
cháng shí jì yì
  • long term memory
长时记忆[cháng shí jì yì]
  1. 结果表明,SNP(036μgicv)使大鼠在被动回避反应的短时与长时记忆和在主动回避反应的学习记忆能力增强。

    The results showed that SNP ( 0 36 μ g , icv ) facilitated short term and long term memory in passive avoidance response and elevated learning and memory ability in active avoidance response .

  2. 有ASD患者的长时记忆、短时记忆、瞬时记忆的多数分测验评分以及记忆商值均明显低于无ASD患者(P均<0.01~0.05)。

    Most scores of subtests in long term memory , short term memory and instant memory and memory quotient were obviously lower in the ASD group than in the non ASD group ( P < 0.01 to 0.05 ) .

  3. Fan效应&长时记忆提取研究的新趋势

    Fan Effect : The Latest Development in Long-term Memory Retrieval

  4. X(E)(m项)a.本文包括长时记忆视优效应的三项实验。

    ( E )( m times ) a. Three experiments which involve the visual superiority effect in longterm memory are reported here .

  5. 结论AD患者有明显的额叶执行功能障碍和记忆障碍。提示AD患者的额叶执行功能障碍与长时记忆缺陷有关。

    Conclusion The dysfunction of frontal executive function and memory is existed in AD and frontal dysfunction is related with long - term memory .

  6. 本研究的目的在于探讨短时记忆(STM)和长时记忆(LTM)中是否存在句式效应。

    The present research is to explore whether there is sentence-type ef-fect in immediate and long-term memory .

  7. CREB是神经元内多条信息传递途径的汇聚点,参与长时记忆形成和突触可塑性。

    Multiple signal transduction pathways converge on CREB , which plays an essential role in the formation of long-term memory and synaptic plasticity .

  8. 本文还讨论了海马CA3影响长时记忆过程的可能神经机理。

    The possible neural mechanism of hippocampal area CA3 in the process of long-term memory was also discussed in this paper .

  9. 行为训练可以导致脑内Tob蛋白表达量的一过性升高,而且这一表达升高发生在长时记忆形成之前。

    Behavioral training of fear-conditioning triggered a transient elevation of Tob protein , which preceded the formation of long-term memory .

  10. CREB能激活与学习记忆密切相关的基因,在长时记忆(LTM)过程中起重要作用。

    CREB ( cAMP response element binding protein ), as a transcription factor , activates learning and memory related genes and plays a role in the long term memory ( LTM ) .

  11. 75dB交通噪声对人体长时记忆影响的实验研究

    The Experimental Research on the Influence of Traffic Noise on People 's Long Term Memory in Memorizing and Retention

  12. 记忆有两种:短时记忆和长时记忆。

    There are two kinds of memory : shoat-term and long-term .

  13. 合理利用词汇组块和搭配有利于巩固长时记忆。

    Proper use of lexical chunks and collocations facilitate long-term memory .

  14. 有时处于长时记忆中的信息很难记起。

    Sometimes information in the long-term memory is hard to remember .

  15. 通过音乐、运动、韵律和节奏促进儿童的长时记忆。

    Long-term memory storage through music , movement , rhythm and rhyme .

  16. 语言单位大小在短时和长时记忆中的效应

    Size effect of language units in short-term and long-term memory

  17. 频率差异假设和长时记忆的视优效应

    Differential-frequency interpretation and visual superiority effect in long-term memory

  18. 非永久记忆,短期记忆有两种记忆:短时记忆和长时记忆。

    Impermanent memory There are two kinds of memory : short-term and long-term .

  19. 长时记忆丧失和痴呆症都与这种乙酰胆碱传递被削弱有关。

    In chronic memory loss and dementia , the acetylcholine transmission is impaired .

  20. 听力正常人与聋人长时记忆的比较研究

    Study on the comparison of long-term memory in normal hearing and deaf people

  21. 长时记忆中目标信息的即时性通达

    The Instantaneous Accessibility of Goal-based Information in Long-term Memory

  22. 长时记忆的容量是可以通过训练不断得到扩大的。

    The capacity in Long-term memory can be expand through extensive practice . 5 .

  23. 长时记忆的类型与加工

    Classifying and processing of long - term memory

  24. 这个实验的结论是,短时记忆和长时记忆是有区别的。

    It was concluded from this experiment that short-term memory is unlike long-term memory .

  25. 长时记忆中文本目标信息的激活机制

    Research on the Condition of Accessibility of Goal information in Long-term Memory in Text Reading

  26. 长时记忆形成的全息特性及空间信息的提取和保持

    The Holographic Characteristics of the Long-term Memory Formation and Reconstruction and Maintenance of Spatial Information

  27. (指记忆、形象等)历久不忘瞬时、短时、长时记忆

    ( of a memory , image , etc ) be remembered for a long time

  28. 本文包括长时记忆视优效应的三项实验。

    Three experiments which involve the visual superiority effect in longterm memory are reported here .

  29. 瞬时、短时、长时记忆。

    Immediate , short-term and long-term memory .

  30. 实验3探究信息精确化推理在长时记忆中是否也会即时发生。

    In experiment 3 , farther explore the inference happen on-line or not in long-term memory .