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  • 网络semantic radicals
  1. 战国文字义符系统特点研究

    The Trait of Character Symbol System in the Warring States Period

  2. 论汉字义符与物类的关系

    On the Relationship Between Chinese Symbols and Fauna and Flora

  3. 《文选》汉大赋用字中的义符类化现象

    Analogy of Chinese Characters ' Semantic Marks in Han Fu

  4. 结果发现:义符线索比音符线索的作用更大;

    The results indicated that the semantic clue was more important than the phonetic one ;

  5. 第二部分从义符的形体入手描述战国文字的特点。

    The second part describe the trait of the Warring States character through the physique of symbol .

  6. 运用现代语义学义素分析法研究汉字义符能够凸显出义符语义,进而分析其作用。

    The semantic and function of Chinese morphemes can be elaberated by means of modern semantic analysis .

  7. 汉字阅读包括22个记号字、17个音符字和17个义符字。

    Chinese characters reading test consists of 22 mark-symbol characters , 17 phonetic symbol characters and 17 meaning-symbol characters .

  8. 义符在中文名词和动词分类中的作用

    Lokes and Humour Nouns The Role of Semantic Radicals of Chinese Characters in Grammatical Categorization of Chinese Visual Words

  9. 当义符与动作工具不一致或无关时,会抑制对动作动词的动作工具意义的认知。

    While they were inconsistent with each other would inhabited the cognition of the meaning of action verbs ' action tools .

  10. 从语义学角度看汉字义符的示意作用化缀词的语法和语义研究

    Semantic Function of Morphemes of Chinese Characters in Terms of Semantics A Study of Grammatical and Semantic Function of Chinese Suffix " Hua "

  11. 实验1表明,义符提供了重要的语法种类信息,在中文名词和动词分类中有重要作用。

    Experiment 1 indicated that semantic radicals of Chinese characters provided important information of grammatical classes of words and played important role in categorization of Chinese nouns and verbs .

  12. 汉大赋中汉字的义符类化现象是文学表现与汉字发展彼此作用的结果。

    Analogy of Chinese Characters'semantic marks in Han Fu ( a special literary form in the Han dynasty ) is a result of action and reaction between literature and Chinese characters .

  13. 20世纪末,东方义符文字与西方音符文字教育理念的矛盾在深层产生碰撞,爆发了一场论争。

    At the end of the 20th century , there existed a deep conflict between the Eastern characters and Western words , which resulted in a debate over the educational ideas .

  14. 实验4探讨汉字义符与动作器官是否一致对具体性不同的动作动词的动作器官意义认知的影响。

    Experiment 4 explored the effects of whether or not Yifu is inconsistent with action organs on the cognition of action organ 's meaning of action verbs which were different in concreteness .

  15. 对义符系统进行考察时,主要从义符量的发展和义符构字类型的发展两方面进行的,得出了形声字义符系统的初步形成是在西周前期的结论。

    We got the conclusion that the semantic symbol system of phonogram was initially formed during the early period of the Xi-zhou Dynasty based on the quantity and the type of semantic symbol we examined .

  16. 前人研究证明,汉字的初始阶段以象形为主,而后象形转化为义符或音符,出现了形、音、义之类元素相互组合的汉字构形系统。

    The study of forefathers proves that the initial period of character is mainly pictographic , then the pictograph turns into symbol or note so that character configuration arises mixed up by form sound and meaning .

  17. 本文第一部分所以从义符所反映出的意义范畴入手,通过甲骨文、战国文字与《说文》小篆义符系统相比较的方法对战国文字的特点进行描述。

    The first part of the article starts with the meaning category reflected by meaning symbol to describe the trait of the Warring States character by comparing inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells , the Warring States character and 《 ShuoWen 》 seal system .

  18. 论语言中概念义与语符义的差异

    On the Differences Between Conceptual Meaning and Semiotic Meaning in Language

  19. 概念义可以通过语符来表现但语符不仅仅是用来表现概念的,它们是有限地反映与被反映的关系。

    Conceptual meaning can be expressed by the language sign but the language sign expresses more than the conceptual meaning . They are interrelated by finite reflection and being reflected .