
  • 网络Bohemian;Boho;Bohemia;Bohemian Style
  1. 信托自由儿的发型通常都很自然。虽然有能力购买一些时尚的设计师服装,信托自由儿却更愿意穿旧货店的衣服,便宜的T恤,破旧的牛仔裤,戴着嬉皮士或波西米亚风格的配饰。

    A trustafarian often wears his or her hair in natural styles . Although able to purchase fashionable designer clothing , a trustafarian prefers to wear thrift2 store clothes , inexpensive t-shirts , worn jeans and other hippie or bohemian accessories .

  2. 波西米亚风格代表着无忧无虑的自由,无疑令人陶醉。

    Bohemian style represents a care-free freedom that 's unquestionably intoxicating .

  3. 她说道:女人就不应该穿着波西米亚风格的衣服走来走去。

    She continued : ' No woman should be walking around in boho .

  4. 花样极具现代感,很有趣,还有,我的婚纱是略带波西米亚风格的杯形设计。

    So really fun with the cutouts very modern and it 's my little bohemian cupcake .

  5. 解读波西米亚风格服装

    Understanding the Bohemian Style Costume

  6. 波西米亚风格带着其历史与审美积淀,堪称服装设计中的经典风格之一。

    Bohemian style with its history and aesthetic heritage called one of the classic style of costume design .

  7. 如果你想给人留下浪漫而理想主义的印象,那么波西米亚风格便可一试。

    If you want to leave others with the impression that you 're a romantic individualist , try the Bohemian style .

  8. 当一位宁波市民将他的照片上传到网上后,他英俊的外表和波西米亚风格的穿着就为他赢得了大量的网络粉丝。

    His good looks and bohemian dress sense have won him thousands of online fans after a resident of Ningbo posted a picture online .

  9. 波西米亚风格的咖啡馆,广场上的户外派对,奢华高贵的葡萄酒俱乐部,音乐界庆典,以及其他各式各样的特色活动,让这热带之夜开始燃烧。

    Bohemian coffee houses , outdoor parties in the plaza , upscale wine clubs , musical celebrations , and special events heat up the tropical nights .

  10. 欢庆会上,艾薇儿身着一条波西米亚风格的飘逸长裙,推特上一些照片展示了她身着这条裙子走过婚礼会场附近游艇的画面。

    Avril wore a bohemian style flowing gown for the ceremony , pictures of the dress emerged on Twitter that show her walking past yachts near the wedding venue .

  11. 无论她是精心打扮出席晚会或是穿着简单的牛仔裤和皮靴,在不经意间别有一番韵味,波西米亚风格尽显。

    Whether she 's all done up for an evening out or wearing jeans and boots , she accessorizes with effortless flair and is the epitome of bohemian chic .

  12. 她解释了为什么卷发女性——安迪•麦克道尔除外——应该把头发拉直,还有为什么瑞秋•佐伊那种波西米亚风格的打扮永远不可能迷倒男人。

    She explains why curly-haired women - with the exception of - should always straighten their hair and why the look will never be a winner when it comes to a man .

  13. 她解释了为什么卷发女性安迪麦克道尔除外应该把头发拉直,还有为什么瑞秋佐伊那种波西米亚风格的打扮永远不可能迷倒男人。

    She explains why curly-haired women - with the exception of Andie McDowell - should always straighten their hair and why the Rachel Zoe boho look will never be a winner when it comes to bagging a man .

  14. 挖掘波西米亚风格服装的精髓,将其保留下来,发扬光大,为波西米亚风格的服装设计提供了一定的理论基础,并将其应用于现代社会中,具有一定的应用价值和理论研究价值。

    Mining the essence of the bohemian style of clothing , preserved , to flourish , to provide a theoretical basis for the bohemian fashion design , and applied to modern society , has certain application value and theoretical studies value .

  15. 但是不到几天,热爱八卦新闻的公众已经知道了宾客名单(包括丽莎·库卓[LisaKudrow]、奥兰多·布卢姆[OrlandoBloom]和莱克·贝尔[LakeBell])、安妮斯顿的婚纱款式(夏日波西米亚风格)和蛋糕样式(木偶主题)。

    But within days , the tabloid-hungry public already knew about the guest list ( which included Lisa Kudrow , Orlando Bloom and Lake Bell ) , Ms. Aniston 's dress ( summery , boho-inspired ) and their cake ( Muppets-themed ) .