
  • 网络MAU;active user;MAUS
  1. 面向Web活跃用户的树型访问模式挖掘算法

    Mining access patterns of Web active user based on tree structure

  2. 该公司将这主要归因于智能手机即时信息应用微信(WeChat),据腾讯称,微信是中国最受欢迎的互联网应用,月度活跃用户账户数量为8.46亿。

    The company attributed this mainly to smartphone messaging app WeChat , the most popular internet app in China with 846m monthly active user accounts , according to Tencent .

  3. 天天P图于2014年发行,如今其每月活跃用户量已达1.06亿。

    Launched in 2014 , Pitu has accumulated 106 million monthly active users ( MAUs ) .

  4. Line拥有超过3.4亿注册用户(这个数据与月活跃用户数量不同,通常远高于后者)。

    Line has more than 340 million registered users ( which is different and generally much higher than monthly active users ) .

  5. 有9亿名活跃用户的Facebook似乎已经取得了主导地位。

    With 900m active users , Facebook looks dominant already .

  6. 像现在电子艺界(ElectronicArts)、Plyadom还有Wooga这些公司每月的活跃用户分别都只有3000万左右,但是他们可能会迎头赶上。

    Electronic Arts , Playdom and Wooga have only about 30m monthly active users each , but they may catch up .

  7. facebook2010年活跃用户数量已超过欧盟(eu)的人口。

    2010 saw the number of active Facebook users grow larger than the European Union .

  8. 截至年底,Facebook活跃用户超过了3.5亿。

    By the end of the year , Facebook has 350 million-plus active users .

  9. 仅在过去的一年里,Facebook的活跃用户人数就增长了26%,达到10亿人以上。

    In the past year alone , active Facebook users increased 26 % to more than 1 billion .

  10. 与此同时,Twitter的活跃用户增势喜人,用户数同比增加了24%,达到2.71亿人次。

    Meanwhile , the number of active users grew a very healthy 24 % to 271 million .

  11. 据《金融时报》报道,今年一月份,也就是第一季度初,王者荣耀的日活跃用户数达5000万人,比精灵宝可梦GO全盛时期的日活跃用户数还要多。

    In January this year , at the very start of Q1 , the Financial Times reported that Honor of Kings had 50 million DAUs - more than Pokemon Go at its peak .

  12. 微信这款月活跃用户数为7.62亿的移动聊天应用,像Facebook一样允许公开发帖。

    WeChat is a mobile chat application with 762 million monthly users , that allows public postings , similar to Facebook .

  13. 这家社交网络巨头只谈月度活跃用户数,截止6月30日,Facebook的月度活跃用户数为9.55亿。

    The social networking giant only talks about monthly active users , of which it has 955 million as of June 30 .

  14. Facebook的新产品可能会抢占领英的市场份额。领英是一家为专业人士提供服务的社交网站,月均活跃用户数达9000万。

    Facebook 's new product could take market share from LinkedIn , the social network for professionals with 90m active monthly users .

  15. iTunes商店拥有8亿活跃用户,着实令人惊叹。

    The company 's iTunes store counts a staggering 800 million active users .

  16. 目前,Facebook每月的活跃用户数在9亿人以上,许多运动员和名人也活跃于Twitter和其它社交网站。

    Facebook now counts more than 900m monthly active users , while many athletes and celebrities are active on Twitter and other sites .

  17. 例如,Facebook声称有8亿“活跃用户”,但我知道很多人包括我自己在内不止有一个账户。

    Facebook claims 800 million " active users , " but I know lots of people myself included who have more than one account .

  18. Facebook现在总共拥有18亿活跃用户,在现有市场的基础之上,它正积极寻求向世界其它地方扩张。

    Facebook , which has 1.8 billion active users , is aggressively looking to expand in parts of the world beyond its existing markets .

  19. 她是Instagram的活跃用户,拥有三个账户,65000名关注者。

    with a total of more than 65000 followers for her three accounts .

  20. Facebook表示,截至2011年12月31日,该网站每月的活跃用户数为8.45亿,较上年增长39%。

    Facebook said that it had 845m monthly active users as of December 31 , 2011 , up 39 per cent from the year before .

  21. 举例来说,Facebook首席执行官马克•扎克伯格最近曾提到,该公司48%的日常活跃用户都通过移动设备登录Facebook。

    For example , Facebook ( FB ) CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently mentioned that 48 % of its daily active users log in via mobile .

  22. 而在北美,欧洲以及亚洲,日活跃用户以及月活跃用户的比例开始呈现下滑趋势——这是“Facebook疲乏症”的标志。

    and the ratio of daily to monthly users ticked down in North America , Europe and Asia-a sign to some of " Facebook fatigue . "

  23. 最新数据显示,目前WhatsApp的活跃用户已经达到约4.5亿。

    At last count , it had about 450 million active users .

  24. 美图总部位于厦门,app单机安装量达11亿,月活跃用户达4.5亿,吸引受众潜力巨大。

    Xiamen-based Meitu already has its apps installed on 1.1 billion unique devices and 450m monthly active users and its tech could reach many more very soon .

  25. 这是为了限制Facebook可以对欧洲用户的数据进行的操作,施雷姆斯说。尽管与Facebook存在法律纠纷,他仍然是该网站的活跃用户。

    This is about limiting what Facebook can do with Europeans ' data , said Mr. Schrems , who remains active on the service despite his legal disputes .

  26. 如果你是代码托管网站Github或开发人员问答网站StackOverflow的活跃用户,招聘人员很有可能会主动找到你。

    If you 're active on Github , Stack Overflow , etc , there 's a chance a recruiter will come to you .

  27. Facebook公司斥资190亿美元并购了WhatsApp,这款产品的每月活跃用户现已达到7亿人。

    Facebook FB 0.61 % bought WhatsApp for $ 19 billion ; that service now has 700 million monthly active users .

  28. 新浪微博去年第三季度的日常活跃用户数高达6000万,据巴克莱银行(Barclays)估计,该平台每月用户数为1.95亿。

    Weibo had 60m daily active users in the third quarter of last year , and Barclays reckons it has 195m monthly users .

  29. 微信加上海外版的WeChat总共拥有8.46亿月度活跃用户。

    Weixin , along with the WeChat app outside China , has 846m active monthly subscribers .

  30. 北京陌陌科技有限公司(BeijingMomoTechnologyCo.)旗下有一款约会应用,2013年年底的月度活跃用户数约为3500万。早在美国市场推出同类产品Tinder之前,这款应用就已经推出了。

    Beijing Momo Technology Co. , a dating app that had about 35 million monthly active users at the end of 2013 , pre-dated its U.S. equivalent , Tinder .