
  • 网络flood plain;Floodplain
  1. 据美国地质调查局(UnitedStatesGeologicalSurvey)的研究,密西西比河泛滥平原冲刷的肥沃土壤,其砷含量可高达路易斯安那、密西西比和阿肯色州其他地区的五倍。

    The fertile soils fanning out across the Mississippi River floodplain are up to five times as high in arsenic as other parts of Louisiana , Mississippi and Arkansas , according to studies done by the United States Geological Survey .

  2. 中国泛滥平原沉积物中铂、钯丰度值及地球化学省的初步研究

    Platinum and palladium abundances in floodplain sediment and their geochemical provinces

  3. 微量元素Mn、Rb、Ni、U、V、B、Co、Th和Ga在湖相泥岩中含量明显增高,而在辫状三角洲及河流泛滥平原泥岩中含量较低。

    B ? Co ? Th and Ga is obviously higher in the limnic shale , while the content in the shale of braided stream delta and flood plain is relatively low .

  4. 但是在有着较高地下水位及易流动的粉土、粉砂土地层的郑州泛滥平原工程地质单元地区进行CFG桩长螺旋钻管内泵压施工有较为严重的环境岩土工程问题。

    However in the haugh area of Zhengzhou with high level underground water > easily flowing silt or mealy sand layer , CFG pile has induced serious environmental geotechnical engineering problem .

  5. 长江、黄河流域泛滥平原细粒沉积物~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr空间变异的制约因素及其物源示踪意义

    Factors controlling spatial variation of ~ ( 87 ) Sr / ~ ( 86 ) Sr in the fine-grained sediments from the overbanks of the Yellow River and Yangtze River and its implication for provenance of marine sediments

  6. 综合地质等各种资料,确定该区主要发育冲积扇、泛滥平原和扇三角洲等沉积体系。

    The major depositional system are Fan , Floodplain , Fan delta .

  7. 河床沉积物一般比邻近的泛滥平原沉积物粗些。

    Channels generally contain coarser sediment than do the adjacent flood plains .

  8. 泉头组主要发育河流、泛滥平原、冲积扇以及滨浅湖相。

    Quantou formation mainly developed rivers bet lands 、 alluvial fan and shore meare facies .

  9. 从生态特征分析,当时可能为一泛滥平原。

    Analysis on the ecological characteristics , there was a flooded plain at that time .

  10. 内陆冲积平原和滨海冲积平原是本区主要聚煤古地理类型,三角洲平原和河流泛滥平原是聚煤最有利场所;

    Inland alluvial plains and littoral alluvial plains were the major coal forming paleogeographic types ;

  11. 在洪水爆发前,泛滥平原平静干旱。

    Before the flood arrives , the river 's flood plain is calm and dry .

  12. 长江中下游泛滥平原是我国生物多样性极其丰富的地区。

    The mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River basin in China has a high biological diversity .

  13. 浪控三角洲的平原部分以分流河道和含植物根系和生物扰动构造的泛滥平原沉积为特征。

    The delta plain facies is characterized by distributary channel sands and rooted and bioturbated flood plain sediments .

  14. 辫状河沉积主要发育河道和心滩微相,泛滥平原微相不太发育。

    The depositional sequences of braided rivers mainly consist of braided channel lag deposits and mid-channel bar sandstones .

  15. 因此建议在国际地球化学填图中用泛滥平原沉积物作为全球超低密度地球化学填图的采样介质。

    Thus , the floodplain sediment can be suggested to be the sampling medium for the international geochemical mapping .

  16. 曲流河相自下而上为河床滞留沉积-点坝-天然堤-决口扇-泛滥平原的正韵律组合。冲积河流的河相关系

    E. meandering point bars , crevasse splays , natural levees and flood plains . CHANNEL GEOMETRY OF ALLUVIAL STREAMS

  17. 受断裂与古地貌的联合控制,冲积扇河道砂体与泛滥平原河道砂体主要沿低洼的沟谷和断槽一带呈条带状展布。

    Largely governed by the fault trough and paleo-geomorphic low area , the channel sand bodies were belt-like distributed .

  18. 曲流河包括河床、边滩、天然堤、决口扇以及泛滥平原等微相,泉三段沉积微相中边滩最为发育。

    The snaking stream is composed of riverbed , marginal bank , crevasse splay , flood plain and so on .

  19. 根据相标志分析,储层为曲流河相沉积,发育曲流河点坝、决口扇、天然堤及泛滥平原四种沉积微相类型。

    Through the analysis of facies marker , the reservoir is meandering river facies . The facies are classified into four microfacies , i.

  20. 曲流河沉积以发育点砂坝、决口扇、天然堤和泛滥平原等微相单元为特征。

    The depositional sequences of meandering river are typical of the development of point bars , crevasse-splays , natural levees and flood plains .

  21. 河流-泛滥平原生态系统形成于长期的周期性的水文动态过程,具有复杂的生境异质性,是生物多样性最为丰富区域之一。

    Formed by long periodically fluvial dynamics , river-floodplain ecosystem hold high habitat heterogeneity and is one of the richest biodiversity areas on the earth .

  22. 现时香港岛屿之间的平坦地带,属当时珠江泛滥平原延伸地区的一部分。

    At that time the flat areas between what are now the islands of Hong Kong were part of an extended Pearl River flood plain .

  23. 油气勘探实践表明:三角洲、扇三角洲和泛滥平原沉积体系发育了该区最重要的储集砂体;

    Oil exploration practice shows that the most important reservoir sands of this area developed in sedimentary systems of delta , fan-delta and flood plain .

  24. 二者的界面是相同的,均为河道砂体底部的冲刷侵蚀面或者是暴露过泛滥平原泥岩、根土岩等。

    And the boundary of them has the same lithologic character : the ravinement surface of river course or exposure mudstone of flooding plain and root clay .

  25. 划分为点坝、末期河道、废弃河道、决口扇、溢岸砂、泛滥平原6种沉积微相。

    It divided into point bar , the last channel , abandoned channel , crevasse splay , spill shore sand , flood plain six kinds of sedimentary microfacies .

  26. 沉积相总体特征以滨浅湖沉积为主,而在研究区周缘则多发育河流泛滥平原、三角洲和扇三角洲沉积。

    The general sedimentary characteristics indicate that shore-shallow lacustrine deposits are the main types , while flood plain , delta and fan delta occurred mainly along the basin margin .

  27. 辽河盆地老第三系深层主要发育扇三角洲、湖底扇和泛滥平原沉积体系。

    The fan-deltas , sublacustrine fans and flood plains constitute the main depositional systems of the Palaeogene of deep burial strata ( below 3500m ) in the Liaohe Basin .

  28. 延长组沉积过程经历了湖盆发育初期的平原河流,中期的湖泊环境,晚期的泛滥平原至湖泊消失三个阶段。

    The deposition of Yanchang Formation went through three stages : the plain-river environment in the early development of basin , lake environment in metaphase and flood plain in the last when the lake disappeared .

  29. 相同河流亚相的河道微相与泛滥平原微相相比,前者的砂岩粒度较粗、分选性较好,发育槽状交错层理等大型层理构造;

    In the same subfacies , grain size is larger and sorting is better in the channel sandstones which developed with large-scale cross-beddings such as trough cross-bedding , compared with sandstones in the flood microfacies .

  30. 沉积相的空间展布概括起来分为三大带:(1)阿尔金山前西段陡坡带洪积锥-水下冲积扇-扇三角洲-河道和泛滥平原-湖相;

    Types and distribution of sedimentary facies are divided into three zones : ( 1 ) pluvial alluvial fan fan delta fluvial channels and flood plain lake facies in the steep zone of western Altun mountain front ;