
  • 网络Lowell;james russell lowell;amy lowell;Percival Lowell
  1. 我买了一本洛威尔(RobertLowell)的书,另买一本格丽克(LouiseGlck)的。

    I bought a volume by Robert Lowell , another by Louise Gl ü ck .

  2. 雄辩是银,沉默是金。(洛威尔)

    Speech is silver , silence is gold . ( Lowell )

  3. 娶到我姐姐是你的福气,洛威尔。

    You 're lucky to my sister for your wife , Lowell .

  4. 洛威尔有些安全措施需要用户名和密码组合

    Lowell has some security . They require a user name / password combo ,

  5. 我们同意洛威尔的意见。民意测验,同意调查

    We echo Lowell 's criticism . puBlic-opinion poll

  6. 接替他出任这个教职的洛威尔也极其称职。

    Lowell , who succeeded him in the chair , also merited the appointment .

  7. 1850年洛威尔纺织厂通过穿孔卡实现了自动化

    In 1850 , the Lowell cotton mills are automated with paper punch cards .

  8. 最难忍受的不幸是那些从未来临的不幸。&洛威尔

    The misfortunes hardest to bear are those , which never come . & James Russell Lowell

  9. 朗费罗、洛威尔、霍姆斯三个,都不失为他们那个时代的伟人,后来却大为退色了。

    Longfellow , Lowell , Holmes : all three , great men to their own age , have dwindled subsequently .

  10. 我只需要想在洛威尔一样终止一些脚本重启就可以了

    All I need to do is break out the same script I used on Lowell and we 're set .

  11. 坡指责该杂志鼓励新英格兰文人互相标榜。他在批评洛威尔的《批评家寓言》时破口大骂。

    New England writers in maintaining a mutual admiration society . In a review of Lowell 's Fable for Critics he burst out .

  12. 美国诗人爱美.洛威尔是诗坛意象派领袖,一九一四年访伦敦期间,第一次世界大战爆发。

    Amy Lowell , American poet and leader of the imagist school in poetry , was visiting London in1914 when World War I broke out .

  13. 在正式参选前,他已在马萨诸塞州大学洛威尔/波士顿先驱报的民调中以2:1的战绩领先共和党对手。

    Even before he had formally announced his entry , he led his main Republican rival by two-to-one in a University of Massachusetts Lowell / Boston Herald poll .

  14. 灾难就像刀子,握住刀柄就可以为我们服务,拿住刀刃则会割破手。(美国女诗人、批评家洛威尔)

    Mishaps are like knives that either serve us or cut us as we grasp them by the handle or blade . ( James Russell Lowell , american poetess and critic )

  15. 我热爱所有作家的思想,比如洛威尔,我感觉他的思想就像在乐观主义的阳光中汩汩涌动的喷泉——在喷涌快乐和美好意愿的同时,它偶尔也会在这里或那里溅射愤怒,或者喷洒同情和怜恤的水珠。

    I love all writers whose minds , like Lowell 's , bubble up in the sunshine of optimism - fountains of joy and good will , with occasionally a splash of anger and here and there a healing spray of sympathy and pity .