
  1. 互联网精神交往形态分析

    To Analyse the Modality of Internet Spiritual Intercourse

  2. 数字版权:互联网精神和版权管理制度由一件著作权侵权案谈著作权集体管理制度

    Internet Spirit and Digital Rights Management On the Copyright Collective Management System through a Case of Copyright Infringement

  3. 在苏格兰爱丁堡举行的一个电视制造商高层会议中Google的CEOEricSchmidt表示,电视业应该尊重竞争并遵守互联网开放精神。

    The television industry should embrace technology companies and the open spirit of the Internet , Google Chairman Eric Schmidt told a gathering of TV executives in Edinburgh , Scotland today .

  4. 论互联网上的精神权利保护

    The Discussion on Spirit Right Protection of Internet

  5. 比如,他们指责它是“限制性的”,因此违反互联网的基本精神。

    For instance , that it is " restrictive , " thereby violating the fundamental spirit of the web .

  6. 第二章分析技术进步与精神权利的关系,从技术进步与版权制度的关系作为引导,深入分析了数字技术和互联网环境对精神权利的挑战。

    Part II of this article presents the relationship between the copyright and progress of technology so as to profoundly analyze the challenges brought by digital technology and internet against the moral rights .

  7. 虽然水瓶座,木星主要集中在社会网络,友谊,小组活动,互联网,和团队精神。

    While in Aquarius , Jupiter focuses on social networking , friendships , group activities , the Internet , and teamwork .

  8. 第四章研究数字技术和互联网环境下作者精神权利保护的限制和例外制度,分析了精神权利限制原因,归纳比较了各国相关法律实践。

    Part IV of this article investigates the restriction and exception regulations of moral rights protection in digital technology and internet circumstance , exploring the reasons of exception and restriction , comparison of some countries legislations .

  9. 初中生上网成瘾的社会心理过程包括进入互联网、喜爱互联网、精神依赖和躯体依赖四个阶段。

    The social psychological process of addiction include entering the Internet , loving it , depending on it in spirit and then by body .

  10. 互联网骨干网网间直联博弈对管制政策的影响数字版权:互联网精神和版权管理制度

    The Impact of Private Peering Game among Internet Backbone Providers on Regulatory Policy ; Internet Spirit and Digital Rights Management