
  1. 交流的形式有哪些?交流的形式包括区域内校长交流轮换、骨干教师均衡配置、普通教师派位轮岗等。

    The rotation programs will be carried out in different ways based on participants ' positions in which principals will rotate within the district , outstanding teachers equally distributed , and average teachers rotate on assigned jobs .

  2. 初中招生计算机派位系统

    Computer Aided Allocate System for Junior High School Enrollment

  3. 让电脑随机派位会达到这个目的。但我可以说:一位政府官员做不到这点。

    Randomly by computer would really sort it out . I can say that-a minister can 't.

  4. 很多家长昨日致电教署和其它志愿团体热线,投诉派位不理想。

    Worried parents flooded Education Department and voluntary organisations'hotlines yesterday , voicing discontent over their children 's Secondary One allocations .

  5. 要不要派两位议员到亚尼纳去?

    Shall two members of the house be sent to yanina ?

  6. 请给我派一位电工好吗?

    Could you please send for an electrician for me ?

  7. 请派一位服务生上来帮我拿行李。

    Please send up a boy to help me with my luggage .

  8. 可以派一位服务生帮我们提行李吗?

    Could I have a bellman help with our bags ?

  9. 请派一位行李员上来帮忙拿行李。

    Would you send up a porter for my baggage ?

  10. 能不能请你派一位行李员到我房间取行李?

    Can you get a bellboy to retrieve my bags from my room ?

  11. 要不然就劝劝希刺克厉夫先生给我派一位带路人吧。

    Or else to persuade Mr Heathcliff to give me a guide . '

  12. 我们会立刻派一位电工协助你们完成安装程序。

    We 'll send an electrician to help you with the installation immediately .

  13. 能不能派一位门房上来?

    Can you please send up a bellboy ?

  14. 将派几位帮助我们安装?

    How many engineer will be send to help us with the installation work ?

  15. 请派一位服务员来。

    Please send up a bellboy .

  16. 她告诉我一周以后要给我们班派一位新的英语老师来。

    She told me that a new English teacher would be sent to our class in a week .

  17. 半年以后才派两位工人来我家里修理。

    It was nearly half a year later that two workers were sent to my house to fix it .

  18. 派一位选手,派一支队伍,我们早就实现了。实现在我国举办奥运会,也已成为一个民族的奥运情结!

    Chinese people have fulfilled their dreams to send an athlete and a team to participate in the Olympic Games .

  19. 临来前,听说一些英国朋友曾好奇地问,中国为什么派一位驻朝鲜大使转任驻英国大使?

    Before I came here , I heard that some British friends asked why China should send someone from Pyongyang to serve in London ?

  20. 如果您能尽快派一位工程人员前来维修一下我房间里的供暖系统,我将十分感谢。

    I would be most grateful if you would send an engineer to fix the heating system in my room as soon as possible .

  21. 他们觉得,派一位内行的英国军官就总统府内外的安全问题出谋划策根本谈不上。

    They feel it is out of question to send a professional British officer to advise on security in and around the president 's palace .

  22. 第二,它可能表示撒迦利亚一直祈求神成就祂的应许,记念祂的百姓,差派一位拯救者来救赎他们。

    Or they could mean Zacharias had been asking God to fulfill His promise , remember His people and send the one who would redeem them .

  23. 我和我的学生非常尊重他研究果蝇神经环路,江教授梯队的工作世界一流,我曾经专门派一位博士后到他实验室学习和培训。

    My students and I admire his research on neural circuitry in the fruit fly Drosophila . I had sent a postdoctoral fellow to learn from his lab.

  24. 他原则上同意和迪斯克公司在技术上联合,不过他说要派一位设计工程师来英国参加谈判。

    He accepted in principle the idea of pooling know-how with Disc but said he would like to send a design engineer to England to take part in the negotiations .

  25. 要是他打一场明星拳击赛,那就更好了,特别是如果里昂证券方面派一位董事总经理和他一起跳上擂台的话。

    If he was in a celebrity boxing match , that 'd be better , especially if they 'd have one of their managing directors jump in the ring with him . '

  26. 他们会说,卡梅隆本应该派一位专业的海洋学家;或者使用无人驾驶的潜艇,这种潜艇更便宜、更安全,它可以在水下停留更久、收集更多数据,因此更加有效。

    They would have argued that he should have sent a professional oceanographer ; or an unmanned craft , which would have been cheaper , safer and ( because it could have remained down there for longer and collected more data ) more effective .

  27. “他们又脏又黑又笨,”他们会这么说,“就让他们当文盲好了。”老师们都很不愿意被派驻到这么偏远的学校,所以他们彼此间会达成协议,每天只派一位老师去为学生们上课。

    They are dirty , black and stupid , " people would say . ' Let them be illiterate . " It is often said that teachers don 't like to be posted to such remote schools and generally make a deal with their colleagues so that only one of them has to go to work each day .

  28. 政府派了10位代表前往中国。

    The government has sent ten delegates to China .

  29. 万树是清初阳羡词派中一位重要词人。

    Wan Shu was an important YangXian Group poet in the Qing Dynasty .

  30. 国王派了三位传令官去公爵那里。

    The king sent three heralds to the duke .