
  • 网络Volatility
  1. 现代金融理论试图解决未来不可预测的问题。按照现代金融理论,投资收益可以通过对股价以往的波动幅度来预测,也就是说,股价波动较大的股票可望带来较大的回报。

    Modern financial theory attempts to surmount the problem of an unknowable future by suggesting that returns can be predicted by measuring the past volatility of share prices & shares that exhibit higher volatility are expected to yield greater returns .

  2. 在中国股市中与基本面无关的噪音泛滥,噪声交易主导市场,其结果是股价形成机制扭曲,股市波动幅度增大,股市效率降低,股市泡沫膨胀,股市风险积聚。

    Fundamentals in the Chinese stock market has nothing to do with the proliferation of noise , noise trading dominated the market , resulting in distorted price formation mechanism , the stock market volatility increases , market inefficiencies , the stock market bubble , the stock market risk accumulation .

  3. pH波动幅度大是废弃物农用治理的主要障碍之一。

    One of the main barriers is the wide pH change in two wastes as agricultural use .

  4. 呼吸暂停气流段的脉率波动幅度明显大于正常气流段(P<0.05)。

    The breadth of cyclical variation of pulse rate during apnea is significantly higher than that during normal respiration ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 除羊草草地外,其他土地覆被剖面含水量变化呈W型,只是波动幅度各不相同。

    Except that in Aneurolepidium chinense field , the temporal dynamics of water content in other land covers like a W , but the wave ranges of them are different .

  6. 各行业波动幅度均大于GDP波动幅度,说明行业间波动相关性各异,存在风险分散效应。

    The range of fluctuation in different industries is wider than that of fluctuations in the economy , which means that industrial fluctuation is different and leads to a risk dispersion effect .

  7. CSII组的血糖波动幅度较MSII组明显降低。

    Fluctuation argument of blood glucose was decreasing in CSII group ;

  8. 不过一旦该国货币兑欧元汇率稳定下来,就可以考虑设定一个现实的汇率中间值加入ERMII,同时放宽汇率波动幅度限制。

    Once the exchange rate against the euro had settled down , joining the ERM II at a realistic central rate with more generous band margins could be considered .

  9. 周二,体现股市波动幅度的VIX指数升至20以上,表明市场真的有了顾虑。

    On Tuesday the VIX volatility index moved above 20 , suggesting that the markets have become officially worried .

  10. 人工冷害胁迫下,寒敏感材料感受低温胁迫较强抗寒及中等抗寒狗牙根材料早;人工冻害和田间低温下,寒敏感材料Pro含量低且波动幅度小。

    The cold temperature sensitive materials tasted low temperature earlier than strong cold resistance and middling cold resistance materials . Pro content of cold temperature sensitive materials was low and fluctuated range was limited . 6 .

  11. 结果表明,H2S入口负荷在45g/(m3·h)以下时,H2S脱除率可接近100%,并保持长时间的恒定,负荷波动幅度可达到30.3g/(m3·h)。

    The results showed that the hydrogen sulfide removal rate was about 100 % and could be kept for a long time at an inlet load of hydrogen sulfide less than 45g / m 3 · h .

  12. 结果发现,对于市场导向型FDI来说,汇率变化与FDI流入成正比;而东道国汇率波动幅度增大会阻碍风险厌恶型FDI流入,同时会促进风险偏好型FDI流入,反之亦然。

    We found that for the market-oriented FDI , the exchange rate change had positive effect on FDI inflow ; and the fluctuation range becoming wider can hinder the risk-adverse FDI inflow , but encourage the risk-preferred FDI inflow , and vice versa .

  13. 高压型:压力普遍升高且波动幅度增大,开口位平均压力为(-948±2382)Pa,闭口位压力为(1286±937)Pa;

    The first type manifested general increase and wide amplitude in the pressure , with average pressure of ( - 948 ± 2 382 ) Pa in open position and ( 1 286 ± 937 ) Pa in closed position .

  14. 以K值作为衡量调整前后每股净资产的波动幅度的指标,以2000-2002年上市公司3年的样本为研究对象,分析了我国上市公司资产质量及其与盈利能力的相关问题。

    Using K as the evaluation amount of fluctuation of the pre and post net assets per share , listed firms from 2000 to 2002 as the study target , we analyse the related problems of the assets quality and the earnings ability of the listed firms .

  15. 而卵内容物中3种重金属残留量的种间差异都不显著,Cr残留量种间波动幅度最大,池鹭卵内容物中,Cr含量最高,牛背鹭卵内容物中没有检出;

    Of the three heavy metals , Cr showed the most variation among species , being the highest in eggshell of Chinese pond heron and the lowest in that of cattle egret , but in egg contents , there was no significant difference among species .

  16. 珠江水体HCO3~-离子含量在一个水文年中发生显著变化,特别是丰水期与枯水期之间波动幅度较大;

    The main conclusions are as follows : The HCO3-ion content of Zhujiang River changes notably in one hydrological year , especially in wet season and dry season .

  17. 在S1、S2、S3、S4期小波熵均值在4个节律带的波动幅度要明显大于清醒期和快速眼动睡眠期。

    The fluctuated range of WE value of the four basal rhythm bands was obviously larger during S1 , S2 , S3 and S4 sleep stage than resting conscious stage and NREM sleep stage .

  18. 而NW向断裂带控矿作用相对较弱,元素含量波动幅度小,聚集能力相对较差,分异程度低。

    For the NW-trending fault zone , its ore-controlling effect is relatively weak , the element contents show a small variation , the capacity of element concentration is relatively poor and the degree of element fractionation is low .

  19. CMUS可导致实验大鼠昼夜24小时平均体温下降,峰值抬高,谷值降低,体温波动幅度变大,时相推后。

    CMUS could lead to an average of 24 hours temperature drops , fluctuations become larger , phase postponed .

  20. 其成本低,输出连续电流达50A,波动幅度小于0.05A。

    This circuit is low-cost , and its output current is up to 50 A , and the fluctuation of the current is no more than 0.05A .

  21. 小网工况下,电网对负荷变化敏感,频率波动幅度大,因此要求DEH一次调频动态响应快,稳态精度高。

    In the condition of small grids , power grid is sensitive of the load fluctuation , and its ' frequency fluctuates seriously . Thus , primary frequency regulation of DEH must response fast and have a high stable precision .

  22. 受Knight算法交易影响的148只股票中,至少有40只股票的股价波动幅度超过了10%,因断路开关机制在开盘15分钟后才投入运行,而且该机制反映的是股价波动性,而非指令流量。

    In total at least 40 of the 148 stocks affected by the Knight trading algo experienced a change of more than 10 per cent , as circuit breakers do not start operating until 15 minutes into the trading day and reflect volatility , not order flow .

  23. 晚全新世,尤其在2700aBP左右,气候模式发生了重大转折,波动幅度变大,可能与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)活动性增强有关。

    In the Late Holocene , especially at 2700 aBP , a distinct environmental change with the considerable amplitude of variation indicating an important climate transition in the tropical eastern Asia was recorded , probably responding to the enhancement of ENSO phenomena in the Pacific Ocean .

  24. 针对2000年以来的两次物价波动幅度较小,而且经历周期较短,用年度数据来描述存在一定局限性,因此同时采用了CPI的月度数据具体分析后两次物价波动的趋势和呈现的特征。

    Since 2000 the latter price fluctuations have the smaller ranges , and smaller period , there is limitation in the use of annual data . So this thesis also uses the monthly consumer price index inflation data to showing trends and characteristics in the latter price fluctuations .

  25. 结果(1)IIR组瞬间即引起平均动脉压下降30%。14h后平均动脉压下降38.5%,波动幅度增加1.6倍;

    Results ( 1 ) The mean artery pressures were decreased 30 % as soon as the superior mesenteric arteries were clamped and went down further to 38.5 % at 14 h after IIR with 1.6 times increase of variation range .

  26. 下层(115cm以下)土壤含水量高,波动幅度小,为土壤水分相对稳定层。

    Under layer ( 115cm below ) of soil contains the most water , and fluctuates less , and this is called comparatively stable floor .

  27. 利用MFA的自适应和抗滞后功能,减小了烟丝含水率的波动幅度,降低了干头干尾的数量,提高了卷烟生产质量。

    By means of the self-adaptability and anti-lag function of MFA , the fluctuation range of moisture content of cut tobacco was decreased , the amount of over-dried cut tobacco during start and finish of drying operation were reduced , and cigarette quality was improved .

  28. 运用NS-2对该算法进行仿真,测试结果表明它可以减少传输时延,降低服务器负载的波动幅度,实现链路的负载均衡,增加网络的容量,提高选播服务的可扩展性。

    This routing algorithm is simulated by NS-2.The test result indicates that it can reduce the delay of transmission , decrease the fluctuating range of severs load , implement the load-balancing of links , increase the capability of networks transmission , and improve the scalability of anycast service .

  29. 针对中国股票市场波动幅度大的特征,文章运用股指期货对上证50ETF和深证100ETF进行了套期保值实证研究。

    Aiming at the characteristics of China stock market fluctuations ' varying within wide limits , this paper takes Shanghai 50 ETF and Shenzhen 100 ETF for the hedge empirical study with the stock index futures .

  30. 改革以来,商品市场波动幅度反而显著上升。

    The fluctuation range of commodity market is getting larger .