
hù zhù bǎo xiǎn
  • Mutual insurance;fraternal insurance
  1. 她得知自己的保险已经被太平洋互助保险公司中止了。

    She learned her insurance had been canceled by Pacific Mutual Insurance Company

  2. 互助保险及其在构建和谐社会中的作用

    Mutual Insurance and Its Role in Constructing a Harmonious Society

  3. 职工互助保险对社会保障体系的补充作用

    Supplementary Function of Mutual Insurance towards Workers and Staff Members

  4. 日本互助保险制度对我国新型农村合作医疗的启示

    Enlightenment of Japanese Mutual Insurance Scheme to Chinese New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme

  5. 我国优秀运动员伤残互助保险的现状及发展对策研究

    China 's Elite Athletes ' Disabled Mutual Assistance Insurance Status and Development Strategies Research

  6. 随着互助保险制度的不断完善,互助保险在海事领域得到广泛的运用。

    With the perfection of mutual insurance , such an institution has been widely applied in the maritime industry .

  7. 互助保险是介于社会保险和商业保险之间的一种以互助互济为特征的保险形式,具有其独特的涵义和性质。

    Mutual insurance is an insurance form between social insurance and business insurance , which has its particular connotation and features .

  8. 另外,结合山东农业发展的现状的条件,提出在有条件的地区率先发展农业互助保险,为现阶段政策性农业保险提供补充。

    Second , developed the agricultural mutual insurance in regions where conditions permit the lead in agricultural insurance for the current policy to provide supplementary .

  9. 职工互助保险在我国有着悠久的历史,发展职工互助保险有着可靠的政策依据和良好的内、外部环境。

    Its history is long-standing . Develop the mutual insurance towards workers and staff members on the basis of reliable policy in good internal and external conditions .

  10. 本文将运用公共经济、公共管理及人力资本理论对云南省职工医疗互助保险现状进行分析研究。

    This article will use the public economic and public management and human capital theory to Yunnan province worker medical treatment to mutual insurance situation analysis research .

  11. 为了进一步研究这个概念,我们与利宝互助保险集团和骏河银行两家公司合作,创建了两个亲善应用并测试它们的效果。

    To further study this concept , we worked with two companies Liberty Mutual and Suruga Bank to create two benevolent apps and then test the results .

  12. 在经营主体方面,我们可以有如下的备选方案:政府出资建立的政策性农业保险公司、政府资助下的商业保险公司、农民自发成立的互助保险。

    As for the subject of business , we may consider the following alternatives : stage-owned agricultural insurance company , government subsidized commercial insurance company and mutual insurance .

  13. 美国和日本对互助保险公司的监管立法相对都比较完善,但两国监管重心有所不同,监管程度也存在明显差异。

    Both in U.S.A and Japan , the legislation on supervision of mutual insurance companies is comparatively perfect , but there are obvious differences in the emphases and extents .

  14. 佩恩互助保险公司的调查估计,在家里,女性花更多的时间做饭、打扫卫生,但如果折合成金钱,总是低估自己的贡献。

    A Penn Mutual Life Insurance Co. survey estimated that around the house , women log more hours cooking and cleaning than men but undervalue their contributions in dollar terms .

  15. 职工医疗互助保险和社会医疗保险共同构成我省合理完善的医疗保险体系,是多层次社会保障制度的重要组成部分。

    Worker medical treatment to mutual insurance and social medical insurance in our province to form a reasonable and perfect medical insurance system , multi-level is important part of social security system .

  16. 首先列举几种主流的学术观点,主要有特殊救济说、一般救助说、失业保险学说、互助保险说、社会津贴说。

    First listed several mainstream academic point of view , mainly list several employment security systems , special relief system , general assistance system , unemployment insurance system , mutual insurance theory , social allowance system .

  17. 不过,最重要的特点是,先锋集团在这个行业中能够以最低的利润率成功经营,因为就像一家互助保险公司那样,它是由客户所拥有的。

    The most important distinction , though , is that vanguard is able to operate with the lowest margins in the business because , like a mutual insurance company , it is owned by its customers .

  18. 全美互助保险公司安全部副主席比尔·温莎说:“由此可见,美国人每天需要处理很多事情,但时间又总是不够,所以经常‘一心多用’”。

    " Clearly Americans have much to do and little time to do it , so to cope with that we 've become multi-taskers ," said Bill Windsor , associate vice president of Safety at Nationwide .

  19. 在中国恢复重建商业保险之前,中国就有社会保障制度、家庭保险制度、互助保险制度存在。这些制度不仅具有商业保险的经济保障功能,还有服务保障、精神慰藉、情感支持等功能。

    Before 1980 , China had already had social security , family insurance and reciprocal insurance which have not only the function of economic indemnification , but also the functions of services , spiritual comfort , feeling support .

  20. 借鉴美日互助保险公司监管的经验,中国对互助保险公司的监管应基于规定互助保险公司的设立条件、限制互助保险公司的经营范围,明确互助保险公司的资金运用及盈余分配等方面进行考虑。

    Using their experiences in the supervision of mutual insurance companies for reference , we should mainly study how to regulate the conditions of establishing mutual insurance companies , control their run scopes and specify their utilization of funds and surplus distribution etc.

  21. 他也曾为富国银行(WellsFargo)、企业租车服务公司EnterpriseRent-a-Car、西北互助人寿保险公司(NorthwesternMutual)和金融咨询公司EdwardJones等公司培训高管最大程度地发挥脑力。

    He also coaches executives at companies like Wells Fargo ( WFC ) , enterprise rent-a-car , Northwestern Mutual , and financial advisors Edward Jones on how to get the most out of their brains .

  22. 工人阶级要携手共建困难保障安全网&关于中国职工互助合作保险模式及困难保障机制的设想

    The Working Class Should Jointly Build the Safety Network of Difficulty Insurance

  23. 质量控制图在农村互助医疗保险项目监测中的应用

    Application of quality control chart in surveillance of rural mutual health care

  24. 安田互助人寿保险公司请在你处投保平安险。

    Yasuda Mutual Life Insurance Company Please insure F.P.A at your end .

  25. 职工互助补充保险受诸多因素影响,存在一些难点问题。

    The workers ' supplementary mutual-aid insurance scheme is effected by many factors .

  26. 三井互助人寿保险公司

    " Mitsui Mutual Life Insurance , Co. "

  27. 加快发展互助补充保险为职工构建保障网

    Speed up Development of Mutual Replenishment Insurance and Structure Insurance Network for Staff and Workers

  28. 河北省农业保险的经营模式应当采取以政府再保险为调节,以地方性互助合作保险组织为基础、吸收商业保险公司参与的农村保险组织制度,同时需要多渠道支持和政府的推动与诱导。

    A policy agricultural insurance system combining the government organization with the cooperative organizations should be established .

  29. 本部分着重讨论了支撑成都市大病医疗互助补充保险委托保险公司经办的依据。

    This section focuses on the basis of support Chengdu serious medical mutual aid supplement insurance , commission insurance company managers .

  30. 有鉴于此,应建立相应的组织治理、财政支持和外部监管保障机制,实现渔业互助合作保险的可持续发展。

    For those reasons , appropriate governance , financial support and external regulatory mechanisms should be established to achieve sustainable development of fisheries .