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  • 〔~水〕水名,在中国山东省,泗水的支流。

  1. 方法:用PCR方法扩增汉坦病毒西安分离毒洙84FLi株G1和G2糖蛋白基因的编码区,将其克隆入T载体,构建糖蛋白基因的T-A克隆。

    Methods : The open reading frame of G1 and G2 glycoprotein of 84 FLi , a Hantavirus isolated in Xi ' an , was amplified and cloned into pGEM-T Easy Vector to produce T-A clones .

  2. 哲洙,给我做张名片,好吗?

    Chul-soo , make me a business card , will you ?

  3. 不过我哪儿也去不了,直到把光洙的钱还清。

    But I can 't go anywhere until I pay off kwang-su .

  4. 贤洙叫你来给我玩弄的,是不是?

    Hyun-su sent you to play with me , didn 't he ?

  5. 明洙喜欢虚张声势,不过他有点可爱。

    Myung-su biuffs a iot , but he 's kind of cute .

  6. 说我应该先被处死而不是尹洙?

    That I should be killed first , not yun-soo ?

  7. 钟洙哥昨晚看电视剧的时候都哭了呢。

    Jong-soo boss cried last night watching a TV drama .

  8. 你将会和贤洙一起享用一间牢房。

    You 'd be sharing the cell with hyun-su .

  9. 这是小贤洙,这是小明洙。

    This is hyun-soon , and this is myung-soon .

  10. 明天贤洙的毕业典礼你去吗?

    Are you coming tomorrow to hyun-su 's graduation ?

  11. 但是鹤洙总是怨恨其他人。

    But hak-soo held a grudge against everyone else .

  12. 谁写的剧本?是不是洙真?

    Who wrote this script ? It 's su-jin , isn 't it ?

  13. 贤洙在那儿有个保险箱。

    And hyun-su has a safe deposit box there .

  14. 你高兴见到贤洙还是明洙?

    Are you happy to see hyun-su or myung-su ?

  15. 留下她跟光洙在一起,可不是个好主意。

    It 's not such a good idea to leave her with kwang-su !

  16. 这是德洙的一张相片。

    This is a picture with duk-soo .

  17. 哲洙向老师请安。

    Zhezhu paid respect to the teacher .

  18. 所有人都以为你是明洙。

    Everybody is taking you for myung-su .

  19. 明洙最近在干什么?

    What 'd myung-su do this time ?

  20. 达洙快要放出来了。

    Dai-su wiII be coming out soon .

  21. 亨吉在打明洙呢。

    Han-gi is beating up myeong-su .

  22. 哲洙在削铅笔。

    Zhezhu is sharpening a pencil .

  23. 这条附线是为了使哲洙和秀珍对彼此的重要性更具有说服力。

    This subplot tried to convince the audience the importance of Chul soo and Su Jin to each other .

  24. 另一位新成员是韩国首尔的总主教安德鲁·濂洙政,他的曾祖父母在反基督徒迫害中被处决。

    Another is Andrew Yeom Soo-jung , archbishop of Seoul , South Korea , whose great grandparents were executed in an anti-Christian persecution .