
xǐ shǒu
  • wash;wash one's hand;stop doing evil and reform oneself
洗手 [xǐ shǒu]
  • (1) [wash ones hand]∶用水洗掉手上的污染物

  • (2) [stop doing evil and reform oneself]∶比喻盗贼赌徒等改邪归正

  • 小人以前原也作些小道儿上的买卖,后来洗手不干。--《儿女英雄传》

洗手[xǐ shǒu]
  1. 为了卫生,请洗手。

    In the interests of hygiene , please wash your hands .

  2. 洗洗手去,你的手脏极了!

    Go and wash your hands ; they 're absolutely black !

  3. 丹挽起袖子洗了洗手。

    Dan rolled up his sleeves and washed his hands .

  4. 墙上的牌子上写着“请洗手”。

    The sign on the wall said ' Now wash your hands ' .

  5. 接触食物前尤其对洗手不能有半点马虎。

    Be particularly fastidious about washing your hands before touching food .

  6. 她起身在洗手池里吐了起来。

    She got up and was sick in the handbasin

  7. 便后要洗手。

    Wash your hands after using the toilet

  8. 饭前不洗手,不卫生。

    It is unsanitary to eat without washing one 's hands .

  9. 饭前洗手。

    Wash your hands before meals .

  10. 饭前洗手洗脸是好习惯。

    It 's a good habit to wash up before a meal .

  11. 等等我,我必须洗洗手。

    Wait for me . I have to clean up .

  12. 那男孩已养成饭前洗手的习惯。

    The boy has got into the habit of washing his hands before meals .

  13. 饭前要洗洗手。

    You must wash before dinner .

  14. 他一直在搓着手,好像是在洗手,并且不停地笑。

    He was rubbing his hands all the time as if he was washing them , and smiling without stopping .

  15. 用肥皂洗手可以防止婴儿生病,保证儿童在学校里的健康。

    Handwashing with soap prevents babies from getting ill and keeps children healthy in school .

  16. 好吧,研究表明,经常用肥皂洗手的人数远远不够。

    Well , research shows that not enough people often wash their hands with soap .

  17. 然而,用肥皂洗手并不像你想象的那样频繁。

    However , washing hands with soap does not happen as often as you might think .

  18. 用肥皂洗手能有效减少疾病的传播。

    Washing your hands with soap can have a huge impact on reducing the spread of diseases .

  19. 三年前,学校第一次有了干净的水,那时她了解到洗手的重要性。

    She learned about the importance of hand-washing when the school first received clean water three years ago .

  20. 每年10月15日,全世界有超过2亿人参加世界洗手日。

    Every year on 15th October , over 200 million people around the world take part in Global Handwashing Day .

  21. 那天晚上,她对她父亲说:"除非你洗手,否则别和我一起吃饭。"

    That evening , she told her father , " You shouldn 't eat with me unless you clean your hands . "

  22. 现在,地方和国家领导人仍然在这一天宣传勤洗手的重要性。

    Today , local and national leaders continue to use the day to spread the message about the importance of clean hands .

  23. 希望洗手能成为人们生活中必不可少的一部分,改善全世界数百万人的健康。

    The hope is that handwashing becomes a necessary part of people 's lives and improves the health of millions around the world .

  24. 2008年,该印度板球队与约1亿名印度小学生一起洗手,以推动有史以来的第一个全球洗手日。

    In 2008 , the Indian cricket team joined around 100 million Indian schoolchildren in washing their hands to promotethe first ever Global Handwashing Day .

  25. 刷牙时不要让水龙头开着,或者洗手后马上关掉水龙头,这样可以节约很多水。

    We can save lots of water by not letting taps run while we brush our teeth or by turning off taps right after washing hands .

  26. 2014年,全球洗手日主要针对抗击埃博拉病毒(一种非常严重的疾病),并在受影响的非洲国家举办了多场活动。

    In 2014 . Global Handwashing Day was used in the fight against Ebola , a very serious disease , with events held in affectedAfrican countries .

  27. 要让人们改变从小就养成的习惯并不容易,但这正是全球洗手日想要做的。

    It 's not easy to get people to change habits they learned in early childhood -- but this is what Global Handwashing Day wants to do .

  28. 在一定程度上,这是因为贫困国家资源不足,但另一个原因则是对于很多人来说日常生活中并不那么需要洗手。

    This is partly because there aren 't enough resourcesin poorer countries , but it 's also because for many people , handwashing is simply not part of their everyday life .

  29. 记者唐从广东省政府获悉,2015年4月5日,广东省发生一起溺水事故,造成7人死亡。17岁女生小伊和家人扫墓后洗手时掉进了水库。

    Reporter Tang got the news from Guangdong Provincial Government that seven people died in a drowning accident on April 5th , 2015 . A 17-year-old girl , Xiao Yi , fell into a reservoir while washing hands after a tomb sweeping with her family .

  30. 不洗手吃饭是不卫生的。

    It is not wholesome to eat without washing your hands .