
  • 网络Plasma cell disease;plasma cell dyscrasia;plasma cell disorders
  1. 浆细胞病患者IL-4产生细胞数减少的意义及机制探讨

    Decrease in IL-4 producing cells in plasma cell dyscrasias : its significance and possible mechanism

  2. 结论PBSCT是治疗恶性浆细胞病的有效方法;

    Legionnaires ' disease Conclusion PBSCT is an efficacious therapeutic measures for plasma cell dyscrasias .

  3. MGUS患者更可能死于非相关性疾病,或是死于恶性浆细胞病。

    However , * patients with MGUS are more likely to die of an unrelated disease than to have progression to a malignant plasma-cell disorder .

  4. 结论:吉粒芬在浆细胞病患者自体外周血干细胞移植中是安全、有效的。

    Conclusions : Our results indicated that rhG-CSF is efficacious and safe in auto-PBSCT for patients with plasma cell diseases .

  5. 【目的】总结近5年我院收治的各种浆细胞病的发病率和治疗效果。

    【 Objective 】 To summary the incidence and treatment of various plasma celldisorders ( PCL ) in the past five years in our hospital .

  6. 重庆儿童医院肺炎链球菌临床分离株耐药性与血清型研究免疫球蛋白游离轻链测定在浆细胞病疗效分析和预后判断中的应用

    Study of Antimicrobial Resistance and Serotypes of Streptococcus Pneumoniae Clinic Isolates from Chongqing Children s Hospital ; Serum immunoglobulin free light chain analysis for identifying and monitoring patients with multiple myeloma and related disorders