
bái è zhì
  • Chalky;chilternu
白垩质[bái è zhì]
  1. 在白垩质土壤中添加有机物可降低其碱性。

    Incorporating organic material into chalky soils will reduce the alkalinity .

  2. 索米尔周围的白垩质土壤出产著名的安茹葡萄酒。

    The chalky soil around Saumur produces the famous Anjou wines .

  3. 英格兰南部的白垩质峭壁

    the chalk cliffs of southern England

  4. 钙化通过钙盐的沉积作用使变为石质或白垩质。

    To make or become stony or chalky by deposition of calcium salts .

  5. 燧石山地处白垩质高原的中心,直到现在还没有火车通到这儿,所以她只有靠步行到那儿去。

    Flintcomb-Ash being in the middle of the cretaceous tableland over which no railway had climbed as yet , it would be necessary to walk .

  6. 英国唐斯丘陵的史前古道依旧有迹可寻,因为经过几个世纪的踩踏它们原本质密的白垩质土壤变得愈发紧实,开满了雏菊。

    The prehistoric trackways of the English Downs can still be traced because on their close chalky soil , hard-packed by centuries of trampling , daisies flourish .

  7. 多佛小城窄窄的,弯弯的,似是一只海上的鸵鸟为了逃避海滩,一头扎进了白垩质的峭壁里。

    The little narrow , crooked town of Dover hid itself away from the beach , and ran its head into the chalk cliffs , like a marine ostrich .

  8. 实际上,英国媒体预测,全球变暖将迫使法国东部香槟地区的葡萄酒厂商,投资于英格兰南部白垩质土壤的丘陵地区。

    Indeed , barely a year passes without the British media speculating about how global warming will force producers in the Champagne region in north-east France to invest in the similarly chalky downs of southern England .

  9. 湖南白垩系泥质粉砂岩风化特性研究

    Study on the weathering characteristics of Cretaceous argillaceous siltstone