
yīnɡ ɡuó wén huà xié huì
  • British Counsel
  1. 该活动由英国文化协会和GREAT英国推广活动主办,在全球70多个国家开展。

    The programme will run in more than seventy countries , led by the British Council and the Great Britain campaign .

  2. 另一个选择是英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)推出的“学英语语法”应用(LearnEnglishGrammar)。

    Another option is the LearnEnglish Grammar app from the British Council .

  3. 你不应该规定那些对特定的群体或者个人有潜在的损害(或不利)的要求。举例来说,在英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)的海外办事处的经验经历。

    You should not state requirements which could potentially disadvantage particular groups or individuals , e.g.previous experience in a British Council office overseas .

  4. 去新德里看我叔叔时,我在他书房的桌上看到了一摞包装考究的精装书,这是他从英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)的图书馆里借来的。

    Visiting my uncle in New Delhi , I saw a stack of elegant hardcovers on a table in his study , borrowed from the library of the British Council .

  5. 就在上个月,英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)曾警告称,英国对一些外国语人才的缺乏已到达危险的程度,而这些外国语被视为对英国未来保持繁荣以及全球地位至关重要。

    Only last month , the British Council warned of an " alarming shortage " of Britons able to speak languages identified as key to the UK 's future prosperity and global standing .

  6. 英国文化协会(britishcouncil)即将发表的一份报告《englishnextindia》(我希望该协会能够在报告发表前找出加标点的方法)指出,现在印度讲英语的人可能没有中国多。

    A forthcoming British Council report , English next India ( I hope the Council can find a way of punctuating that before it comes out ) , says India may now have fewer English speakers than China .

  7. 英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)公布的一份新研究报告称,中国说英语的人数可能已经超过了印度。鉴于英国在南亚殖民统治留下的语言传统,这一变化颇不寻常。

    A new study published by the British Council says China may already have more English speakers than India , a remarkable development , given the language legacy of British colonial rule in south Asia .

  8. 生于贝尔法斯特的科纳尔•霍尼(ConalHoney,见上图)获得了英国文化协会(BritishCouncil)的资助,为中国深圳科技企业软通动力(iSoftStone)工作。

    Belfast-born Conal Honey ( above ) received funding from the British Council to work for the Chinese tech firm , iSoftStone , in Shenzhen .

  9. 英国文化协会代表中国雅思网络与中国国家教育部考试中心正式签署了在中国合作举办IELTS考试的协议。

    On behalf of China IELTS Network , British Council and China National Educational Examinations Authority signed an agreement to jointly manage IELTS tests in China .

  10. 英国文化协会的报告认为,中国的公办学校条件好于印度。

    The report says that China 's government schools are better-equipped than India 's.

  11. 她是英国文化协会奖学金的获得者。

    She was a British Council scholar .

  12. 据英国文化协会早些时候的一项研究,1995年中国已有2亿英语使用者。

    According to an earlier British Council study , China had 200m English users in 1995 .

  13. 假日学习中心经英国文化协会谁的地区性英语课程项。

    As well as formal study , we concentrate on the holiday aspect of the Course .

  14. 不去管它,我被英国文化协会招聘到这里,同时招来的还有其他25个老师。

    But nevertheless , I was recruited by the British Council , along with about 25 other teachers .

  15. 请注意哪怕声明曾经犯罪也不等于你会自动失去被英国文化协会聘用的资格。

    Please be aware that declaring a conviction will not automatically disqualify you from being employed by the British Council .

  16. 1947-1948年间获英国文化协会旅居研究奖而留英。

    From 1947 to 1948 he stayed in Britain since he was awarded " Sojourn Research Prize " by British Council .

  17. 专修学院、大专学校及工业学院:直接去函有关院校由请或经由英国文化协会代办。

    Further education colleges and higher education colleges : apply to the relevant institutions concerned or to the British Council offices .

  18. 英国文化协会学校和技能总监马克·赫伯特对报考汉语人数增加表示欢迎。

    Mark Herbert , director of schools and skills at the British Council , welcomed the rise in Chinese A-level entries .

  19. 理查德赖利,英国文化协会伦敦视觉艺术部展览中心主任,及其助理艾米莉巴特尔。

    Richard riley , head of exhibitions , assisted by Emily Butler in the Visual Arts Department of the British Council in london .

  20. 雅斯由三家机构共同管理:英国文化协会,澳大利亚国际教育开发署亚斯处,剑桥大学亚斯考试委员会。

    IELTS is jointly managed by British Council , IDP : IELTS Australia and the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations ( Cambridge ESOL ) .

  21. 这种情况令人不安。因为英国文化协会报告指出,需要英语的不仅是技术人员和外包工人。

    This is troubling because , the British Council report says , it is not only technology and outsourcing workers who will need English .

  22. 今年,印度泰米尔纳德邦政府请英国文化协会测试一组小学教师的英语口语技能。

    This year , the government of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu asked the British Council to test the English-speaking skills of a group of primary teachers .

  23. 对英国文化协会而言,无论是在俄罗斯还是在伊朗,当本地员工被召去谈话以便向他们施压时,那就是警告信号。

    For the British Council the warning signs in both Russia and Iran came when local members of staff were summoned to interviews aimed at putting pressure on them .

  24. 陪同首相一起访问这所小学的成员还有英国文化协会主席文龙先生及中国区主任白琼娜女士。

    He also saluted the work of the British Council , whose Chair , Vernon Ellis , and China Regional Director , Joanna Burke , were in the classroom .

  25. 每位新的科学家将获得去英国文化协会学习参观的资格,并且有机会把他们的研究工作在皇家协会展示。

    One of the Fresh Scientists will win a study tour to the UK courtesy of the British Council and have the opportunity to present their work at the Royal Institution .

  26. 为庆祝青马大桥正式启用,英国文化协会与临时市政局于一九九七年五月在科学馆合办了一项活的桥梁展览。

    To celebrate the official opening of the Tsing Ma bridge , the British Council and the Provisional Urban Council jointly presented a living bridges exhibition in the museum in may1997 .

  27. 根据英国文化协会发布的首部中国大陆地区雅思考试考生表现白皮书显示,上海的考生在一项英语语言能力国际标准化考试的表现居全国之首。

    Shanghai leads the mainland in an international standardized test of English language proficiency , according to the British Council 's inaugural white paper on mainland test takers ' IELTS performance .

  28. 英国文化协会很早就感觉到了那里的政治动荡,在当地员工受到恐吓和骚扰后,被迫在有争议的选举前关闭了伊朗办公室。

    The British Council felt the political unrest there early and was forced to close its Iranian offices this year before the disputed elections after intimidation and harassment of its local staff .

  29. 不过,请务必恢复并扩大英国文化协会图书馆的馆藏,并派遣你们最优秀的作家、(尤其是)演员访问印度。

    But do , please , restore and enhance the collections of the British Council libraries , and do send your best writers and ( especially ) actors on tours to India .

  30. 总之,我和其他25位老师一起被英国文化协会聘用。我们是第一批非穆斯林的老师,在科威特的国立学校任教。

    But nevertheless , I was recruited by the British Council along with about 25 other teachers . And we were the first non-Muslims to teach in the state schools there in Kuwait .