
  • 网络Zhejiang University of Media and Communications
  1. 因此,对了解浙江传媒学院大学生心理特点的成因,以及如何有效开展浙江传媒学院大学生思想政治教育工作,具有重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , it has the important practical significance to understand the cause of psychological characteristics of Zhejiang university of media and communications ' students , and how to develop students ' ideological and political education effectively .

  2. 浙江传媒学院将举办名为“全国动画片配音大赛”;

    Zhejiang Institute of Media will hold the " National Animation Dubbing Competition ";

  3. 试论浙江传媒学院的发展战略和改革思路

    On the Development Strategy and Reform Ideas of Zhejiang Institute of Media and Communications

  4. 本文介绍浙江传媒学院校园媒体资产管理系统实验室的建设,阐述校园媒体资产管理系统的功能、设计和特点。

    In this paper , we introduce the construction of media assert management system lab in Zhejiang Institute of Media and Communication , expound the functions , features and design of campus media assert management system .

  5. 其次,通过对中国传媒大学、浙江传媒学院还有陕西省内开设该专业的一本院校以及与台湾的世新大学的对比研究,我们可以发现部分学校在课程设置、教学方法上存在一定的不足。

    And then , Through to the Chinese media university , zhejiang institute of media and shaanxi province to open this professional a universities and the world of Taiwan new university study , we can find in part of the school curriculum , teaching methods , they are insufficient .