
  • Rococo;rocaille;Rokoko
  1. 洛可可艺术描绘出一个人工的、假装的和玩乐性的世界。

    Rococo art portrayed a world of artificiality , make-believe , and game-playing .

  2. 他热衷与意大利的洛可可艺术风格。

    She had a passion for Italian rococo .

  3. 根据Artnet的数据,在1990年的拍卖会上,这幅令人愉快的洛可可装饰风格的油画是以28.6万英镑购得的。

    The pleasant piece of rococo decoration had been bought at auction in 1990 for $ 286000 , according to Artnet .

  4. 洛可可音乐风格与18世纪中国热。

    Part 3 Rococo music and Chinoiserie in the 18th century .

  5. 米德夫人想买一个洛可可式的椅子。

    Mrs. Mead is looking for a chair in rococo style .

  6. 古典主义音乐对洛可可音乐风格的继承和发展

    The Inheritance and Development of Classical Music from Rococo Style

  7. 洛可可式室内装潢那种精致的灰色和银色。

    The subtle greys and silvers of the Rococo interior .

  8. 浅谈巴洛克与洛可可的艺术风格

    Discussion on the Art Style of Baroque and Rococo

  9. 第二章就从洛可可风格产生前的社会背景进行讨论。

    Chapter two discusses the background of the society before the rococo appears .

  10. 华托是最著名的洛可可风格画家。

    Watteau is the most famous Rococo painter .

  11. 第一章就从这些问题入手,对洛可可艺术风格进行了一个整体的认识。

    Chapter one discusses these questions , then know about the rococo style entirely .

  12. 论洛可可建筑装饰对洛可可服饰的影响

    Rococo Architectural Decoration 's Influence to Rococo Costume

  13. 在启蒙运动时期,洛可可从巴洛克的艺术风格脱胎而生。

    Rococo has been born from the Baroque era , during the age of Enlightenment .

  14. 布歇:法国艺术家,其油画和挂毯是洛可可式风格的代表。

    Boucher : French artist whose paintings and tapestries are representative of the rococo style .

  15. 其中,巴洛克和洛可可成为中国工匠折中处理的主要素材。

    Among them , baroque and rococo become the main source in detail disposal for Chinese masters .

  16. 最纯正的克里奥洛可可树主要分布在厄瓜多尔和委内瑞拉。

    The pure variety of the Criollo tree is found mainly in its native Ecuador and Venezuela .

  17. 18世纪欧洲流行的洛可可艺术直接受到中国艺术的影响。

    The popular European 's Rocco art in 18th century was directly from this kind of art influence .

  18. 对于古代素朴风格的新的趣味,反映一般对过度的洛可可风格的反动。

    The new taste for antique simplicity represented a general reaction to the excesses of the Rococo style .

  19. 英国的早期乔治式是英国巴罗克风格向洛可可风格过渡的一种风格,持续了40多年。

    Early Georgian style was a transitional mode from English Baroque to English Rococo for more than forty years .

  20. 这些一系列雄心勃勃的工程引起的反应冷淡弗拉戈纳尔放弃洛可可和新古典主义的实验。

    A lukewarm response to these series of ambitious works induced Fragonard to abandon Rococo and to experiment with Neoclassicism .

  21. 对于音乐领域中的中国热和洛可可音乐风格形成的历史文化背景作分析之后,认为法国文化的影响在二者的形成过程中居于中心地位。

    This paper considers that France culture 's infection is essential in the forming process of musical Chinoiserie and Rococo music .

  22. 洛可可式圣坛背壁装饰画的复杂细节.焦枝复线洛阳黄河大桥横向刚度分析

    The intricate detail of a rococo altarpiece . Lateral Rigidity Analysis of Luoyang ′ s Huanghe Bridge on Jiao-Zhi Multiple Track

  23. 托马斯·齐本德尔设计(或此种风格的)家具;有着优雅的轮廓、哥特式图形和大量洛可可雕刻。

    Furniture made by ( or in the style of ) Thomas Chippendale ; graceful outlines and Gothic motifs and massive rococo carvings .

  24. 由上等伦敦洛可可巧克力制成,整套杯子还有一个包装精美、带丝带的礼品盒。

    Made from the finest chocolate from Rococo Chocolates in London , the shots come in a beautifully packed black presentation box with ribbon .

  25. 文艺复兴与洛可可时期女装风格比较洛可可艺术风格的渊源及对服饰的影响

    Comparison of Women s Costume Style Between Renaissance and Rococo Era ; Discuss on Origin of Rococo 's Artistic Style and Impact on Dress

  26. 克里奥洛可可豆突出的美妙、温和的芳香使之成为生产高档巧克力的必备之选。

    They have a particularly fine , mild aroma and are , therefore , used only in the production of high-quality chocolate and for blending .

  27. 起初洛可可只是作为一种室内设计风格存在,以后扩展到绘画、建筑、雕刻、家具、服饰乃至音乐等等。

    The rococo art started as a style of interior design and spread gradually to painting , architecture , sculpture , furniture , costume and music .

  28. 与巴赫对巴罗克音乐时代的总结与里程碑意义相比,弗朗索瓦·库普兰的两百多首古钢琴曲代表的是洛可可音乐的精华。

    Comparing with Bach as the summation and the milestone of the Baroque period , creactive characteristics of rococo presented by Francois Couperin more than 200 harpsichords .

  29. 而另一些精致富于雕塑感的高跟鞋,更把洛可可的奢华意境带入了这场秀中。

    While others are rich in sculpture , exquisite sense of high-heeled shoes , but also to the luxury of Rococo into the mood of this show .

  30. 礼服上半身的华丽刺绣的灵感来源于德国布鲁尔城堡内部洛可可风格的室内设计。埃米斯在女王出访前特意做了一番研究。

    The ornate embroidery over the bodice was inspired by the Rococo interiors of the palaces at Schloss Bruhl , which Amies researched prior to the Queen 's visit .