
  • 网络measurement platform
  1. 一种基于Plugin技术的网络测量平台

    A Plugin Based Network Measurement Platform

  2. 最后对分布式Web服务QoS测量平台的总体架构进行设计和实现,并根据实际情况对平台进行了评估。

    Finally , the paper has the overall architecture of distributed Web service QoS measurement platform design and implementation of the platform , and assessment according to the actual situation .

  3. 基于Web的分布式网络性能测量平台研究

    Research on a System of Network Performance Measurement Based on Web Distributed Computing

  4. 可扩展光学薄膜Mapping测量平台的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Extensive Optical Thin Film Mapping Measurement Platform

  5. 基于VB的凸轮轮廓测量平台的研制

    The Development of Cam Outline Measuring Platform Based on VB

  6. 基于PCI总线的通用公差测量平台的开发。

    In this paper the universal tolerance measurement based on PCI bus was investigated .

  7. 本文介绍了在网络测量平台上基于策略系统的SYNFlooding攻击防御机制。

    In this paper a mechanism is introduced which prevents SYN flooding attacks based on the policy system upon the network measurement platform .

  8. 本文重点阐述分布式Web服务QoS测量平台的需求和关键技术、平台的设计与实现以及对测量平台的评估和准确性验证。

    This article focuses on the needs and key technologies of the Distributed Web service QoS measurement platform , the design and realization of the platform , the assessment of the measurement platform and the accuracy of authentication .

  9. 实践表明,NESP是一个可扩展的、通用的网络测量平台。

    The practice proves NESP to be a scalable and universal network measurement platform .

  10. 受水准仪视距限制(通常不超过100m),需要按一定间距设置水上测量平台用于架设仪器进行高程传递。

    Under the constrain upon back sight distance by the resolution of instrument , platforms have to be setup above water surface to bear the instrument so that elevation can be passed over .

  11. 本文介绍BEPCⅡ阻抗测量平台以及对高频屏蔽波纹管(bellows)的阻抗测量和数值计算结果,并对测量结果和测量平台系统误差进行了分析。

    This paper introduces this impedance measurement system and the results of the measurements . As a comparison , we also give the numerical simulations of the RF-shielded bellows for BEPC ⅱ .

  12. SABMS设计的一个核心目标是系统的可伸缩性,使得同一个测量平台能够适应不同数量的探测节点。

    A key design goal SABMS is scalability to potentially thousands of probes within a single infrastructure .

  13. 质心测量平台结构刚度的计算

    Study on stiffness of the platform in centroid measurement system

  14. 不带斜面位置的测量平台不适用。

    A measuring platform without a sloped position is unsuitable .

  15. 质心测量平台的研究与设计

    Study and Design on the Platform of Barycenter Gauging

  16. 车辆必须位于测量平台上。

    The vehicle must be on the measuring platform .

  17. 机载测量平台中的坐标转换误差分析

    Analysis on coordinate conversion error of airborne measuring device

  18. 专门设计制做了磁块测量平台架,包括铜制标准定位基座及定位磁针。

    A special designed measurement stand and a locating magnetic pin are made .

  19. 没有倾斜度的测量平台是不适用的。

    Measuring platforms without an inclination are unsuitable .

  20. 分布式航天器相对位置测量平台设计

    Distributed Spacecrafts Relative Position Measurement Platform Design

  21. 回转面测量平台系统设计

    Design of Measurement System for Rotary Workbench

  22. 虚拟测量平台的开发与应用

    Development and Application of Dummy Measure Flat

  23. 基于通用网络测量平台的反垃圾邮件技术

    Anti-Spam Based on Universal Network Measurement Platform

  24. 跟踪测量平台密珠轴系的摩擦与控制研究

    Study on Friction and Control Technique of Dense Ball Bearing Shafting for Tracking and Measuring

  25. 提出了一种开发计算机虚拟测量平台的方法。

    In this paper , a method for developing the dummy measure flat was introduced .

  26. 便携式生物化学发光测量平台的研究

    Research of Detecting Platform for Biochemiluminescence

  27. 提出了一个大规模的网络行为测量平台的通用框架,并且指出了大规模理想网络行为测量平台应具有的特征。

    At last , The characteristics of a large-scale network behavior measurement platform is pointed out .

  28. 该测量平台可以应用于凸轮机构的教学、设计和制造过程。

    This platform can be used as a teaching , design and manufacturing equipment about cam mechanism .

  29. 搭建了基于油浸式温升用试验变压器的光纤光栅温度测量平台。

    Finally the temperature measuring platform is constructed for the temperature rise experiments of the oil-immersed transformer .

  30. 建立一个可扩展的、通用的网络测量平台是全面了解大规模网络行为的基础。

    Building a scalable and universal network measurement platform is the basis to understand synthetical behaviors of large-scale networks .