
  1. [方法]2004年,对济南铁路局济南西机务段2572名男职工进行脂肪肝患病情况调查,采用非条件Logistic回归分析方法分析饮食、生活习惯对脂肪肝发病的影响。

    [ Methods ] We investigate the 2 572 male workers of Jinan-west railway workers in 2004 and analyze the influence of food and life habits on the morbidity of fatter liver by use of non-conditional logistic regression method .

  2. 截至4月底,北京铁路局将在100余组列车上安装免费WiFi,此外济南铁路局有75组列车也正在进行免费WiFi的装车调试。但高铁、动车暂时无缘免费WiFi。

    By end of April , Beijing Railway Bureau will have installed free WiFi on over 100 trains , and currently , Jinan Railway Bureau is testing free WiFi on 75 trains . But the bullet trains are not included .

  3. 济南铁路局的两位高官已被撤职。

    Two top officials of the Jinan Railway Bureau were sacked .

  4. 济南铁路职工艾滋病/性病知识调查分析

    Investigation on STD / AIDS Knowledge among Workers in Jinan Railway System

  5. 济南铁路局科研所网络性能数据采集系统的设计与实现

    Jinan Railway Scientific Institution Data Acquisition System for Network Performance

  6. 济南铁路局已婚女职工妇科常规项目检查结果分析

    Analysis of the Examination Result of Gynecological Routine Examination for Married Female Employees

  7. 2008年济南铁路职工艾滋病知识和态度的调查

    Investigation and Analysis on AIDS Knowledge and Attitude among Workers in Ji'nan Railway System in 2008

  8. 济南铁路辖区45岁以上职工高血压、糖尿病、高脂血症患病情况调查

    Survey on the Prevalence of Hypertension , Diabetes and Hyperlipemia among Railway Workers over 45 in Ji'nan

  9. 第二章为济南铁路局物资工业总公司拓展现代物流业务的总体思路。

    The second segment involves the general summary about extension of the company 's modern logistic practice .

  10. 济南铁路局某机务段男职工脂肪肝患病及其影响因素分析

    Analyses on the Fatty Liver Diseases and its Influence Factors of Railway Male Workers of Jinan-west Bureau Mechanic Department

  11. 该优化系统为济南铁路局编制管内列车编组计划提供了依据。

    This optimization system provides the references for the establishment of internal train formation plan in Jinan Railway Administration .

  12. 济南铁路工人高血压前期的发生率及影响因素研究

    Prevalence of prehypertension and its influential factors among railway workers Effect of electromyographic biofeedback on heart rate variability of prehypertensives

  13. 2006~2007年济南铁路职工三高患病情况调查

    Investigation on the Prevalence of " Hyperlipemia , High Blood Pressure and Hyperglycemia " among the Employees of Ji'nan Railway Station from 2006 to 2007

  14. 自济南铁路局疾控中心成立60年以来,其药品的管理仍然沿用传统的人工管理。

    Since the Jinan Railway Disease Control Center had been founded 60 years , the traditional manual administration had been employed in its daily medicine management .

  15. 单位:山东大学齐鲁医院的皮肤科、神经内科、心外科和济南铁路中心医院的神经内科。

    SETTING : Departments of Dermatology , Neurology and Cardiac Surgery of Qilu Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University and Department of Neurology of Jinan Railway Center Hospital .

  16. 以济南铁路工程总公司计算机网络建设为例,阐述了如何规范化设计计算机网络系统及实施效果。

    It was exemplified the computer network construction of Jinan Railway Project Corporation to illustrate how to program and design a computer network system and operating effect comprehensively .

  17. 分析了济南铁路局办公信息系统及其技术特点,构建了先进、实用、易推广的企业办公网应用解决方案。

    It was analyzed Office Automation System of Jinan Railway Administration and its technical characteristics , and brought forward a solution that was advanced , practical and easy to implement .

  18. 为了提高药品的仓库管理水平和管理质量,更好地应对各种具有复杂性和紧迫性的公共卫生事件,济南铁路疾控中心准备开发一套药品管理系统。

    In order to improve the management efficiency and quality for warehousing , and be better able to deal with kinds of public health incidents , Jinan Railway Disease Control Center intends to develop a suit of medicine management system .

  19. 济南黄河铁路大桥桥渡设计

    Design of Ji'nan Huanghe River Railway Bridge Crossing

  20. 济南位于京沪铁路线和青济线的交汇处。

    Jinan is at the junction of the Beijing-Shanghai and the Qingdao-Jinan railways .