
mǐn miè
  • vanish;disappear;die out
泯灭 [mǐn miè]
  • (1) [die out]∶消灭;消失

  • 往者汉祚衰微,率土分崩,生民之命,几于泯灭。--《三国志.钟会传》

  • (2) [disappear;vanish]∶[形迹、印象等] 消灭

  • 难以泯灭的印象

泯灭[mǐn miè]
  1. 我会带着那尚未完全泯灭的亲切印象,离别这个浮华喧闹的地方。

    I can bear the kind impression that that has not die out completely , leave this buckish and Bacchic place .

  2. 我们祈祷我们感受到的来自我们社会的同情和无私将不会泯灭;相反,这条链子将会越来越大。

    We pray the compassion and selflessness we have experienced from our community will not die out , but rather that the circle will grow larger .

  3. 在Web应用迅速发展的过程中,虚拟主机(virtualhost)技术发挥了不可泯灭的作用。

    With the booming development of Web applications , the virtual host ( vhost for short ) technique has played an indelible role .

  4. 我们的爱还遗留在那里没有泯灭。

    I found our love had been still left there without damaging .

  5. 良知的泯灭,意味着法律职业群体的堕落。

    Conscience vanishing means degenerating of the legal professional group .

  6. 突然,恐惧淹没了渴望,泯灭了回忆。

    Suddenly , fear overtook longing , erasing memories .

  7. 只是成功泯灭我的口信而已。

    Only if they succeed in silencing my message .

  8. 永远不要放弃,永远不要让你的希望泯灭;

    Never give up , never let it die ;

  9. 影片给人留下了难以泯灭的印象。

    The film left an indelible impression on people .

  10. 弗莱德试图理解1933年的理想泯灭。

    He had tried to understand the collapse of the ideals of 1933 .

  11. 公民精神因匮乏而泯灭,并且根本没有人注意到它的泯灭。

    The spirit of citizenship died of starvation and no one observed it die .

  12. 任何故事都只能昙花一现,注定要泯灭。

    Any story is ephemeral and doomed .

  13. 在这一过程中,她不自觉地走入了极端,泯灭了自己的人性。

    In this process , she has unconsciously gone to extremes and distorted her personality .

  14. 但我的梦想并没有象我的良知一样泯灭。

    But my dreams they aren 't as empty as my conscience seems to be .

  15. 文化从此泯灭,我们将尽最大努力来拯救我们的城市!

    Culture be destroyed , and we would do everything we can to save our city !

  16. 人之灵魂,在肉身死后,并不泯灭或无知觉。

    7a . At death the spirit of man does not cease to exist or become unconscious .

  17. 成功的喜悦过后即是平淡,而相比创业之初的激情和活力确是永远无法泯灭的。

    Ordinary days come after success . however , the original enthusiasm and energy would never disappear .

  18. 焦虑、恐惧和缺乏自信会使心情沮丧,意志泯灭。

    Worry , fear , self distrust blows the heart and turns the spirit back to dust .

  19. 时间:人总是千方百计地消磨时光,可是到头来泯灭的却是自己。

    Time : That which man is always trying to kill , but which ends in killing him .

  20. 在寻金路上,天性泯灭,道德沦丧,污染四处漫延。

    In the race for money , we lose our human nature , human morality , all polluted .

  21. 网络阅读对传统期刊已经构成了严重的挑战,但期刊的特性并没有泯灭。

    When net-text reading is challenging the life and development of conventional journal production , its properties unscathed .

  22. 在九七以后,香港文学并没有像有些人担忧的那样走向萎缩和泯灭个性,而是获得了一个良好的生存环境。

    Since 1997 , Hongkong literature has got a better existing environment instead of declining and losing its individuality .

  23. 当单纯的挣钱泯灭了创意以及创意背后的愤怒,你就不再是创业者了。

    When accumulating money drives out the ideas and the anger behind them , you are no longer an entrepreneur .

  24. 一位外国投资人聘请律师调查她银行帐户失踪的六百一十五万美元。愿贪污和贪婪的风气泯灭。

    A foreign investor hired a lawyer to investigate the disappearance of US $ 6.15 million from her bank account .

  25. 道德的沦丧理想的泯灭&《快乐之家》与《名利场》之比较

    The Corruption of Morals , The Ruin of Ideals & A Comparison Between The House of Mirth and Vanity Fair

  26. 杀戮竟然成为了岛上的游戏,童心不复存在,自我最终泯灭。

    Unexpectedly , killing becomes the only " game " on the island and innocence is no longer in existence .

  27. 再见了,妈妈。妈妈在哭呢,他有点不屑,心里涌起了几乎已泯灭的怜悯。

    Goodbye , mamma , she is weeping , and , he feels a mild contempt , an almost lost compassion .

  28. 面对生存困境,人们并没有放弃实现自我价值的可能,自我理想并没有泯灭。

    Facing survival difficult position , the people have not given up realizing the self-value possibility , self-ideal has not disappeared .

  29. 因而,我的肉体一旦泯灭,你失去的不过是生命的渣滓,

    So then thou hast but lost the dregs of life , The prey of worms , my body being dead ,

  30. 二是他斗争失败后,皈依佛门,护僧取经,终至个性泯灭,丧失自我。

    He loses himself after his failure , when he is converted to Buddhism to escort the Monk seeking the sacred books .