
  1. 444例白细胞系统疾病的口腔表现

    Oral Manifestation in 444 Cases of Leukocyte Disorders

  2. 该活体流式细胞计数方法可作为活体内生物分子事件的实时监测,用于实验室对恶性肿瘤及扩散等重大疾病的早期诊断研究,以及白细胞的疾病免疫分析等。

    In vivo flow cytometry is a powerful tool to monitor real-time biomolecular events in live animals , to diagnose metastasis of malignant tumor or other severe diseases , and to study immunology in leukocyte related disease .

  3. 人类白细胞抗原与疾病相关性的研究进展

    The Research Progress about the Human Leucocyte Antigen and its Disease Associativity

  4. 以尿沉渣白细胞数加白细胞分类判断疾病活动性,其敏感性、特异性、阳性预测值均优于尿沉渣白细胞计数。

    When leucocyte numbers plus their differential counting in urinary sediments were followed up , the sensitivity , specificity and positive predicting rate were better than those of leucocyte counting in urinary sediments alone .

  5. 结论仔细观察白细胞直方图,可以把握仪器工作状态,提高检验质量;白细胞直方图对于疾病尤其是血液病的诊断、疗效观察,具有重要价值;

    Conclusion WBC curves are useful for controlling the state of the instrument , and are valuable for clinical diagnosis and observation of curative effect .