
  • 网络English Tea;Black Tea;English black tea
  1. 现磨蓝山咖啡,英国红茶,可乐,雪碧,橙汁,桃汁,英式奶茶,进口红酒,英国威士忌,啤酒。

    Grinding Blue Mountain Coffee , English Tea , Coke , Sprite , Orange Juice , Peach Juice , English Milk Tea , Import Red Wine , English Whisky , Beer .

  2. 课件呈现一杯英国红茶。

    Yes , a cup of black tea , please .

  3. 现在英国红茶可以饮用了,啊,真是美味呀。

    And now the tea is ready to drink . Ah , delicious .

  4. 因为你们国家从中国进口红茶和绿茶,同时印度是英国红茶主要的输出国。

    For your country imports both black and green tea from China as well-India being one of the leading exporters of black tea to U.K.

  5. 本论文主要分为四部分:绪论、中国茶文化的历史发展与世界茶文化经典代表(日本茶道文化与英国红茶文化)的特点、茶文化旅游开发(意义、现状分析与开发设想),结论。

    C ) contemporary cultural tourism development ( significance , developmental status analysis , and discussion to the future exploitation ), and d ) the conclusion .

  6. 走访英国的红茶生活。

    Memories of english tea life .

  7. 英国作家对红茶情有独钟,奥斯丁特将此喜好写进了小说《傲慢与偏见》中。

    As a soft spot of English writers , black tea found its way to Jane Austen 's Pride and Prejudice .