
  • 网络zhejiang tide;wucai
  1. 浙江潮:面海中国的地域文化冲击波&‘浙江潮’与中国新文学导论

    " Zhejiang Tide " in Chinese New Literature and its Relation with the Regional Culture

  2. 从新文学发生期看浙江潮现象之产生

    On the Rise of Zhejiang Tide During the Initial Stages of " New Literature " Movement

  3. 浙江潮下带海域秋季初级生产力和叶绿素α的分市

    Primary Production and Chlorophyll a during Autumn in the Coast Zone of Zhejiang

  4. 探讨《浙江潮》是如何构建浙省形象的。

    Its task is to explore how Zhejiang Chao establish the image of Zhejiang province .

  5. 开拓与创造:地域文化精神的生动张扬&论浙江潮对中国新文学建设的开山之功

    Initiative and Creativity as Vivid Manifestations of Spirit of Regional Culture : On Epoch-making Contributions of the " Zhejiang Upsurge " to Chinese New Literature

  6. 报道浙江潮间带底栖海藻211种,其中蓝藻门11种、绿藻门34种、褐藻门38种、红藻门128种。

    Species of benthic seaweeds are reported in Zhejiang Province , including 11 species of Cyanophyta , 34 species of Chlorophyta , 38 species of Phaeophyta and 128 species of Rhodophyta .

  7. 灌耕灰漠土的氮、磷肥利用率分别提高49.47%和17.88%,浙江潮土的氮肥利用率提高75.53%。

    Utilization rate of N fertilizer were raised by 49 . 47 % and 75 . 53 % for irradiated gray desert soil and moist soil respectively , that of P fertilizer was raised by 17 . 88 % for moist soil .

  8. 用25kGyγ射线辐照含水量25%的土壤。盆栽试验表明,新疆灌耕灰漠土和浙江潮土经辐照后种植的冬小麦、辣椒和枸杞的株高、生物量和光合强度均有显著提高。

    Pot experiments showed that with the treatment of 25 kGy gamma radiation on the irrigated gray desert soil in Xinjiang and the moist soil in Zhejiang , 25 % moisture , plant height , biomass and photosynthesis intensity of winter wheat , hot pepper and matrimony vine increased significantly .

  9. 本文通过对浙江沿岸潮间带和水深小于20m浅海区的102个表层沉积样品的有孔虫分析,发现研究区内有孔虫的数量和组合存在明显差异。

    In this paper , 102 surface sediment samples on foraminifera are analysed along the coast of Zhejiang in ranging from intertidal flats to 20m isobath . The results show that the distributions of individuals and assemblages of foraminifera are very different in the study area .

  10. 浙江近海潮波的特性

    The characteristics of tidal waves on the offshore of Zhejiang Province

  11. 浙江岱山岛潮间带大型底栖动物的群落结构

    Community Structure of the Intertidal Macrobenthic Fauna in Daishan Island , Zhejiang

  12. 浙江海岛风暴潮研究

    The study on the typhoon surge in the regions of Zhejiang Islands

  13. 浙江洞头岛潮间带软体动物的生态调查

    Ecologic investigation of Mollusca on the intertidal zone of Dongtou island , zhejiang

  14. 浙江沿海风暴潮灾害及其减灾对策

    The situation of storm surge calamity and the countermeasures reducing the disaster along the coast of Zhejiang Province

  15. 我国海岸带环境灾害的基本特征与减灾对策浙江沿海风暴潮灾害及其减灾对策

    Characteristics of Coastal Environmental Hazards in China and Strategies for Hazard Mitigation The situation of storm surge calamity and the countermeasures reducing the disaster along the coast of Zhejiang Province

  16. 分析了浙江岱山岛潮间带大型底栖动物的种类组成、数量分布和生物多样性等群落结构特征。

    The community structure of the intertidal macrobenthic fauna in Daishan island of Zhejiang , such as species composition , quantity distribution and biodiversity , were analyzed in this paper .

  17. 浙江近岸半日分潮波传播特征研究

    A Study on Propagation Characteristics of Semi-diurnal Constituent of Tidal Wave in Inshore Waters of Zhejiang Province

  18. 浙江省的感潮河口水闸众多,其闸下软基防冲是众人最关心的问题。

    There are many sluices built in tidal estuary , Zhejiang province , in which an important problem is scour protection for soft foundation of sluice downstream .

  19. 20世纪初,浙江留学生在日本创办了《浙江潮》、《白话》等华文报刊,它们是中国留日学生所创办的革命报刊的重要组成部分。

    At the beginning of the 20th century , the Zhejiang students studying in Japan set up Chinese newspapers such as Zhejiang Current , Vernacular Chinese , which became an important component of the revolutionary newspapers run by Chinese students studying in Japan .