
  • 网络the Muslim holy month of Ramadan
  1. 一名当地官员称受害者系穆斯林斋月期间聚集在一起享餐结束每日斋戒的保安人员。

    A local official says the victims were security personnel gathering to eat to end the daily fasting during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan .

  2. Bol预计将在7月中旬穆斯林斋月结束后开播。

    The station is expected to begin broadcasting after Ramadan , the Islamic holy month , which will end in mid-July .

  3. 秉持这种精神,我祝愿世界各地的穆斯林斋月吉祥,也期待再一次于白宫主持开斋晚宴(iftar)。

    In that spirit , I wish Muslims around the world a blessed month , and I look forward to again hosting an iftar dinner here at the White House .

  4. 穆斯林的斋月也没有导致事态停止。

    Ramadan , the Muslim month of fasting , stopped nothing .

  5. 而球员中大穆斯林,斋月期间,白天禁食。

    And all but a few players are Muslims , who refrain from eating and drinking during the day .

  6. 迪拜主神职人员称,居住在世界最高建筑迪拜塔里的穆斯林在斋月时应当斋戒更长的时间。

    Muslims living in the world 's tallest building , the Burj Khalifa , should fast longer during the Ramadan holy month , Dubai 's leading clerics have said .

  7. 在印尼大多数穆斯林庆祝斋月禁食期间,消费者的开销通常会出现反弹:由于人们要长途跋涉拜访亲戚,汽车和摩托车炙手可热。

    There is usually a bounce in consumer spending when Indonesia 's Muslim majority celebrates the Ramadan fasting period : cars and motorbikes are in particular demand as people travel long distances to visit their families .

  8. 安排一名巴基斯坦穆斯林在斋月的第一天食物密不可分的,打破时间快,东西,作为一个孩子看起来就在卡拉奇的一个,在周日,2009年8月23日巴基斯坦清真寺。

    A Pakistani Muslim arranges food stuff for Iftar , a time to break the fast , on the first day of Ramadan , as a child looks on at a mosque in Karachi , Pakistan on Sunday , Aug.23,2009 .

  9. 对于穆斯林而言,斋月的到达有充足的信息。

    For Muslims , the arrival of the month of Ramadan is full of messages .

  10. 要知道,甚至在我成为一个穆斯林之前,斋月就在我心里有了一定的位置。

    You see , even before I became Muslim , Ramadhan earned itself a place in my heart .

  11. 尤其令他们愤怒的是,世界小姐比赛将在穆斯林神圣的斋月期间举行。

    They are especially angered that the Miss World contest is to take place during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan .

  12. 美国对这两起袭击事件都进行了谴责,声称在大马士革的那起爆炸特别恶劣,因为爆炸发生时正值穆斯林神圣的斋月。

    The United States condemned both attacks , calling the bombing in Damascus particularly abhorrent because it came during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan .

  13. 一名巴基斯坦志愿者眼镜修行倒入牛奶,打破其在穆斯林神圣的斋月在拉合尔,上周五快巴,2010年8月20日。

    A Pakistani volunteer pours milk into glasses for devotees to break their fast during Muslims'holy fasting month of Ramadan in Lahore , Pakistan on Friday , Aug.20,2010 .

  14. 作为仪式结束了穆斯林神圣的斋月的第二天外面耶路撒冷老城的周日,2009年8月23日,A部分大炮火灾。

    A cannon fires as part of the ceremony that ends the second day of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan , outside Jerusalem 's Old City Sunday , Aug.23,2009 .

  15. 对10多亿穆斯林人口而言,斋月是潜心奉主、虔诚修炼的时候;

    For well over a billion Muslims , Ramadan is a time of intense devotion and reflection .

  16. 这是在新闻博物馆举行的首次这类专题讨论会,这距离穆斯林开始他们的斋月只有几天的时间。

    It was the first panel discussion of its kind held at the Newseum and it was just days before Muslims start their Ramadan .

  17. 随着穆斯林进入尊贵的斋月,在整个美国的美国穆斯林欢聚在在清真寺和家中,做着和全世界穆斯林一样的事。

    As the Muslim holy month of Ramadan begins , Muslim Americans across the United States are gathering in mosques and homes just as Muslims do around the world .