
  • 网络long-term contracts;permanent contract;CDI
  1. 公司通过与种植户签订长期合同得到保障。

    The company is buffered by long-term contracts with growers .

  2. 国有能源巨头中石化(sinopec)和中海油正准备大幅增加液化气进口,已经与澳大利亚和中东达成了长期合同。

    Already , state energy giants such as Sinopec and CNOOC are gearing up for LNG imports with long-term contracts in Australia and the Middle East .

  3. AcmeRefiningCompany的客户是长期合同客户,他们同意购买该公司的预定的产品量,所以需求是固定的。

    The Acme Refining Company 's customers are long-term contract customers who have agreed to buy predetermined quantities of the company 's products , so the demand is fixed .

  4. 世界第二大铁矿石生产商力拓(RioTinto)将昨晚定为达成协议的最后期限,其与中国钢铁制造商的一些长期合同于此时到期。

    Rio Tinto , the world 's second-largest iron ore producer , had set a deadline of last night for an agreement , when some of its long-term contracts with Chinese steelmakers expired .

  5. 日本三菱(MitsubishiCorp)等几家大型液化天然气进口企业向生产商施压,要求变更长期合同条款,减弱与油价的联系。

    Mitsubishi Corp is one of several big Japanese LNG importers applying pressure on producers to change the way long-term supply contracts are drawn up , seeking to weaken the link to oil .

  6. 然而行业趋势却对惠普不利。EDS采用的外包模式要求对办公设施、设备和人员做大量的前期投资,而惠普往往是在客户签下大额长期合同的时候挣钱。

    But industry trends worked against H-P. The outsourcing model practiced by EDS requires substantial upfront investment in facilities , equipment and people , with H-P typically making money when customers sign large , long-term contracts .

  7. 应用层次分析法(AHP)对未来可能的交易对象进行综合评判并确定混合战略的选择概率,以达到交易双方找到合适的交易对象、降低长期合同交易的谈判成本,从而成功签订交易合同的目的。

    The analytic hierarchical process ( AHP ) is applied to synthetically evaluate potential bargainers and obtain the selected probability of mixed strategy so as to find the appropriate bargainers , reduce the cost of long-term contract negotiation , and finally sign the contact successfully .

  8. 印度逾90%的手机用户都使用预付费SIM卡、而不签订长期合同,这使得运营商无法提供那种在其他地区提振了高价手机销量的补贴。

    More than 90 per cent of phone users in India use prepaid SIM cards instead of long-term contracts , which prevents operators from offering the kind of subsidies that have boosted sales of higher-cost handsets elsewhere .

  9. WeWork以长期合同租下整栋建筑,装修后再将其中的办公桌和办公室出租给初创企业。

    WeWork takes long-term leases on buildings , fitting them out and renting desks and offices to start-ups .

  10. 以中国宝钢(baosteel)为首的钢铁制造商与矿业公司之间的谈判将于未来两周启动,谈判内容是从2008年4月开始为期一年的铁矿石长期合同价格。

    The negotiations between the steelmakers , led by Baosteel of China , and the mining companies are set to start in the next two weeks and cover the price for long-term contracts for the year starting in April 2008 .

  11. J.R.史密斯将会成为自由身,而以一个长期合同锁定詹姆斯是最理想的,但他似乎倾向于对于每年签订一次合约。

    J.R. Smith will be a free agent and locking James in a long-term contract would be ideal , but he seems happy to go year-to-year .

  12. 长期合同下的供应链生产能力协调策略研究

    The Research of Supply Chain Capacity Coordination Based on Long-term Contract

  13. 单边开放电力市场中长期合同的谈判博弈模型

    The Bargain Game Model of Long-term Contract in Unilateral Opening Electricity Market

  14. 更有甚者,几份长期合同已经签订到2017年。

    Moreover , it has several long-term contracts for slots up to2017 .

  15. 许多油轮已完成了储油的长期合同。

    Many tankers have finished long-term contracts to store oil .

  16. 他们的策略中用长期合同来约束用户。

    Their strategy is to lock subscribers into long-term contracts .

  17. 目前,天然气根据长期合同通过管道运输。

    Currently , natural gas is transported through pipelines under long-term contracts .

  18. 一些客户还在寻求就长期合同重新展开谈判。

    Some customers are also seeking to renegotiate long-term contracts .

  19. 这些大公司正在利用长期合同,控制矿产的供应。

    The big companies were tying up supplies of minerals in long-term contracts .

  20. 纽卡给了他一份长期合同。

    They 've given him a long contract .

  21. 另外,自由职业者几乎不会获得长期合同。

    Also , freelancers seldom have long-term contracts .

  22. 供应者和用户之间主要依靠长期合同规避风险。天然气的运输和销售捆绑式经营是这一阶段最为明显的特点(如我国目前的状况)。

    Long-term contract is the main way for suppler and user to avoid the risk .

  23. 至少,那些足够幸运的、拥有长期合同的同事不怎么努力。

    At least , not those who were lucky enough to have a permanent contract .

  24. 鲍勃签订了一份长期合同。

    Bob got an extended contract .

  25. 长期合同下股权激励对于小银行经理人有着更为重要的意义;

    The equity incentive of long term contract is important for managers especially for small banks .

  26. 临时工、短期合同工的工作不安全感都显著地高于长期合同工。

    Temporary employees and short-term contracted employees report more serious job insecurity than long-term contracted employees .

  27. 与传统内部部署软件不同,基于云计算的工具一般通过长期合同进行支付。

    Unlike traditional , on-premise software , cloud-based tools are usually paid for via multi-year contracts .

  28. 而在电量市场收入的获取上,发电企业要做好长期合同市场和现货市场的协调与优化;

    Generation should harmonize the relation between long-term contract market and spot market in the energy market .

  29. 尽管面临严峻的就业形势,学生们仍不愿接受用人单位的长期合同。

    Although facing a grim market , students are still reluctant to accept long contracts from employers .

  30. 例如,拥有自己的供应商的公司可以避免长期合同和对价格的争议。

    For example , companies that own their suppliers can avoid long-term contracts and disputes over prices .