
huó dònɡ ɡuò dù
  • Overactivity;hyperpraxia
  1. 结论:单胺类神经递质代谢异常可能是导致ADHD患儿注意力不能集中、活动过度、学习困难的原因之一。

    Conclusion : Abnormity of catecholaminergic neurotransmitters metabolism might lead to scatterbrain , hyperactivity , and difficult studying in patients with ADHD .

  2. 从理论上说,DBS可应用于有关大脑特定部位活动过度或不足的多种医疗情况。

    Theoretically , DBS could be used for a variety of medical conditions that can be linked to over-or under-activity at a specific location within the brain .

  3. 目的:研究临床应用5-羟色胺(5-HT)再摄取抑制剂作为辅助药物治疗膀胱活动过度症(OAB)的可行性和安全性。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the feasibility and safety of serotonin ( 5-HT ) reuptake inhibitor in the adjunctive therapy of the patients with OAB .

  4. BOO组术前逼尿肌活动过度21例(42%),无或可疑BOO例组逼尿肌活动过度7例(37%)。

    Twenty-one cases ( 42 % ) of detrusor overactivity were found in BOO group , and 7 cases ( 37 % ) in the equivocal or no obstruction group .

  5. 逼尿肌活动过度伴收缩功能受损对膀胱排空的影响

    The impact of detrusor hyperactivity with impaired contractile function on bladder voiding function

  6. 托特罗定对膀胱活动过度疗效及安全性临床评价

    Clinical Evaluation on the Efficacy and Safety of Tolterodine in the Treatment for Overactive Bladder

  7. 目的:评价国产托特罗定治疗膀胱活动过度的疗效和安全性。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of tolterodine in the treatment of overactive bladder .

  8. 但术前膀胱有效容量大小以及逼尿肌活动过度等因素影响了手术疗效。

    The bladder effective capacity and unstable bladder before surgery could influence the curative effect of BPH .

  9. 父母称,他们的孩子服用蜂蜜以后较服用止咳糖浆相比,活动过度会稍微更多一些。

    The parents reported slightly more hyperactivity when their kids took honey , compared with when they took cough syrup .

  10. 他补充说这项研究目的在于弄清楚是否能够重置一类特殊的活动过度的细胞。

    He added that the research aimed to work out whether it was possible to reset a specific group of overactive cells .

  11. 当免疫系统应对细菌感染出现活动过度时就会产生脓毒症,同时危险的炎症开始扩散并通过身体产生凝固反应。

    Sepsis develops when the immune system becomes overactivated in response to an existing infection , setting in motion a cascade of dangerous inflammatory and coagulation responses throughout the body .

  12. “半野生”猕猴是人为活动过度干预下的产物,不仅对猕猴种群带来了影响,而且还影响了人类的日常生活。

    Semi-domestic Macaca mulatta monkeys mainly resulted from excessive anthropogenic activities in the surrounding area , which has brought about influence not only on the animals ' population , but also on the daily life of adjacent human beings .

  13. 主要人为破坏活动为过度放牧、毁林开荒、乱砍滥樵、乱采滥挖、乱捕滥猎等。

    The main artificial destroy are as follows : indiscriminating felling of trees , disafforestation , overgrazing and so on .

  14. 我们也稳住预购组屋价格,并采取措施抑制房地产投机活动和过度借贷的问题。

    We have cleared the queue for HDB flats , stabilised BTO prices and tightened up on property speculation and excessive borrowing .

  15. 需要注意到是,特定关节的活动范围过度,会导致稳定性下降及增加损伤的风险。

    It should be noted that an excessive ROM for a given joint could result in decreased stability and a greater potential for injury .

  16. 但随着人类开发利用活动的过度集中,海岸带也承受着日益严重的环境压力。

    However , with the excessive concentration of human development and utilization activity , the coastal zone is also undertaking increasingly severe environmental stress .

  17. 亚洲地区应将企业税当成一种抵御企业活动呈现过度周期性摆动的工具,而不应竞相逐底。

    Rather than join a race to the bottom , the region should use corporate taxation as a tool to fight excessive cyclical swings in activity .

  18. 预先想好你要参加多少活动,不要过度。

    Decide how many activities you 'll participate in , and don 't do too much .

  19. 人类活动特别是过度放牧,引起油蒿群落的退化,导致植物多样性降低。

    Human activities , especially overgrazing , result in deterioration of the community with decline of the plant diversity .

  20. 由于人类的活动,森林过度砍伐和猎杀,致使原有部分产区内小熊猫消失,并不断向南方山系退缩。

    Owing to the human activities , too much cutting of the forests and hunting , lesser pandas disappeared in part of the lesser panda districts and are constantly retreating to the southern mountains .

  21. 而现在,医生第一次证实快乐的活动引起的过度兴奋也会促发该症状,这被称为“开心病”。简而言之,快乐也可以致命。

    Now for the first time doctors have shown that over-excitement from happy events can also sparkthe condition , which they have named " happy heart syndrome . " In short , happiness can be lethal .

  22. 目的为了明确IL1α和β基因多态性是否是评估RA疾病活动性和骨过度转换的更有效的标志,明确IL1基因多态性与RA优势基因(motifgene)之间有无关联。

    Objective To determine whether interleukin-1 α and 1 β gene polymorphism is associated with rheumatoid arthritis disease activity and bone mineral metabolism , and whether there is any relationship between IL-1 β and rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) motif gene .

  23. 人类经济活动对自然资源过度开发利用,对海岸带生态系统正常结构与功能产生干扰,引发生态系统改变甚至退化。

    However , overexploitation of natural resources disrupts the proper structures and functions of ecosystems in coastal zones , causing the ecosystems to change or even degrade .

  24. 然而,由于人类活动的影响和过度开发利用,40年间,这片热带草原已遭到严重破坏,面积和蕴藏量都大幅度减少。

    This tropical grassland , however , has been severely destroyed due to the effects of human activities and excessive utilization , which has been rapidly dwindled over the past 40 years .

  25. 阻止不可持续的农业活动、未加控制的毁林活动、破坏性捕捞活动和过度捕捞;

    Discourage unsustainable agricultural practices , uncontrolled deforestation , destructive fishing practices and overfishing ;