
  • 网络Logan;Loghain
  1. 你有没有告诉他录音显示洛根总统跟帕尔默被杀有关

    Did you tell him that the recording implicates President Logan in Palmer 's assassination ?

  2. 洛根教授曾建议越南向联合国教科文组织提名顺化为文化景观(CulturalLandscape),这将使受保护的范围延伸至整个城市。

    Professor Logan has suggested that Vietnam try to nominate Hue for Unesco designation as a Cultural Landscape that would make a whole stretch of the city a protected site .

  3. 这些已进行了从达契亚洛根MCV和上新达契亚洛根标准设备。

    These have been carried over from Dacia Logan MCV and are standard equipment on New Dacia Logan .

  4. Stone&McCarthy驻北京分析师洛根•莱特(LoganWright)估计,今年前5个月流入的热钱可能高达1500亿至1700亿美元。

    Logan Wright at Stone & McCarthy analysts in Beijing estimates that hot money entering in the first five months could be as high as $ 150bn - $ 170bn .

  5. 据Stone&McCarthy驻北京的分析师洛根•莱特(LoganWright)公布的外汇储备数据显示,政府正在加紧控制外汇储备的增长。

    Data on reserves published by Logan Wright , an analyst for Stone & McCarthy in Beijing , suggests the government is working double-time to contain growth in its foreign-exchange reserves .

  6. Stone&McCarthy北京办公室追踪中国外汇储备的分析师洛根•莱特(LoganWright)表示:中国为期6年的流动性周期可能行将结束。

    Logan Wright , an analyst at the Beijing office of Stone & McCarthy , who tracks Chinese reserves , said : China 's six-year liquidity cycle may be coming to an end .

  7. 这种观点遭到了悲观人士,如高盛(goldmansachs)化工业分析师理查德洛根(richardlogan)等人的质疑,洛根认为,鉴于亚洲和中东发生的一些事件,繁荣时期可能已经结束。

    This view is disputed by bears , such as Richard Logan , chemical analyst at Goldman Sachs , who thinks the good times could already be over , thanks to events in Asia and the Middle East .

  8. 中央生活与就餐区——洛根称之为“生活馆“——是一个面积为1200平方英尺(约合111平方米)的房间,带有15英尺(约合4.57米)高的壁炉和可以眺望大提顿公园和远处的黄石公园(Yellowstone)

    The central living and dining space -- what Mr. Logan calls ' the living pavilion ' -- is a 1200-square-foot room with a 15-foot fireplace and walls of windows looking out at the Tetons and distant Yellowstone .

  9. 在eluxury,洛根承认,如果设计师被迫迎合不断变化的世界,存货或许就会发生变化。

    At eLUXURY , Logan acknowledges that if designers are forced to adjust to a changing world , stock may change .

  10. 我跨出一步,从洛根和帕里身边走开。

    I took a step away from both Logan and Parry .

  11. 洛根总统和德国总理联系过了吗?

    Did President Logan get in touch with the German chancellor ?

  12. “讨论洛根总统此次行为的合法性”

    " Debate the legality of President logan 's action . "

  13. 要是他能让洛根平静地下台呢?

    What if he can get Logan to step down quietly ?

  14. 杰克,我们要拿到录音,并揭露洛根。

    Jack , we 're getting that recording and exposing logan .

  15. 洛根相信他知道如何找出格列登科。

    Logan believes this man will know how to find gredenko .

  16. 如果他们有证据就不会送洛根来了。

    If they did , they wouldn 't have sent logan .

  17. 杰克,要是洛根说的不是真话呢?

    Jack , what if Logan isn 't telling the truth ?

  18. 帕默尔总统给查尔斯洛根某种临时的特赦。

    That President Palmer granted Charles Logan some kind of furlough .

  19. 你怎么追踪到洛根的?

    How the hell did you trace this to logan ?

  20. 洛根:我是这样看待的。

    Logan : That 's how I would characterize it .

  21. 洛根总统要你跟我来。

    President Logan would like you to come with me .

  22. 洛根总统说他不会推迟会见。

    President Logan said he will not postpone this summit .

  23. 他正试图找回能指证洛根总统的录音。

    He 's trying to find a recording that implicates President logan .

  24. 洛根声称他可以帮助我们找到迪米崔格列登科。

    Logan claims he can help us find Dmitri gredenko .

  25. 洛根:另一方坚持要求我们做出更多的让步。

    Logan : The other side is holding out for more concessions .

  26. 洛根将面向更多的自然生态系统。

    Logan would be oriented to more natural systems .

  27. 新达契亚列出洛根甚至可以说比以往更加吸引人。

    New Dacia Logan sets out to be even more appealing than ever .

  28. 洛根是暗杀我哥哥的幕后黑手。

    Logan was behind the assassination of my brother .

  29. 洛根会控制所有联邦执法机构。

    Logan will have every federal law enforcement agency .

  30. 我们应该送些东西给布莱尔和洛根。

    We should send something to Blair and logan .