
  • 网络Yixing;Ngee Heng;Gihen;Zihing;GHEE HIN
义兴 [yì xīng]
  • [Yixing] 今江苏宜兴

  • 义兴水中有蛟,山中有白额虎,并皆暴犯百姓。--《世说新语.自新》

  1. 晋朝时,义兴地方有个人,名叫周处。

    In the Jin Dynasty , there lived a man named Zhou Chu in Yixing .

  2. 周处听说乡邻们为他死去而庆贺,这才知道自己也被人当做义兴一害,萌发了悔改的决心。

    Upon hearing that his county folk celebrated5 his death , Zhou Chu came to realize that he was considered one of the evils of Yixing . He thus made his decision to mend his ways .

  3. 结合成矿流体性质,认为义兴寨金矿床属于浅成中低温岩浆热液型矿床。

    Considering the characteristics of ore forming fluid , it is attributed to hypabyssal-medium-low temperature – magmatic hydrothermal deposit .

  4. 周处听说乡邻们为他死去而庆贺,这才知道自己也被人当做义兴一害。

    Upon hearing that his county folk celebrated his death , Zhou Chu came to realize that he was considered one of the evils of Yixing .

  5. 当时,义兴河里有一条凶恶的蛟龙,山上有一头猛虎,经常残害百姓。

    At the time , there was a ferocious dragon in the river and a fierce tiger in the mountain in Yixing , which often injured and devoured people .

  6. 在综合分析成矿控制因素的基础上,对义兴寨金矿床的矿体定位规律、矿脉产出的典型识别标志以及金矿化富集的影响因素进行了综合分析。

    Location rule of orebody , typical identification mark of orebody , typical mark and factor of ore control of gold mineralization enrichment were synthetically analyzed on the basis of synthetically analyzing ore-controlling factors . 5 .

  7. 辉得知后大怒,查出志华是义兴林晓东的人,于是连夜伏击东,誓要将义兴众人一举消灭。

    Fai is very angry , and finds out Wah is the man of Yee Hing Gang Lam HIU tung , Fai starts a night attack on tung , and swear to kill all his gang .