
  • 网络irbm;integrated watershed management
  1. 中国流域综合管理可行框架的近期进展

    Recent progress of IRBM enabling framework in China

  2. 探索中国推进流域综合管理的发展路线图

    Development roadmap of exploration on promoting IRBM in China

  3. 构建长江流域综合管理法律体系的构想

    Strengthening legislation system for integrated river basin management of Yangtze

  4. 对流域综合管理和水资源综合管理概念的探讨

    Discussion on the concepts of Integrated Watershed Management and Integrated Water Resources Management

  5. 流域综合管理中生态补偿制度的法律分析

    Legal Analysis of Ecological Compensation in River Basin Management

  6. 小流域综合管理信息系统集成研究

    A land-unit based integration method of geographic information system for small watershed management

  7. 美洲水文流域综合管理讨论会-讲习班

    Inter-American Seminar-Workshop on Integrated Management of Hydrographic Basins

  8. 坚持流域综合管理促进人与自然和谐发展

    Adhere to Integrated Watershed Management to Promote the Harmonious Development of Human and Nature

  9. 加强流域综合管理确保鄱阳湖一湖清水

    Strengthen the comprehensive management of Poyang Lake basin in order to assure it clean

  10. 基于和谐发展的流域综合管理体制改革研究

    Study on the Integrated Management System Reform of Drainage Area Based on Harmonious Development

  11. 实现资源利用和环境保护相协调的最佳途径是流域综合管理。

    Watershed management has been considered to be the best way for the realization of resource utilization and environmental protection .

  12. 综合生态系统管理对我国湿地立法的启示流域综合管理中生态补偿制度的法律分析

    The Revelation of Integrated Ecosystem Management for Chinese Legislation on Wetlands Legal Analysis of Ecological Compensation in River Basin Management

  13. 随着我国大规模水库群的逐渐形成,这也将成为流域综合管理必然的发展趋势。

    With the gradual formation of large-scale reservoir group , integrated management in watershed has become the inevitable trend of development .

  14. 最后,阐明了岸线综合管理与流域综合管理之间存在着基础与指导的相互关系。

    At the end , this paper expounds the relationship between integrated river shoreline management and integrated watershed management is mutual foundation and guidance .

  15. 一维理想磁控等离子体激波管流动仿真构建长江流域综合管理法律体系的构想

    One dimension numerical simulation of the ideal plasma controlled by the external magnetic field in the shock tube Strengthening legislation system for integrated river basin management of Yangtze

  16. 和合:正确处理宗教问题的思维理念对流域综合管理和水资源综合管理概念的探讨

    The Role of the Idea of " Peace and Harmony " in Guiding Religion to Adapt to Socialist Society ; Discussion on the concepts of Integrated Watershed Management and Integrated Water Resources Management

  17. 通过模型参数估计、模型拟合检验及模型修正,最终确定了最佳模型,从中获得各因素间及因素与指标间的影响关系和影响程度,据此提出了流域综合管理的对策建议。

    Though model parameter estimation , fitting inspection and modification , the optimal model to figure out the affecting relations and the degree of influence among factors and between factors and indicators was obtained .

  18. 发达国家早在七十年前即对流域综合管理和面源污染控制展开广泛的研究,目前已经形成了较完整的管理体系和技术实施规范。

    Developed in the early 1970s , extensive research has been carried out in the field of watershed management and non-point source pollution control . More complete management system and the technical norms have now established in developed countries .

  19. 流域综合管理是从整体上控制农业非点源污染、协调流域上下游环境经济社会发展、实现流域农业可持续发展的有效途径。

    Watershed integrated management is an efficient countermeasure to holistically control agricultural non-point source pollution , to abate conflicts between social economy and environment from different upstream watershed , and to attain agricultural sustainable development on whole watershed scale .

  20. 遵循流域综合管理的原则,应科学地协调流域内重点产业布局,协调上下游、左右岸在产业布局方面的关系,充分考虑重点污染企业对污染排放的处理。

    Guided by the principles of integrated management of basin , we should coordinate the leading industries layout scientifically , and the relationship between up-downstream and two side of the river , taking fully into focus polluting enterprises to pollution emissions .

  21. 内陆河流域综合生态管理中的公众参与制度

    Public Participation System of Inland River Basin Integrated Ecosystem Management

  22. 中国流域综合水管理目标模式研究

    Study on Target Model of Integrated Water Management for River Basin in China

  23. 世界主要国家流域水资源综合管理法律制度探析

    Legal Analysis of River Basin Integrated Management of Major Countries and Regions

  24. 汉江流域水环境综合管理

    Comprehensive Management of Water Environment in Hanjiang River Valley

  25. TVA与澜沧江流域的综合开发与管理研究

    Study of the comprehensive development and management of Lancang River Basin compared with TVA

  26. 数字流域及其在流域综合管理中的应用

    Digital River Basin and its Application in Integrated Management of River Basin

  27. 阐述了在小流域综合治理项目开发管理中引进监理制度的必要性和重要性,着重阐述了在综合开发治理项目管理的具体内容。

    Through elaborating the necessity and importance of the supervision and management for the items of comprehensive development and control of the small watershed .

  28. 并以大庆黎明河流域综合整治工程质量管理为例,来说明质量管理绩效评价模型的运行与操作。

    Use daqing dawn river valley comprehensive improvement project quality management as an example , to illustrate the operation and operation of quality management performance evaluation model .

  29. 流域生态系统管理是基于流域综合管理模式,应用生态系统方法,通过具体的行动、过程和实践,促进和实现流域的可持续发展。

    Watershed ecosystem management , based on watershed integrated management , using ecosystem approach , by specific actions , processes and practices , aims to promote realizing the sustainable development of watershed .

  30. 树立流域系统协调发展观念,完善流域综合管理机制;

    To perfect water integrated management mechanism to balance man and nature at watershed system level ;