
  • 网络Influenza like symptoms;influenza-like illness
  1. 北京市急性呼吸道疾病及流感样症状抽样调查

    A sampling survey of acute respiratory disease and influenza-like illness among Beijing residents

  2. 兽医认为这个小家伙似乎是从主人那感染了病毒,因为与其共处一室的3个家庭成员中有2个出现了流感样症状。

    The animal likely contracted the virus from its owners , veterinarians say , since two of the three family members living in the cat 's household had recently suffered from influenza-like illness .

  3. 主人向医生描述他们最近也出现了流感样症状,因此医生决定对小家伙做H1N1的检测。

    The family mentioned to the vet that they had also recently battled illness , which led to testing the pet for H1N1 .

  4. IVIG治疗的副反应包括,有三位患者出现可逆性的肾功能障碍,5位患者出现流感样症状,5位元患者发生头痛,1位元患者出现呼吸急促。

    Adverse reactions to IVIG included reversible renal dysfunction in3 patients , flu-like symptoms in5 , headache in5 , and chest pain and shortness of breath in1 .

  5. 一位在同一酒店待过的年轻人三月初被收入威尔士王子医院(香港)的病房,当时有严重的流感样症状,晚些时候被诊断为SARS。

    A young man who had stayed at the same hotel was admitted to a medical ward in Prince of Wales Hospital ( Hong Kong ) in early March with severe flu like symptoms which was later diagnosed as SARS .

  6. 其中约3000人在加拿大旅行时因出现流感样症状而被隔离。

    Some 3000 of them , while travelling through Canada , were quarantined with flu-like symptoms .

  7. 始发症状并不典型,主要表现为心动过速、发热和流感样症状。

    The initial symptoms may be non-specific , such as tachycardia , fever , and flu-like symptoms .

  8. 初期症状包括体温38度以上的高烧和其他流感样症状。

    Initial symptoms include a high fever , usually with a temperature higher than38oC , and other influenza-like symptoms .

  9. 上一次发现该病毒是在1999年,患病的两名女孩在出现流感样症状后完全康复。

    The first cases , detected in1999 , involved two girls who also made full recoveries after having influenza-like symptoms .

  10. 登革热是一种蚊媒病毒感染,它会导致严重的流感样症状,还会发展为可能致死的出血热。

    Dengue , a mosquito-borne viral infection , causes severe flu-like symptoms , but can develop into potentially deadly haemorrhagic fever .

  11. 结论应用重组人干扰素α-2b喷雾剂(远策素)可增加流感样症状和腹泻症状的发生率,均为可逆性反应,停药后消失。

    Conclusions Using recombinant human interferon α - 2b for spray could bring influenza-like symptoms and diarrhea which disappeared after withdrawal .

  12. 曼哈顿城有城市接触史的俩个家庭称,他们从墨西哥回来后最近出现了流感样症状。

    And two families in Manhattan had contacted the city , saying they had recently returned ill from Mexico with flu-like symptoms .

  13. 纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫在电视直播节目中接受了冠状病毒检测,同时,他宣布所有出现流感样症状的人现在都有资格接受检测。

    New York Governor Andrew Cuomo took a coronavirus test on live TV as he announced all people experiencing flu-like symptoms now testing .

  14. 路透社(11月9日)报告说,这场感染被控制住了,但是医生仍然警惕着更多患者出现流感样症状。

    Reuters reported ( 9 November ) that the infection was contained but doctors are still on alert for more patients presenting with flu-like symptoms .

  15. 该名15岁女孩来自万象,她于2月10日出现流感样症状并于2月15日因发烧和呼吸症状在万象住院。

    The15-year-old female was from Vientiane , where she developed influenza-like symptoms on10 February and was hospitalized in Vietiane with fever and respiratory symptoms on15 February .

  16. 和大多数治疗一样,曲妥珠单抗也有副作用,最常见的是轻度流感样症状,如寒战和发热。

    Like most treatments , trastuzumab is associated with side-effects , the most common of which are mild flu-like symptoms , such as chills and fever during its administration .

  17. 世卫组织正在与尼日利亚政府合作以开展强化监测,并且随着伴有流感样症状的患者寻求医疗,可能发生其它疑似病例的报告。

    WHO is working with the government of Nigeria to carry out intensive surveillance and reports of additional suspected cases may occur as people with influenza-like symptoms seek medical advice .

  18. 由于多数登革病毒感染者早期缺乏特异的临床表现,仅有发热、寒战等流感样症状,难以和其它发热疾病和出血热疾病区分,必须依赖实验室的诊断加以确认。

    Since symptoms of DV infections are insufficiently specific for accurate clinical differentiation from other febrile illnesses and hemorrhagic fever , the definitive diagnosis of DV infections relies on laboratory tests .

  19. 上周末猫咪开始出现流感样症状乏力,厌食于是主人将它带到了爱荷华州立大学兽医学院治疗。

    Late last week , when the cat came down with flu-like symptoms malaise , loss of appetite its owners brought it to Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine for treatment .

  20. 一般食欲欠佳,接着出现畏寒、流感样症状、眼痛、恶心呕吐,偶尔也出现腹泻。

    These include , generally , a loss of appetite , followed by chilly sensations , grippe-like symptoms , pain in the eyes , nausea , vomiting , and occasionally , diarrhea .

  21. 此外,使用口罩可使有流感样症状的个人遮盖其嘴和鼻子,避免呼吸道飞沫扩散,这一措施构成了咳嗽礼仪的一部分。

    Furthermore , using a mask can enable an individual with influenza-like symptoms to cover their mouth and nose to help contain respiratory droplets , a measure that is part of cough etiquette .

  22. 目的了解北京市居民急性呼吸道疾病和流感样症状发生及流行情况,为制定呼吸道传染病预防和控制措施提供参考依据。

    Objective To research the incidence of acute respiratory diseases ( ARD ) and influenza-like illness ( ILI ) in Beijing residents so as to make a recommendation for plan-making of intervention and control .

  23. 城市的卫生部门要求医生特别注意近期流感样症状的患者,和近期去过加利福尼亚州,德克萨斯州或墨西哥旅行的人。

    The city health department has asked doctors to be extra vigilant in the coming days and test any patients who have flu-like symptoms and have traveled recently to California , Texas or Mexico .

  24. 很有可能是最近从墨西哥返回的一名加拿大农场工人把病毒带给了猪群,该工人已出现了流感样症状,他曾与猪群有过接触。

    It is highly probable that the pigs were exposed to the virus from a Canadian farm worker recently returned from Mexico , who had exhibited flu-like symptoms and had contact with the pigs .

  25. 结论北京市居民的急性呼吸道疾病和流感样症状的发病情况严重,加强居住和工作场所的通风换气是预防呼吸道传染病的重要措施。

    Conclusion There is a rather severe prevalence of acute respiratory diseases and ILI among the Beijing residents , and the ventilation of living and working areas is key to prevent from ARD and ILI .

  26. 主要不良反应为注射部位局部疼痛20.4%,非感染性发热40.7%,流感样症状9.3%,未见严重不良事件。

    Main side effects were injection site pain ( 20.4 % ) and fever ( 40.7 % ), and influenza-like symptoms ( 9.3 % ) . Serious adverse events were not found in the course of treatment .

  27. 结果20.43%的调查对象报告2003年曾患过急性呼吸道疾病,0.93%报告曾经出现过流感样症状,0.25%的人报告过去两周曾出现过流感样症状。

    Results 20.43 % of the subjects reported that they had suffered from at least once the acute respiratory diseases and 0.93 % reported the influenza-like illness in 2003 , and 0.25 % revealed at least once ILI .

  28. 在3-7天潜伏期之后,受感染者通常开始出现“流感样”症状。

    Infected persons usually start with " flu-like " symptoms after an incubation period of3-7 days .

  29. 在感染后最初几周可能毫无症状,或出现发热、头痛、皮疹或咽痛等流感样疾病症状。

    The first few weeks after initial infection , individuals may experience no symptoms or a flu-like illness including fever , headache , rash or sore throat .

  30. 26例患者(50%)肝酶升高,仅7例(13%)伴流感样上呼吸道症状。

    26 cases ( 50 % ) had elevated aspartate aminotransferase and / or alanine aminotransferase , but only 7 cases ( 13 % ) had upper respiratory tract symptom like influenza .