
  • 网络Transpersonal Psychology
  1. 试析超个人心理学及其关于意识的研究

    An Analysis of the Transpersonal Psychology and Its Consciousness Theory

  2. 关于超个人心理学几个主要理论问题的辨析

    Analysis on A Few Important Theoretical Problems of Transpersonal Psychology

  3. 非常态心理学:超个人心理学的非常态意识研究

    Un-normal Psychology : Super Individual Psychology of Consciousness Research Comparatively

  4. 超个人心理学的意识论;

    The theory of consciousness and the views of science .

  5. 超个人心理学的基本理念

    The Basic Standpoints of Transpersonal Psychology Super Acids

  6. 这几个问题是:超个人心理学的人生意义论;

    These problems were the following : the theory of the meaning of human life ;

  7. 超个人心理学是20世纪60年代末在美国兴起的一种心理学流派。

    Transpersonal psychology is a psychological school arose from America at the end of 1960s .

  8. 超个人心理学忽视了人性中恶的一面,属于理想主义人性观。

    Transpersonal psychology ignores the sickness of humanity , and belongs to ideal view of humanity .

  9. 超个人心理学的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice in Transpersonal Psychology

  10. 荣格及其学派与超个人心理学

    Jungian School & Transpersonal Psychology

  11. 如何评价超个人心理学是一个很难的问题。

    Evaluation remains a problem .

  12. 走向整合的超个人心理学

    Transpersonal Psychology Toward Integrity

  13. 本文对在超个人心理学理论体系中具有重大意义并居于中心地位的几个问题进行分析探讨。

    This essay analyzed and explored a few problems , which had important role in the field of the theoretical system of transpersonal psychology .

  14. 人性的复苏、回归与超越&从精神分析心理学到超个人心理学

    Resuscitation , regression and surpass of humanity & from psychoanalysis psychology to transpersonal psychology ; scientific psychology 's life energy lies in transcendence and accommodation

  15. 现象学心理学沿不同维度表现为思辨与实验的现象学心理学、经验与解释的现象学心理学、存在与超个人的现象学心理学六种理论形态。

    It exhibits such six theoretical approaches as speculative and experimental phenomenological psychology , empirical and hermeneutical phenomenological psychology , existential and transpersonal phenomenological psychology according to different dimentions .