
  • 网络TEST;lamp test
  1. 用DRB触发门开锁继电器并观察测试灯。

    With the drb , actuate door unlock and observe the test light .

  2. 带反光杯的白炽灯测试用灯泡应当有最宽的扩展光束,MR型测试灯应当有分色反射灯。

    Incandescent reflector test lamps shall be of the widest beam spread available . A Type MR test lamp shall have a dichroic reflector .

  3. 付里叶变换光谱仪测试Na灯发射光谱时工作参数对光谱特性的影响

    Influence of Working Parameters on the Emission Spectrum of Na Lamp Acquired by Fourier Transform Spectrometer

  4. 用作温度测试的日光灯和HID灯应当与镇流器匹配。

    Fluorescent and HID lamps used for a temperature test shall be rated for the ballast involved .

  5. 在这项检查中,红色制动警告灯和防抱死警告灯亮2秒钟后,在该测试结束时灯熄灭。

    During this check , the Red Brake Warning Lamp and the Anti-lock Warning Lamp are illuminated .

  6. 同时开发系统采用了多种配置方式,可调时钟输入,增加测试点、指示灯和用户输入等等面向芯片设计的设计策略,为芯片调试与测试提供了方便。

    There are many testing points and user inputs which make the chip design debugging and testing too easy in our system .