
chāo wǒ
  • superego;super-ego
超我[chāo wǒ]
  1. 不论如何,超我也不是神圣的,一如许多道德规范。

    Anyway , super-ego is not holy either , like many moral conducts .

  2. 超我的关键是责任和契约。

    The keys to super-ego are responsibilities and contracts .

  3. 三重人格包括本我、自我和超我。

    There are id , ego and superego in this personality .

  4. 本我、自我与超我&《黑暗的心脏》之解读

    Id , Ego and Superego & Interpretation of Heart of Darkness

  5. 那些单词和字母会把我领向超我的境界。

    That words and letters would guide me to reach beyond myself .

  6. 这种超我之物的,媒介是什么?

    What is the agency of this sense of something beyond ourselves ?

  7. 超我是文中唯一的道德源泉。

    The Superego is the only origin of morality in this play .

  8. 论阮籍人格心理的超我意识

    On the Self-transcending Consciousness of Ruan Ji 's Personal Psychology

  9. 超我是社会家庭规范的内化。

    And the superego is the internalized rules of parents in society .

  10. 自我本我和超我的挣扎&从弗洛伊德精神分析学说看莎菲女士心理

    The Psychological Struggle among Ego , Id and Superego

  11. 你那样超我的车,差一点就撞车了!

    You merely caused a crash by cutting in on me like that !

  12. 现在我们必须看到我们有超我和自我的问题。

    Now we have to see that we have problems for superego and ego .

  13. 自我在本我、超我和外部世界中调节。

    The ego mediates among the id , the super-ego and the external world .

  14. 斯蒂芬的超我和象征界;

    Stephen 's superego and the Symbolic order ;

  15. 她的本我欲望与超我准则之间的冲突造成了她的悲剧人生。

    Her ID and superego desire conflict between the standards cause her tragic life .

  16. 大家记住,你的超我是盲目的。

    And the idea is your superego & remember , your superego is stupid .

  17. 超我是本我的升华和理想的境界。

    The superego is the higher lever of id and it is the ideal target .

  18. 他的不可抑制的本我导致了他最后致命性的毁灭,他的超我也最后崩溃了。

    His irresistible id leads to fatal destruction and eventually the collapse of his superego .

  19. 艺术家的超我、自我和本我&托马斯·曼小说《死于威尼斯》评析

    Artist 's Superego , Ego and Libido & On Thomas Mann 's Dying in Venice

  20. 你那样超我的车,差点造成事故。

    You nearly caused an accident by cutting in ( on me ) like that .

  21. 弗洛伊德将人格分为本我、自我和超我。

    Freud divides human 's personality into three parts : id , ego , superego .

  22. 一是自我动力,二是超我动力。

    One is the motive power of ego and the other is that of super ego .

  23. 超我在道德原则的鞭策下,使人格得以升华,人类本性与社会关系趋于完美。

    Guided by the morality principle , super-ego sublimates and consummates human nature and social relations .

  24. 艾贝尔本我、自我和超我的矛盾归于平静,超我也获得了升华。

    The conflict of his id , ego and superego is hushed into peace with balance .

  25. 而基本上,自性,或者说自我,是介于本我与超我之间的。

    And basically your self , the ego , is in between the id and the superego .

  26. 让我们透过超我服务来支持我们的杂志-最佳的资讯来源。

    Through Service Above Self , let 's support our magazines , a super source of information .

  27. 艾米莉·狄金森的作品是她的本我、自我、超我三重人格的体现。

    Emily Dickinson 's works are reflections of her state of mind-the id , ego and a superego .

  28. 但是作为社会中人,哈里或多或少受到自我和超我的影响。

    But as a social man , Harry is more or less influenced by his ego and superego .

  29. 这三种结构分别是本我,自我,和超我,它们随着个体的发展而逐渐出现。

    And these three parts are the id , the ego , and the superego and they emerge developmentally .

  30. 自我是本我和超我的中间环节,沟通两者的桥梁。与本我相反,超我更注重遵守社会道德和社会规范。

    Ego is the media of id and superego because superego pays much attention to the conscience and morals .