
  • 网络long term insurance
  1. 新造业务统计数字显示,长期保险业务强劲增长。

    The new business statistics showed that the long term insurance business grew strongly .

  2. 有的是长期保险,如人寿保险。

    Have a plenty of long-term insurance , be like life-insurance .

  3. 长期健康保险保单准备金计算方法研究

    Research on Policy Reserve Calculating Methods for Long Term Health Insurance

  4. 保障范围上,长期护理保险产品可先提供基本的保障,再向全面保障过渡;

    Basin safeguard is prior to complete guarantee in insurance extent ;

  5. 德国强制性长期护理保险概述及启示

    General Statement and Inspiration of Germany Compulsory Long-term Care Insurance

  6. 第五章我国长期护理保险供求均衡探讨。

    The equilibrium of supply and demand of long-term care insurance in China .

  7. 长期护理保险的概念界定

    On Concept Definition of Long - term Care Insurance

  8. 长期的保险金仅只涉及她父亲的医疗费用;

    The long-term insurance plan had been covering only her father 's medical expenses ;

  9. 此规则对于长期人寿保险合同下的被保险人意义重大。

    This rule is important to the insurant under the long-term life insurance contract .

  10. 1995年起,德国设立长期护理保险并纳入《社会法典》。

    Germany established long-term care insurance and put it into the social code in 1995 .

  11. 第二章长期护理保险概述。

    Overview of long-term care insurance .

  12. 如果你的母亲还可以投保,请考虑为她购买一份长期护理保险。

    If your mom is still insurable , consider getting her a long-term care insurance policy .

  13. 2000年4月日本正式开始实施全民长期护理保险计划。

    Japan started to carry out the plan of Public Long-Term Care insurance in April , 2000 .

  14. 投资/储蓄型的长期财产保险产品具有较强的投资价值。

    Investment or saving P & C insurance products have a larger investment value in the long run .

  15. 长期护理保险研究

    Long Term Care Insurance

  16. 我们的邻国日本和韩国也于本世纪相继推出了社会性的长期护理保险制度。

    By the beginning of this century , Japan and Korea also launched social long term care insurance system .

  17. 长期护理保险是适应人口老龄化社会发展趋势的保险产品,属于健康保险的一种。

    Long-time care insurance is a type of health insurance . It conforms to the trend of the aging society .

  18. 在中国,长期护理保险能否实施?关键问题是这种保险制度的运行成本如何。

    In China , Can the long-term care insurance be implemented ? The key issue is the cost of such system ?

  19. 那可能延伸至分摊杂货店账单的费用、到规划长期健康保险费、再到你孩子的教育经费。

    That can range from splitting the grocery bills to planning for long-term health care insurance and your children 's education .

  20. 在长期护理保险制度、人力资源、服务传递、监督管理方面都有许多经验值得学习和借鉴。

    In the long-term care insurance system , human resources , service delivery , supervision and management have many experiences and learn from .

  21. 首先界定了长期护理保险的涵义,并介绍其内容和选题背景意义,为下文作理论铺垫。

    Firstly , it identified Long-Term Care Insurance product , and analyzed both the content and background . This is the theory basic things .

  22. 在借鉴德国经验的基础上提出了我国发展长期护理保险时基金的筹资方式以及基金管理的建议。

    In order to establish our long-term care insurance , the authors propose ways of funding financing and management on the basis of the experiences from Germany .

  23. 这样,在需求和供给两方面的共同努力下,最终才能逐步实现我国长期护理保险的供求均衡。

    With the joint efforts on demand and supply , we will achieve the balance between supply and demand of long-term care insurance in our country gradually .

  24. 长期护理保险是适应老龄化社会发展趋势的保险产品,是解决人口老龄化问题的较好途径之一。

    Long-term care is an insurance product that suits the aging trend of population , and therefore is one of the solutions to the issue of population aging .

  25. 本文根据英文“长期护理保险简介”一文翻译,仅作提供资讯之用。

    The document is translated from the English language document " long-term care insurance : what you need to know ", and it is for information purposes only .

  26. 论我国长期护理保险的建立与发展&通过与日本的比较

    On the Establishment and Development of a Long-Term Care Insurance System in China & Based on the Comparison of Long-Term Care Insurance of China and that of Japan

  27. 保险合同的上述特点,使得长期以来保险会计的确认和计量存在一定困难,其主要的难点体现为保险合同收入确认与准备金计量。

    There are difficulties in recognition and measurement of insurance accounting , due to above characteristics . How to recognize the revenue and measure the reserve is the main difficulty .

  28. 如选择保险引述出数百或数千可用的是,并不难还不够,有几个更多的偏头痛所涉及的,一旦您购买的长期伤残保险。

    As if choosing an insurance quote out of hundreds or thousands available was not hard enough , there are several more migraines involved once you purchased long term disability insurance .

  29. 随着长期健康保险业务规模的不断扩增,以及健康保险专业化的不断深入,长期健康险准备金的规模也与日俱增,它在整个准备金体系中的地位显得越来越重要。

    With the fast improvement and specialization in Chinese health insurance , the scale of the policy reserve increases steadily , the position of it becomes more and more important as well .

  30. 在这些理论和事实的基础上,论证在上海推行商业长期护理保险的可行性与必要性。再从保险产品和宏观制度的层面探索商业长期护理保险的开发模式。

    Based on such facts , we will demonstrate the feasibility and necessity of implementation of commercial long-term care insurance , and explore its development model from insurance product and macro-system level .