
  • 网络los angeles clippers;LA CLIPPERS;L.A. Clippers
  1. 去年春天,前洛杉矶快船队老板唐纳德·斯特林(DonaldSterling)的种族歧视言论曝光后,詹姆斯还帮助领导了要求他对此负责的抗议行动。

    He also helped lead the campaign to hold the former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling accountable for racially charged blurtings when they became public last spring .

  2. 洛杉矶快船队老板唐·斯特林因种族歧视言论被禁止参与NBA任何相关活动并且罚款250万美金。NBA总裁亚当·萧华还称将呼吁协会迫使斯特林出售快船队。

    Los Angeles Clippers owner , Donald Sterling has been banned for life by the NBA in response to racist comments he made in a recorded conversation . NBA commissioner , Adam Silver , says he is also fining Sterling 2.5 million dollars and will try to force him to sell the team .

  3. 鹈鹕队目前位于西部第六,领先位于第九的洛杉矶快船队三个胜场。

    New Orleans is now sixth in the West , three games ahead of the ninth-place LA Clippers .

  4. 洛杉矶快船队在19世纪中叶,航速很快的帆船带着货物和乘客漂洋过海。

    TheLosAngelesClippers : During the mid-1800s , fast sailing ships known as clippers transported goods and passengers across the oceans .

  5. 在五年前加入洛杉矶快船队后,乔丹才开始定期进行指甲和足部护理。

    The Clippers ' Mr. Jordan only began getting regular manicures and pedicures when he joined the league five years ago . '

  6. 詹姆斯在湖人队的队友安东尼·戴维斯以955246票排在西部前场第二,紧随其后的是洛杉矶快船队的科怀·伦纳德,他获得了740657票。

    James'Lakers teammate Anthony Davis ranks second in the West frontcourt with 955246 votes , followed by the LA Clippers'Kawhi Leonard with 740657 votes .

  7. 美国职业篮球协会正在调查可能是洛杉矶快船队老板唐纳德·斯特林和他混血女友在对话时使用了种族言论的录音。

    The NBA is investigating a recording supposedly of Los Angeles ' Clippers ' owner Donald Sterling making a racist comment to his mixed-race girlfriend .

  8. 在季前赛开幕战于洛杉矶快船队比赛之前的湖人队。从左开始依次为马龙,科比,佩顿和奥尼尔。

    Los Angeles Lakers from left , Karl Malone , Kobe Bryant , Gary Payton and Shaquille O'Neal before their preseason opener with the Los Angeles Clippers .

  9. 在马丁·路德纪念日这天,格里芬和保罗第一次(也是最后一次)作为洛杉矶快船队的前队友在斯台普斯中心相遇,这次的相遇被众多的纠纷搅得支离破碎。

    The first ( and ultimately , only ) meeting between former LA Clippers teammates Blake Griffin and Chris Paul turned chaotic on MLK Day at Staples Center .

  10. 洛杉矶快船队的当家控卫克里斯·保罗在周一晚上球队以84比98输给波特兰开拓者的比赛当中,右手遭遇骨折,并且之后没有再回到赛场。

    Los Angeles Clippers point guard Chris Paul suffered a fracture in his right hand during Monday night 's 98-84 loss to the Portland Trail Blazers and did not return .

  11. 虽然洛杉矶快船队老板唐纳德·斯特林一直面临要求其出售球队的压力,但是洛杉矶市长表示,这类要求可能不会被理睬。

    Despite continuing pressure on Los Angeles Clippers ' owner Donald Sterling to sell the team , the mayor of Los Angeles says this appeal may be falling on deaf ears .

  12. 包括纽约,夏洛特,迈阿密和洛杉矶快船队的其他球队询问了艾弗森,但灰熊队似乎是唯一一个以提供坚实的老将。

    Other teams including New York , Charlotte , Miami and the Clippers inquired about Iverson , but Memphis appeared to be the only one to make a solid offer to the veteran guard .

  13. 如果科怀选择洛杉矶快船队——在2018-19赛季过程中与他关联最密切的球队——他们将会是西部最有希望球队。

    If Kawhi chooses the Los Angeles Clippers - the team he was most heavily linked with over the course of the 2018-19 season - they could be the favorites in the Western Conference .

  14. 在周三对阵洛杉矶快船队的比赛中,金州勇士队前锋凯文-杜兰特在第二节比赛还剩1分41秒时得到了自己职业生涯的第20000分,成为了第二年轻的达到该里程碑的球员,仅次于勒布朗-詹姆斯。

    Golden State Warriors forward Kevin Durant scored his 20000th career point with 1:41 remaining in the second quarter of Wednesday 's game against the LA Clippers , becoming the second-youngest player in NBA history , behind LeBron James , to reach that milestone .

  15. 消息源向雅虎体育透露,6月30号自由球员市场开启后,多伦多猛龙球星科怀·伦纳德将同意与洛杉矶湖人和快船队会面。

    LOS ANGELES - Toronto Raptors star Kawhi Leonard intends to grant the Los Angeles Lakers and the Los Angeles Clippers meetings when free agency opens on June 30 , league sources told Yahoo Sports .

  16. 星期五,手感炽热的洛杉矶湖人队在斯塔普球馆中心以112&104的比分击败了同城洛杉矶快船队,实现了七连胜。

    The red-hot Los Angeles Lakers extended their winning streak to seven games with a112-104 victory over the Los Angeles Clippers at the Staples Center on Friday .