
  • 网络pike county;Pike County, Illinois;Parker County
  1. 大雨最近几周一直在美国中西部地区肆虐,派克县完全有理由认真对待这场大雨。

    Pike county has good reason to take seriously the heavy rain that has battered the Midwest in recent weeks .

  2. 美国伊利诺伊州派克县密西西比河畔的城镇弥漫着一种焦虑的坚定情绪。这个玉米和大豆种植县位于芝加哥西南约300英里。

    An air of anxious determination pervades the towns that border the Mississippi River in Pike County , Illinois , a corn - and soyabean-farming region some 300 miles south-west of Chicago .

  3. 即便派克县今年能够阻止密西西比河泛滥成灾,暴雨也已严重影响了当地的农产量。一些农户的种植时间已经推迟了5个星期。

    Even if Pike County can hold back the Mississippi this year , the heavy rain has already affected the area 's productivity significantly , as some farmers are up to five weeks behind on planting .