
  • 网络sediment movement
  1. VR-GIS技术及其在泥沙运动分析中的应用

    VR-GIS Technique and Its Applications in Analyzing the Sediment Movement

  2. 在求解水流泥沙运动方程时,采用控制体积法(SIMPLEC程式)及动边界技术,对水流速度场、悬移质浓度场及河床变形进行了数值模拟。

    The control volume method ( SIMPLEC ) and movable boundary technique were used in solving the equations of water and sediment movement . The velocity field , the concentration field of the suspended load and the river-bed deformation were simulated .

  3. 这一结论和我们用~(226)Ra示踪法研究九龙江入海泥沙运动所得到的结果一致。

    This results agree with that obtained by other method ( i.e. method of ~ ( 226 ) Ra tracer ) .

  4. 沉积物的成分与BHC、DDT含量的关系亦未呈现规律性。BHC和DDT在珠江口区的分布规律反映了该区水文泥沙运动的特征。

    It can be illustrated that the distribution regular of BHC and DDT reflects the hydrodynamic character in Zhujiang Estuary .

  5. 根据ADCP实测水流资料,利用水文学、泥沙运动力学、河流动力学、数理统计相结合的方法,对长江口水流运动规律进行研究;

    Using ADCP and the related knowledge of hydrology , sediment kinetics mechanics , river kinetics mechanics and mathematical statistics , the law of tidal current in the Yangtze River Estuary is studied .

  6. 本文应用铱(Ir)作为信号元素制备示踪沙,并用中子活化分析方法检测信号元素的分布特征。在此基础上根据1988年8月现场测试结果探讨了天津港抛泥区泥沙运动规律。

    Iridium ( Ir ) was used as signal element in tracer sediment preparations used in field monitoring of sediment movement trends in the Tianjin Port spoil ground in August of 1988 . The distributional characteristics of the signal element were detected by using the neutron activation analysis method .

  7. 本文旨在根据ADCP水流实测资料及悬沙含量实测资料,并结合三维水流数学模型,对长江口水流泥沙运动规律进行研究。

    The purpose of this dissertation is to study the movement law of water flow and sediment in the Yangtze River Estuary based on measured data of water flow obtained from ADCP and of suspended sediment from the field samples , in a 3-D numerical model of water flow .

  8. 长江口拦门沙地区的泥沙运动规律

    The sediment dynamics in the Changjiang River estuary mouth bar area

  9. 本文以水流和泥沙运动规律的研究成果为基础,建立了平面二维水沙模型。

    Based on the unsteady flow and laws of sediment movement .

  10. 可活化稳定同位素示踪法研究泥沙运动初探

    A preliminary investigation of silt motion with activable stable isotope tracers

  11. 泥沙运动引起的环境问题及环境泥沙学

    Environmental Problems Caused by Sediment Motion and Mechanics of Environmental Sediment

  12. 泥沙运动方程和数学模型中有关问题的讨论

    A brief discussion on basic equations and mathematical model of sedimentation

  13. 城市排水沟道中泥沙运动流速分析

    Study on the Velocity of Silt Movement in Urban Drainage Ditches

  14. 福建宁德半岛沿岸泥沙运动和沉积速率研究

    Longshore Sediment Movement and sedimentation rates of Ningde peninsula , fujian

  15. 一种新的河道&维水流泥沙运动数值模拟方法

    A New One-Dimensional Numerical Modeling Method of River Flow and Sedimentation

  16. 紊流和泥沙运动的随机理论

    Exercise . The stochastic theory of turbulence and sediment transport

  17. 长江口南港泥沙运动的水动力条件

    Hydrodynamic conditions for sediment movement in South Waterway of Yangtze River Estuary

  18. 高含沙水库泥沙运动数学模型的研究及应用

    Mathematical model for movement of high concentrated sediment in reservoirs

  19. 时间变态对水流及泥沙运动的影响的初步分析

    A Preliminary Study on the Influences of Time Distortion of Scale Models

  20. 泥沙运动的主要动力是潮流和海浪。

    The main force which cause sediment movement is tide and wave .

  21. 天津港抛泥区泥沙运动规律的研究

    A study on sediment movement trends in the Tianjin Port spoil ground

  22. 预沉池中悬移质泥沙运动特性研究

    Study on the Characteristics of Sediment Movement in Precipitation Tank

  23. 工程动态效应对粉沙质泥沙运动的影响

    The Influence of Project Dynamic State Effect on the Moment Silty Sand

  24. 粉沙质海岸泥沙运动及航道淤积机理研究

    Study of Sediment Transport and Channel Siltation on Silty Coast

  25. 取水口附近水流泥沙运动的三维数值模拟

    D simulation of the flow and sediment transport near a water intake

  26. 明渠水流泥沙运动水深平均及力矩方程的理论和验证

    Depth-Averaged and Moment Equations for Flow and Suspended Sediment Transport

  27. 河流悬移质泥沙运动模拟方法研究

    A Study on Simulating Methods of River Suspending Sediment Movement

  28. 粉沙质海岸的界定及其泥沙运动特点

    Definition of silt-sandy beach and its characteristics of sediment movement

  29. 推移质泥沙运动理论模型及运动过程计算

    Bed Load Movement Theoretical Model and the Movement Process Calculation

  30. 海岸沙坝运动和相关泥沙运动的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Coast Sandbar Movement and Related Sediment Movement