
  1. 收购Natwest后不久,弗雷德爵士开始计划在爱丁堡机场附近修建新的集团总部。他以前的同事们表示,弗雷德爵士参与了建筑工程中的所有环节。

    Shortly after the Natwest deal , he started planning a new group headquarters near Edinburgh airport and , former colleagues say , was involved in every aspect of the construction .

  2. 在苏格兰,雪和积冰迫使爱丁堡机场在星期一夜间临时关闭。

    In Scotland , snow and accumulating ice forced Edinburgh Airport to close briefly Monday night .

  3. 中国代表团主要和爱丁堡机场讨论了怎样把大熊猫送往爱丁堡动物园的问题。

    Discussions have been taking place between Edinburgh Airport and Chinese delegates over the travel plans for moving the bears to Edinburgh Zoo .

  4. 如果您途经爱丁堡机场,为何不在登机前于爱丁堡机场贵宾室放松一下呢?

    If you are traveling on business or leisure through Edinburgh Airport , why not sit back and relax before your flight inside the Edinburgh Airport Lounge ?

  5. 只要您途径爱丁堡机场,都可以在登机前或转换航班前进入贵宾室,在独特氛围中享受舒适宁静,让您的旅程有个最好的开始。

    Whenever they travel through Edinburgh , our global members enjoy lounge access before or between flights and benefit from peace and quiet in exclusive surroundings-a great way to start any trip .

  6. 爱丁堡及盖特威克机场均因风雪而关闭,选择乘火车穿越海峡前往欧洲大陆的旅客同样需面对欧洲之星晚点的无奈。

    Edinburgh and Gatwick airports were closed and those trying to reach the continent by rail faced delays on Eurostar services .