
  • 网络South East
  1. 60年前,罗菲帕克康复中心(RoffeyParkRehabilitationCentre)在英格兰东南部的霍舍姆开业。

    Sixty years ago in Horsham in the south east of England , the Roffey Park Rehabilitation Centre opened for business .

  2. 英国(尤其是伦敦和英格兰东南部)是世界上房价最高的地区之一。

    Prices , particularly in London and the South East , are among the highest in the world .

  3. 英格兰东南部蕈样肉芽肿病患者的存活率

    Survival of mycosis fungoides in patients in the Southeast of England

  4. 玛丽卡·卡普在英格兰东南部肯特郡为您报道。

    Mallika kapur Kent , in the southeast of England .

  5. 英格兰东南部的自治镇,在伦敦西北方向。

    Watford is an autonomous township , lying to the northwest of London .

  6. 英格兰东南部一郡;第一个被罗马人殖民的地方。

    A county in southeastern England ; the first to be colonized by the Romans .

  7. 目前英格兰东南部经济增长强劲,而且利率也很低。

    The economy is currently strong in Southeast england , plus we have low interest rates .

  8. 分析还发现,居住在英格兰东南部的人们更容易遇到老年歧视的问题。

    The analysis found that people in the south-east of England were more likely to have experienced ageism .

  9. 英邦联合王国的首都和最大城市,位于英格兰东南部泰晤士河沿岸。

    The capital and largest city of the United Kingdom , on the Thames River in southeast England .

  10. 河口英语口音分布在英格兰东南部,东英吉利地区,更远的地方可能也有分布。

    Features of this accent can be heard around Southeast England , East Anglia , and perhaps further afield .

  11. 查是一个小村庄和民间教区,在肯特郡阿什福德区,在英格兰东南部。

    Charing is a small village and civil parish in the Ashford District of Kent , in south-east England .

  12. 它是伦敦周围的建筑链的一个,是由诺曼人为了控制英格兰东南部而建的。

    It was one of the chain of fortifications built around London by the Normans to control the south-east of England .

  13. 萨塞克斯是英格兰东南部的一个郡,沿着英吉利海峡一直延伸到英国南海岸。

    Sussex is a county in the south east of England , stretching down to the southern coast along the English channel .

  14. 土地利用规划与生物多样性&《针对英格兰东南部地区规划和发展部门的生物多样性指南》评介

    Land Use Planning and Biodiversity : A comment on a biodiversity guide for the planning and development sectors in south east England

  15. 其中40%的房产位于英格兰东南部地区,另有1.5万处房产位于伦敦。

    Forty percent of the homes and apartments are in the South East of England , with 15000 properties alone in London .

  16. 英国首都和最大城市;位于英格兰东南部泰晤士河沿岸;英国经济、工业和文化中心。

    The capital and largest city of England ; located on the Thames in southeastern England ; financial and industrial and cultural center .

  17. 邢知中学有许多姐妹学校在世界各地,其中之一是梅德斯通文法学校在英格兰东南地区。

    Xing Zhi Middle School has many sister schools around the world , one of which is Maidstone Grammar School in south-east England .

  18. 作为新英格兰东南主要的外伤中心,该院致力于站在医学和研究的前沿。

    A major trauma center for southeastern New England , the hospital is dedicated to being on the cutting edge of medicine and research .

  19. 杀人未遂获保释后,被禁止探视儿子的她又冒充汤姆的姑妈进入了位于英格兰东南部的赫特福德郡的私人疗养院。

    On bail for his attempted murder and banned from seeing him , she entered his nursing home in Hertfordshire by posing as his aunt .

  20. 三,英格兰东南部的农业发展,是伦敦人口增长、城市扩展的坚固后盾。

    Thirdly , the agricultural development in the southeast of England was a strong backing force for the development of London and the population increase in London .

  21. 我听说,在英格兰东南部,有一个家庭在发现他们的女儿患有糖尿病之后,全家人一整年都没吃过含糖的东西。

    I 've heard that a whole family in South East England lived sugar free for a whole year after they found out their daughter had diabetes .

  22. 缺点:英国相对来说地域比较小,事实上标准的英音只存在于英格兰东南部,而且都是演员们和电视主持人说的!

    CON : Britain is relatively small and the standard accent actually is only really spoken in the SE of England , and by actors and TV presenters !

  23. 另外一个观点与土地压力有关。在英格兰东南部等地区,我们大多数人都不喜欢看到土地被混凝土覆盖。

    The other argument relates to the pressure on land in areas such as the south-east of England , which most of us do not want to see concreted over .

  24. 在英格兰东南部,自春季以来,用水量已经比去年下降了10%,这多亏了不准使用橡胶软管的禁令以及一场公众信息宣传运动。

    In the south-east of England , water consumption since spring is down 10 per cent on last year , thanks to a hosepipe ban and a public information campaign .

  25. 我最近听到的理由是,人们受够了政府、税收、英格兰东南部陈旧的基础设施、学校问题和天气。

    The reasons I have been given recently are that people are fed up with the government , taxes , creaking infrastructure in the south-east , problems with schools and the weather .

  26. 伦敦和英格兰东南部地区得益于全球化和服务业的发展,而其它许多地区则未能在重工业衰落后改弦易辙。

    London and the south-east benefited from globalisation and the growth of a service economy , while many of the regions have failed to reinvent themselves following the decline of heavy industry .

  27. 但毫无疑问,英国创造财富的地区,正将越来越多的税收重新分配给其它地区&伦敦和英格兰东南部地区总共贡献了英国43%的税收。

    But unquestionably the wealth-generating parts of Britain are redistributing increasing amounts of tax to the regions – overall London and the south-east produce 43 per cent of total UK tax revenues .

  28. 从初创公司及高成长企业所在地的相关数据中,我发现了同样的趋势:英格兰东南部地区拥有的初创公司比例高得惊人,堪称英国的未来所在。

    I see the same trends in statistics about start-ups and the locations of high-growth companies : the south-east of England hosts a massively disproportionate number of the entrepreneurial companies that are our future .

  29. 伦敦,英国的首都,位于英格兰的东南方,泰晤士河流经这里。

    London , capital of Great Britain , SE England , on both sides of the Thames River .

  30. 同时,预计苏格兰的部分地区和英格兰的东南部和东部会有更多的雪和冰冻的温度。

    Meanwhile , more snow and freezing temperatures are expected for parts of Scotland and southeastern and eastern England .