
xǐ bì tài
  • Chlorhexidine
  1. HPLC法测定复方洗必泰漱口液中主药的含量

    Determination of the main components in co chlorhexidine gargle by HPLC

  2. 目的观察和探讨洗必泰涂料对正畸儿童牙面菌斑中细菌总数和变形链球菌数的影响,以及唾液pH值的改变。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of chlorhexidine varnish on Streptococcus mutans and total bacterial count in dental plaque of orthodontic children , and the changes of salivary pH.

  3. 用HPLC法同时测定洗必泰及有关杂质对氯苯胺的研究

    A Study on the Simultaneous HPLC Determination of Chlorhexidine and Its Impurity

  4. HPLC法测定复方保健药液Ⅰ号中醋酸洗必泰的含量

    Determination of Chlorhexidine Acetate in Compound Solution by HPLC

  5. HPLC法测定双唑泰泡腾片中甲硝唑、克霉唑和醋酸洗必泰的含量

    HPLC Determination of Metronidazole , Clotrimazole and Chlorhexidine Acetate in Their Compound Effervescent Tablets

  6. 洗必泰溶液4日、7日带菌率均小于凉开水1日带菌率,二者比较具有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

    The bacteria-containing rate of hibitane solution at days 4 and 7 was lower than cool boiled water at day 1 ( P < 0.01 ) .

  7. 洗必泰MIC作用下大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌SDS-PAGE图谱的变化

    Changes of SDS-PAGE map of S. aureus and E. coli under minimal inhibitory concentration of chlorhexidine

  8. 葡萄糖酸洗必泰在263nm处,3~18μg/ml浓度(Y)范围内,谷零间振幅X对Y呈良好线性。

    At 263 nm , the linear relation of valley zero range with concentration of chlorhexidine gluconate was in good over the concentration range of 3 ~ 18 μ g / ml.

  9. 消毒纸巾(主要浸有洗必泰醇溶液)擦拭3分钟可将皮肤表面滴度为1:32的HBsAg破坏。

    Wipo with disinfection tissue ( impregnated mainly with chlorhexidine alcohol solution ) could destroy HBsAg at a titer of 1:32 on the skin after contact for 3 min.

  10. 也有关于ICU使用洗必泰溶液、呋喃西林、甲硝唑、碳酸氢钠、双氧水、稀释碘伏溶液及各种中药制剂等进行口腔护理的报道。

    Reports on the use of chlorhexidine solution , metronidazole , sodium bicarbonate , hydrogen peroxide , diluted povidone iodine solution , and herbal preparations , and so on were also found .

  11. 洗必泰组牙本质表面的MTA纤维状凝胶的水化产物整体数量增加,晶体成分减少。

    A plenty of fiber-type gelatinous hydrated products and a reduced amount of crystals of MTA on the dentin surface in 2 % chlorhexidine group was noted .

  12. 试验菌对洗必泰的抗力不变,细菌染色体DNAXbaⅠPFGE酶切图谱不变。

    The resistance of the test bacteria to chlorhexidine did not change and the Xba ⅰ PFGE cleavage map of the bacterial chromosome DNA also did not change .

  13. 结论坦克训练后开盖通风30min,内表面用石炭酸及洗必泰消毒均取得明显效果,可在坦克部队内推广。

    Conclusion The covers were opened for ventilation for 30 minutes after tank training , better results of disinfection of inside surface with carbonic acid and hibitane were obtained . So it can be spread in the tank force .

  14. 本文应用双波长分光光度法,在231nm、284.5nm和317nm波长处,以硼砂缓冲液(pH8.2)作溶剂,直接测定替硝唑和醋酸洗必泰的含量,方法简便,结果准确。

    This paper reported the quantitative determination of tinidazole and chlorhexidine acetate in the compound Tinidazole gargle by double wavelength spectrometry at wavelengths of 231.0 nm , 284.5 nm and 317.0 nm .

  15. 应用消毒剂新洁尔灭、洗必泰醋酸盐,利凡诺作体外杀精子试验,其最低杀精浓度分别为0.25mg/ml、2.5mg/ml、7.5mg/ml。

    The spermicidal potency of Bromo-geramine , Chlorhexidine diacetate and Rivanol was studied in vitro by Sander-Cramer test The minimun concentration of spermicidal activity were 0.25mg / ml , 2.5mg/ml and 7.5mg/ml respectively .

  16. 显色反应在醋酸洗必泰测定中的应用

    Application of the Determining the Reaction between Chlorhexidine and Alzarin Bordeaux

  17. 洗必泰影响肺炎克雷伯菌形成生物被膜的体外研究

    In vitro effect of chlorhexidine on biofilm formation of Klebsiella pneumoniae

  18. 复方洗必泰漱口液杀灭微生物效果与稳定性的试验观察

    Experimental Observation on Germicidal Efficacy and Stability of Compound Chlorhexidine Gargle

  19. 复方洗必泰漱口液质量分析方法的建立及抑菌作用

    Quality analysis and bacteriostatic evaluation on compound chlorhexidine gargle in vitro

  20. 刺痛试验阳性患者发生洗必泰速发过敏的症状

    Symptoms of immediate chlorhexidine hypersensitivity in patients with a positive prick test

  21. 洗必泰溶液用于氧气湿化液的研究

    Study on the Use of Hibitane Solution as Oxygen-wetting Solution

  22. 洗必泰醇溶液用于洁净室空气消毒的效果观察

    Observation of disinfectant effect of hibitane alcohol solution on sterilizing clean room

  23. 醋酸洗必泰与茜素络合物显色反应的研究

    Study of the reaction between chlorhexidine acetate and Alizarin complexone

  24. 多组分分析程序测定复方洗必泰溶液含量

    Determination of compound hibitane solution by multicomponent analysis program

  25. 洗必泰碘络合物在感染伤口中的抗菌作用

    The antibacterial action of chlorhexidine-iodine complex in infected wound

  26. 含氟涂膜与洗必泰涂膜联合使用的抗酸性研究

    Study on Acid-resistance of Chlorhexidine - Fluoride Varnish Mixture

  27. 洗必泰的耳蜗毒性实验研究

    An Experimental study of cochlear toxicity of Chlorhexidine

  28. 复方醋酸洗必泰溶液测定方法的研究

    Studies on Determination of compound chlorhexidine acetate solution

  29. 本文采用二阶导数分光光度法直接测定醋酸洗必泰漱口液的含量。

    The paper reportes the direct determination of chlorhexidine Acetate Gargle by Second derivative spectrophotometry .

  30. 洗必泰洗手消毒液的效果评价

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of disinfectant solution