mediated degradation and ubiquitination

  6. TNFα在严重烫伤大鼠骨骼肌泛素依赖的蛋白质降解途径中的作用

    Effects of TNF α on ubiquitin-dependent skeletal muscle proteolysis in severe scalding rats

  7. HECT类泛素连接酶对p53家族的调控作用

    Regulation of p53 Family Proteins by HECT-type E3 Ubiquitin Ligases

  8. 泛素依赖的蛋白酶体水解通路对p53转录活性的作用

    Ubiquitin - dependent Proteasome Proteolysis is Involved in Both p53 Transactivation and Degradation

  9. 高温胁迫促进了泛素蛋白酶体系统(UPS)基因表达。

    Ubiquitin-proteasome system ( UPS ) was enhanced under heat stress .

  10. 生物体内许多重要的生物学过程受到严格的调控,如细胞生长调控,DNA损伤修复和蛋白质的泛素化等。

    A variety of important biological events are strictly regulated , such as cell growth , DNA repair and protein ubiquitination .

  11. 条斑紫菜泛素结合酶基因的cDNA序列克隆与分析

    CDNA cloning and characterization of a novel ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme gene from Porphyra yezoensis Ueda

  12. TNF对离体孵育骨骼肌的蛋白代谢与泛素系统基因表达的影响

    The effects of tnf - α on the protein metabolism and the ubiquitin system gene expression in isolated skeletal muscles

  13. 而细胞内的DCN在外界因素作用下,可能通过内质网应激(ERstress),经泛素-蛋白酶体系统调节降解。

    However , intracellular DCN under external factors , can be degraded by Ubiquitin proteasome pathway through ER stress .

  14. PCR法检测正常组,肝阳上亢组,肝阳化风组泛素羧基末端水解酶的基因表达情况。

    At the end of the experiment , PCR was used to evaluate the ubiquitin carboxy - terminal hydrolase LI expressions among these groups .

  15. 泛素化过程除了参与蛋白酶体降解之外,还参与调节许多生物学过程,包括细胞内转运,DNA修复,信号传导和蛋白质蛋白质相互作用。

    Ubiquitination is a key mechanism in regulating many biological processes not only proteasome degradation , but also endocytic trafficking , DNA repair , signal transduction and protein-protein interaction .

  16. 这些基因编码蛋白参与电子和质子转运、泛素&蛋白体途径以及表观遗传调控(epigeneticregulation)等。

    These fragments encode proteins involved in electron transfer and proton transport , the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway , and epigenetic gene regulation .

  17. CHIP属于连接酶类,具有E3泛素连接酶活性,参与能量代谢途径和新陈代谢。

    CHIP , an E3 ubiquitin ligase and cochaperones , involves in energy metabolism and protein quality control .

  18. 大量研究发现,恶病质状态下骨骼肌蛋白降解通过ATP泛素蛋白酶体途径。

    In recent years , accumulating evidences suggest that the ATP ubiquitin proteasome pathway may be crucial in muscle cachexia .

  19. 泛素-蛋白酶体途径是生物体内进行蛋白质选择性降解的重要途径之一,广泛参与细胞周期调控、DNA修复、细胞信号转导、细胞凋亡等多种生理过程。

    Aim Ubiquitin-proteasome pathway is an important pathway of protein degradation in cells , it is involved in many physiological processes including cell cycle regulation , DNA repair and cell apoptosis .

  20. 泛素蛋白连接酶MDM2活性及稳定性调控的研究进展

    Progress in regulation of activity and stability of ubiquitin protein ligase MDM2

  21. 最近的一些研究显示TRIM家族可能是一类新的RING指泛素连接酶。

    The recent data indicating that some TRIM proteins are implicated in ubiquitination , as a novel class of RING finger ubiquitin E3 ligases .

  22. 机制上,我们发现过表达HPD可以增强TNFα刺激引起的NEMO泛素化修饰。

    We found over-expression of HPD augments the ubiquitination of NEMO stimulated by TNF α .

  23. 家兔心肌自溶蛋白质降解与死亡时间的关系泛素依赖的蛋白酶体水解通路对p53转录活性的作用

    THE SIGNIFICANCE OF DETERMINING PROTEOLYSIS OF AUTOLYZING MYOCARDIUM FOR THE TIMING OF DEATH Ubiquitin-dependent Proteasome Proteolysis is Involved in Both p53 Transactivation and Degradation

  24. 所有的RING指蛋白都如E3泛素蛋白质连接酶,参与一系列生物学领域。

    All RING proteins act as E3 ubiquitin protein ligases , with implications for a variety of biological areas . 2 .

  25. 总的来说,p53应对DNA损伤的生物活性是和其转录后的修饰状态密切相关的,特别是特殊位点的磷酸化、乙酰化和泛素化。

    In general , p53 biological activity in responding to DNA damage is tightly regulated by its post-translational modification status , particularly by site-specific phosphorylation , acetylation and ubiquitination .

  26. 日本血吸虫泛素活化酶E1基因的克隆、表达及鉴定

    Cloning , expression and identification of Ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 of Ubiquitin protein degradation system in Schistosoma japonicum

  27. 卵巢上皮性肿瘤组织中细胞周期蛋白B1、P~(27)和泛素的表达

    Expression of Cyclin B1 , P ~ ( 27 ) and ubiquitin in epithelial ovarian tumour tissue

  28. Fbox蛋白是一类含有Fbox基序(motif),在泛素介导的蛋白质水解过程中具有底物识别特性的蛋白质家族。

    F box protein is an expanding family of eukaryotic protein characterized by an F box motif which has specificity of substrate recognition in the ubiquitin mediated proteolysis .

  29. 泛素-蛋白酶体通路对TRAIL诱导结肠癌细胞株SW1116凋亡作用的影响

    The influence of ubiquitin-proteasome in regulating the TRAIL-mediated apoptosis of colon carcinoma cells

  30. 真核细胞的蛋白降解是一个动态且复杂的过程,泛素蛋白酶体系统(ubiquitin-ProteasomeSystem,UPS)在这个过程中扮演着重要的角色。

    Eukaryotic protein degradation by the proteasome and the lysosome is a dynamic and complex process in which ubiquitin-proteasome system ( UPS ) has a key regulatory role .