
  • 网络Dawn Of The Dead
  1. 乔治•罗密欧制作的电影《活死人黎明》就向我们传递了这样的信息:僵尸仍然像他们生前那样在商场里穿行。

    George Romero 's Dawn of the Dead famously suggested this , showing zombies wandering through a mall in a strangely similar way to when they were humans .

  2. 扎克·施奈德的导演处女作是2004年的《活死人黎明》,该片连同《惊变28天》、《僵尸肖恩》等电影使得僵尸片成为好莱坞主流商业片。

    Zack Snyder 's directorial debut was 2004 's Dawn of The Dead , one of the films which , along with 28 Days Later and Shaun of the Dead , turned zombies into mainstream Hollywood money-spinners .