
  • 网络zundert;Groot-Zundert
  1. 津德尔特的梵高故居(Markt27,Zundert;31-76-597-1999;vangoghhuis.com),梵高出生的地方,1903年被拆除,2008年重建,长期举办关于梵高的展览。

    Van Gogh House in Zundert ( Markt 27 , Zundert ; 31-76-597-19 99 ; vangoghhuis . com ) , where van Gogh was born , was torn down in 1903 , but the new house was built in 2008 with a permanent exhibition about his birthplace , Zundert .

  2. 津德尔特这里的人们非常喜欢种花。

    They like growing flowers here in Zundert .

  3. 每年游行的主题都不一样,而在2015年,当地居民们非常自豪能够为1853年出生于津德尔特的梵高庆生。

    There is a different theme every year and in 2015 , locals were proud to celebrate Van Gogh , who was born in Zundert in 1853 .