
  1. 在社会经济发展和城乡居民人均收入提高的情况下,保证军队人员的生活水平能够同步提高,调整军队人员的工资、津贴标准增加的支出;

    Increased spending for pay and subsidy raises for military personnel to keep their living standards in step with the nation 's social and economic development and with the increase of the per capita incomes of urban and rural residents ;

  2. 制装费[眷属津贴]标准配置的安装在贴片头上的对位镜头和显示器能使坐标数据的登入快速而精确。

    The system is standard-equipped with head-mounted teaching camera and monitor , for fast and precise coordinate data entry .

  3. 为了解决日益严重的失业问题,英国政府首先对失业保险制度进行改革,扩大失业保险制度的覆盖面,提高失业保险津贴的标准;

    British government had to change the unemployment insurance system to deal with the problem , extending the suitable scope of this system and raising the standard of the unemployment insurance benefit .

  4. 其中,津贴的最低标准为800元。

    The standard minimum allowance is800 yuan .

  5. 额外职务津贴(非标准)

    Extraneous duties allowance ( non-standard )

  6. 私人部门与企业的谈判可能会由于谈判成本过高而失效,此时需要政府在强力后盾的支持下进行干预,如用控污津贴、排污标准等措施使污染恢复到社会最优程度。

    But negotiations may fail because of the high cost for pollution treatment . So government intervention , such as pollution allowances and waste-draining standards , are needed as a back force .