
ní wǎ jiang
  • mason;bricklayer;plasterer;tiler
泥瓦匠 [ní wǎ jiàng]
  • [bricklayer;mason;plasterer;tiler] 用砖或砌块和砂浆砌筑房屋、烟囱或其他构筑物的工人

  1. 那男孩子被送给一个泥瓦匠当学徒。

    The boy was apprenticed to a bricklayer .

  2. 作为一个泥瓦匠的儿子,宾在试图追寻四种不同的职业生涯时遇到过难以计数的挫折。

    The son of a bricklayer , Bing has overcome multiple setbacks to surge ahead in four different careers .

  3. 马丁(RogerMartin)是个退休泥瓦匠,他的家在巴黎北部的远郊区,后院里有个很大的花园。

    Roger Martin , a retired stone mason , had a huge garden in the back of his house in a far northern suburb of Paris .

  4. 一个亮丽的新水塔已经建好了;在水泥搅拌机和泥瓦匠的喧嚣声中,Sathya与乡亲们即将入住的新居已经初具规模。

    Already , a bright new water tank has been set up . And , amid the crunch of cement mixers and shouts of masons , the new settlement , which will soon house Sathya and her people , is taking shape .

  5. 她的丈夫是一个泥瓦匠,他们有两个女儿。

    She is married to a mason and has two daughters .

  6. 工头又雇佣了十多个人作泥瓦匠。

    The foreman took on ten more men as bricklayers .

  7. 泥瓦匠用石头或砖垒的一栋建筑。

    Something built of stone or brick by a mason .

  8. 为泥瓦匠或砖瓦匠供应材料的人。

    A laborer who carries supplies to masons or bricklayers .

  9. 我们可以省出四位泥瓦匠借你一周。大人。

    We can spare four masons for a week , My Lord .

  10. 可以用一些钱来为每栋房屋的泥瓦匠进行培训,

    you can train masons for dollars on every house

  11. 大家知道丹尼尔是个泥瓦匠吗?

    Does everybody know that daniel 's a tiler ?

  12. 我想那个泥瓦匠从梯子上掉下来了!

    I think the plasterer fell off the ladder !

  13. 是建筑大师、泥瓦匠还是助理泥瓦匠?

    Was it the master architect ? The mason ? An assistant mason ?

  14. 他骑脚踏车去叫泥瓦匠。

    He pedaled off to summon a mason .

  15. 这是两个泥瓦匠的意外发现。

    Two Masons with an accidental find .

  16. 就可能使得全国三万至四万的泥瓦匠接受辅导,

    there is the possibility to reach out to 30000 -- 40000 masons across the country

  17. 一种有把手的方板;泥瓦匠可以用它来托运水泥。

    A square board with a handle ; used by masons to hold or carry mortar .

  18. 我们跟这些泥瓦匠切割这些石块,让它们做医院的墙。

    We worked with these masons to cut these stones and form them into the walls of the hospital .

  19. 关怀非洲组织帮助培训当地泥瓦匠,让他们学会如何修建低成本的家用厕所,还帮助社区水管理协会的成员掌握维修水井的技术。

    Africare trained local masons to build low-cost household latrines and trained community water association members to maintain the wells .

  20. 他的工作是给铁匠拉风箱。工头又雇佣了十多个人作泥瓦匠。

    His job is to blow the bellows for the blacksmith . The foreman took on ten more men as bricklayers .

  21. “如果香克利是安菲尔德的工头,佩斯利就是准备用他的双手建立一个帝国的泥瓦匠。”汤米-史密斯。

    " If Shankly was the Anfield foreman , Paisley was the brickie , ready to build an empire with his own hands . " Tommy Smith .

  22. 在那儿我们能看到一个真正的分工合作,不过是木匠、泥瓦匠和没有技术的劳工把材料搬来搬去等等。

    There we see a real division of labor , but with carpenters , masons , unskilled labor just to carry materials to and fro , and so on .

  23. 请允许我讲最后一个故事,这是许多年前我爷爷讲给我听过的:有八个外出打工的泥瓦匠,为避一场暴风雨,躲进了一座破庙。

    Bear with me , please , for one last story , one my grandfather told me many years ago : A group of eight out-of-town bricklayers took refuge from a storm in a rundown temple .