
  • 网络justice and benefit
  1. 义与利高度浓缩了社会生活中的众多事物和现象。

    Justice and benefit highly concentrated in the social life of many things and phenomena .

  2. 浅谈新时期义与利的辩证统一

    Dialectical Unity of the Morals and Interests in New Times

  3. 浅析现代市场经济中的义与利

    Briefly on Righteousness and Profit in Modern Market Economy

  4. 在知识经济时代,中国传统道德价值观对大学生的心理健康存在着一定的负面影响,主要表现为义与利的观念冲突、他律与自律的人格冲突。

    To some degree , traditional concept of Chinese morality and value has negative influences on college students ' psychological health .

  5. 本文希望企业能够实现义与利,自身与社会的双赢。

    This article hopes that enterprises can achieve the Win-win between " justice " and " benefit ", their own and society .

  6. 在中国伦理思想史上,孔子第一个自觉地意识到义与利的关系问题在道德关系中的重要性,提出了先义后利的道德理论。

    In the history , Confucius was first consciously aware of the importance of the relationship between " justice " and " interest " in ethics .

  7. 从业人员要提高自我修养,讲究内圣,要正确处理义与利、伦理秩序和创新的关系。

    Businessmen striving to improve their accomplishments through self-cultivation , must correctly handle the relationship between " welfare " and " profit ", moral order and innovation .

  8. 当我国迈进市场经济的时候,人们的传统观念也开始遭到冲击。义与利成为当今应用伦理学研究的热点。

    Our adoption of market economy exposes people 's traditional concepts to various impacts , and righteousness and profit become hot issues in the study of applied ethics .

  9. 今天,应改变传统义利观中义与利相互对立的状态,倡导一种义利并重、道义与功利协调发展的新型义利观。

    Today we must change the traditional state and advocate a new kind of " yili " view that duty and profit are both important and they should develop harmoniously .

  10. 通过对营销道德的标准、内容及现状的分析,对营销伦理中义与利、公平与效率、关系与契约等观念作出创新性的规范。

    This article innovatively regulates marketing moral principles in terms of justice and benefits , fairness and efficiency , relations and contracts , etc , by analyzing the contents , moral standards and current situations of marketing .

  11. 一些大学生诚信缺失,反映了公共理性与私人意识的矛盾、实用理性与超越意识的冲突以及义与利的对立。

    The trustworthiness imperfection of some university students reflects the conflict between public rationality and private consciousness , the practical rationality and the surmount consciousness , and the opposition of " righteousness " and " benefit " .

  12. 这一新型道德实现了政治与道德、先进性与广泛性、现实与理想、义与利的高度统一。

    In the development from a political tenet to a moral core , " serve the people " has realized the unification between politics and morals , superiority and universality , realism and idealism , and morals and profits .

  13. 摘要从社会与校园、义与利、权利与责任、天与人等4个方面的辩证关系入手,提出了建立节约型高校后勤建设中的校园文化的相关建议。

    Starting form the dialectic relationship of society and campus , righteousness and interest , right and responsibility , man and universe , the relative suggestions of founding campus culture in the construction of rear service of saving universities were proposed .

  14. 和谐管理、团队精神、勤勉忠信是日本企业文化的核心所在,是和与争、群与分、义与利的中国辩证思维在管理中的应用。

    The core of Japanese enterprise culture : the harmonious management , teamwork , diligence and faithfulness , is the application of " peace and war ", " wholeness and division " and " loyalty and benefit " of Chinese dialectic philosophy .

  15. 现代市场经济和社会发展已展现出经济与道德相互依存、共同发展的美好态势,人类经济的发展必将走向义与利、公平与效率、经济发展与人的发展完美统一的自由王国。

    Modern market economy and social development have shown a fine state and trend of interdependence and mutual development of economy and morals . And economy will develop into a perfect state & unity of justice and profit , equality and efficiency , and economic development and human development .

  16. 仁、义、情与利、力、理&中西传统文化核心理念之差异及影响

    The Difference of Key Concepts in Traditional Chinese and Western Culture and its Impact

  17. 尚利贵义,以功利作为义的内容和本质,把义作为功利的道德形式和实现途径,实现义与利的统一。

    Utility is the content and essence of justice , justice is profit 's moral model and realized way and unify these two aspects .