
  • 网络living polymerization;live polymerization;ATRP
  1. 对几种催化剂的催化性能进行了评价,其中三种催化剂表现出活性聚合的特征,催化脂肪系亚胺与CO共聚得到的聚合物的分子量分布都比较窄。

    Catalytic performances of the five catalysts were evaluated and three of them displayed characteristics of living polymerization behavior .

  2. 还报道了NBE的活性聚合研究。

    The studies of living polymerization of NBE were also introduced .

  3. 活性聚合改性富勒烯C(60)在新型聚合物材料中的应用

    Application of modified fullerene using living / controlled polymerization in new polymer materials

  4. 用RAFT活性聚合方法在碳纳米管表面接枝聚合物

    Grafted Polymer onto Carbon Nanotubes by Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain-transfer Active Polymerization

  5. Fe3O4表面原位引发可控/活性聚合制备磁性聚苯乙烯纳米粒子

    Preparation of Magnetic Polystyrene Nanoparticles by the Controlled / Living Free Radical Polymerization of Styrene

  6. 可降解塑料PCL的活性聚合研究

    Study of active polymerization of degradable plastics of polycaprolactone

  7. 其原理主要基于双亲分子的自组装和RAFT活性聚合。

    The principle of the strategy is based on the self-assembly of amphiphilic molecules and reversible addition fragmentation transfer ( RAFT ) radical polymerization chemistry .

  8. RAFT活性聚合方法具有广泛的适用单体,卓越的分子设计能力以及与其他方法极强的适应性,是制备功能聚合物的强有力工具。

    RAFT living polymerization technology is a powerful tool to produce functional polymers and it has wide applicable monomers , remarkable molecular design ability and strong compatibility with other methods .

  9. 这三部分实验分别考察了悬浮条件的影响,发现在非均相条件下,反应仍然具有活性聚合特征,实验还采用IR、~1HNMR、GPC技术对共聚物结构进行了表征。

    Different suspension systems were studied and the results demonstrated that the reaction displaying " living " feature . The structure of copolymer was characterized by IR , ~ 1HNMR , GPC .

  10. 本文通过原子转移自由基(ATRP)和氮氧自由基可控聚合(NMP)活性聚合方法有效地控制聚合物分子链结构,合成了一系列具有功能性侧基的活性嵌段共聚物和星形聚合物。

    Atom transfer radical polymerization ( ATRP ) and nitroxide-mediated polymerization ( NMP ) were employed to control the macromolecular chain structure efficiently .

  11. 这些聚合物一般是通过活性聚合方法得到的,如阴、阳离子聚合,可控开环聚合(CROP),原子转移自由基聚合(ATRP)与可逆加成-断裂链转移(RAFT)聚合。

    These polymers are generally prepared by living polymerization , such as living cationic / anionic polymerization , cationic ring-opening polymerization ( CROP ), atom transfer radical polymerization ( ATRP ) and reversible addition – fragmentation transfer ( RAFT ) polymerization .

  12. 本文分别根据Nanda、Peebles以及Bpecnep的反应动力学方程,重新处理了活性聚合反应中的单体链转移问题。

    The problem of monomer transfer in living polymerization has been retreated theoretically according to Nanda 's , Peebles 's and Bresler 's kinetic schemes respectively .

  13. 用FTIR,1H-NMR,GPC等手段对活性聚合进行了确认,对嵌段共聚物进行了表征;水解PSt-b-PBA制备了两亲性嵌段共聚物苯乙烯-b-聚丙烯酸(PSt-b-PAA);

    After the characterization of the block copolymer PSt-b-PBA and the validation of the living polymerization by GPC , FTIR , and ~ 1H-NMR , amphiphilic block copolymer of PSt-b-PAA has been prepared by hydrolyzing of PSt-b-PBA .

  14. 我们通过类似于Arm-first的活性聚合方法制备出具有核交联的核壳结构的聚合物胶束。

    Core-shell polymer micelles with a crosslinked core were synthesized by the approach similar to the Arm-first living polymerization method .

  15. 证明了PAM-XAN同样可以在水相体系中引发丙烯酰胺活性聚合获得超高分子量的产物,并实现聚合过程的可控。

    The results indicate that PAM-XAN can also initiate the controlled / living radical polymerization of acrylamide in aqueous phase .

  16. 本文综述了含POSS新型杂化聚合物的合成研究进展,涉及自由基溶液聚合、可控活性聚合、开环易位聚合、缩聚和配位聚合。

    In this paper , the advances in the preparation of POSS-containing hybrid polymers are briefly reviewed , involving free radical solution polymerization , controlled / living polymerization , open-ring metathesis polymerization , condensation polymerization and coordination polymerization .

  17. 在多种从表面接枝方法中,表面引发开环易位聚合(SIROMP)反应由于其条件温和,聚合速率高,以及其活性聚合的特点,受到了广泛的研究和应用。

    Among different approaches , Surface-Initiated Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization ( SIROMP ) has been researched and applied extensively because of its mild condition , high polymerization rate , and the characteristics of its polymerization .

  18. 茂金属化合物催化极性烯类单体活性聚合的研究进展

    Advances in living polymerization of polar monomers promoted by metallocene complexes

  19. 非理想活性聚合反应动力学的一般模型Ⅰ.稳态理论

    General kinetic model of imperfect living polymerization ⅰ . stationary state theory

  20. 可控自由基聚合与其它活性聚合方法结合制备嵌段共聚物

    Synthesis of Block Copolymers by Combination of Controlled Radical Polymerizations and other Polymerizations

  21. 双金属引发体系苯乙烯活性聚合活性种的交互缔合动力学

    Cross-association dynamics of living species of bimetallic initiating system in living polymerization of styrene

  22. 烯烃配位-插入活性聚合催化剂的研究进展

    Advances of Coordination-Insertion Living Polymerization Catalysts for Olefins

  23. 烯烃配位活性聚合研究的新进展

    Recent Progress in Living Polymerization for Olefin

  24. 大分子引发剂是从已商品化的功能聚合物制得或用其它活性聚合方法合成。

    The macroinitiators are prepared from functional polymers available commercially or obtained by other living polymerizations .

  25. 活性聚合活性聚合是指增长中心不会发生链终止和链转移的聚合反应。

    Living polymerization are polymerizations in which propagation centers do not undergo either termination of tranfer .

  26. 自由基活性聚合及其最新进展

    The Development of Living Radical Polymerization

  27. 单异氰酸酯活性聚合研究进展

    Progress in Isocyanate Living Polymerization

  28. 活性聚合新进展

    New Development of Living Polymerization

  29. 自由基活性聚合是人们在们在近年来探索的一类新的聚合反应。

    Living Polymerization by radical mechanism is a new type of reaction which has been explored recently .

  30. 此外,实现了活性聚合并得到了含有不同肽链结构的嵌段共聚物。

    Moreover , living polymerization research was carried out and block polymers containing different peptide chains were obtained .