
  1. 2007年浙江省医院伤害监测结果分析

    Surveillance of injury in hospitals in Zhejiang province , 2007

  2. 浙江广济医院与省立医药专科学校史略

    A Brief History of the Zhejiang Central Hospital and Provincial Professional School of Medicine

  3. 浙江民营医院大量的出现,对浙江医疗卫生市场的形成起到了积极的推动作用。

    The large number of civilian-run hospital in Zhejiang province promotes the formation of healthcare and medical system .

  4. 方法利用浙江省医院管理系统药房管理子系统,对2003年3月~2005年12月期间某院所有含地高辛的门诊处方进行回顾性分析。

    Methods Using a pharmacy administration software , the outpatient recipes containing digoxin in one hospital were analyzed retrospectively .

  5. 浙江民营医院经过几年的实践,经历了政策开放的喜悦,但也体验到了医疗市场严峻的考验。

    In a few years ' practice , the civilian-run hospitals in Zhejiang province have experienced the happiness of the opening policy , and also undergone severe tests of medical market .

  6. 收集山东济宁医学院附属医院、青岛大学医学院附属医院、浙江台州医院、中国医科大学盛京医院等临床路径管理试点医院的相关规章制度、变异记录程序及指标等二手资料,了解变异管理现状。

    The clinical pathway management related rules and regulation , variation methods and indicators were collected from affiliated hospital of Jining Medical College , affiliated hospitals of Medical College Qingdao University .

  7. 从医疗卫生市场整体来看,目前浙江民营医院仍处于发展阶段,民营医院虽存在一定的数量,但没有与之相匹配的市场份额。

    Seen from the whole healthcare and medical market , the civilian-run hospitals in Zhejiang province are still in its development stage , and in spite of the quantity , they have no corresponding market share .

  8. [目的]通过SWOT分析调查和研究浙江省立同德医院合并重组前后省内卫生行业状况、医院外部环境和内部条件,为医院合并重组的方式步骤、发展战略提供决策依据;

    To investigate and analyze status in the field of Health , the external and internal environment of hospital by SWOT Analysis , before and after the merging and restructuring of Tongde Hospital of Zhejiang Province .

  9. 方法2002年6月在浙江某城市医院6个科室及室外用沉降法距地面1.5m高度采空气样,每周1d,每天2次,连采3周。

    Methods The air sampling was performed at the height of 1.5 m above the ground in 6 departments of an urban hospital and outside by sedimentation method in June , 2002 , 2 times per day , one day per week , continuously for 3 weeks .

  10. 浙江省肿瘤医院住院疾病谱分析

    An Analysis of Tumor Proportion in Zhejiang Cancer Hospital

  11. 浙江省台州医院非典时期的健康教育

    Health Education during Prevalence of Atypical Pneumonia in Taizhou Hospital of Zhejiang Province

  12. 浙江省民营医院效益评价研究

    The Zhejiang Province Society-managed Hospital Benefit Appraisement Research Report

  13. 浙江省人民医院西药用药结构调查分析

    Analysis of the Use of Drugs in the People 's Hospital of Zhejiang Province

  14. 目的分析浙江省公立医院的规模经济情况。

    Objective To analyse the economies of scale in public hospitals in Zhejiang Province .

  15. 2002~2005年浙江省肿瘤医院抗肿瘤药物用药分析

    An Analysis of Consumption of Anti-neoplastic Agents from 2002 to 2005 in Zhejiang Cancer Hospital

  16. 鼻咽癌临床诊治流程的探讨&浙江省肿瘤医院的经验

    Discussion on the Approach of Treatment and Diagnosis for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Zhejiang Cancer Hospital

  17. 浙江省台州医院中青年职工体检结果分析

    Results analysis of physical examination of the mid-aged and young personnel in Taizhou Hospital , Zhejiang Province

  18. 浙江师范大学医院门诊抗生素应用情况分析

    An analysis on the use of antibiotics in outpatient service at the Hospital of Zhejiang Normal University

  19. 方法:回顾性分析浙江省肿瘤医院1980年1月&2000年1月收治的卵巢卵黄囊瘤52例的临床病例资料。

    Methods : Clinical data for the patients with yolk sac tumors of the ovary were analyzed retrospectively .

  20. 浙江省儿童医院血液病房2002-2008年间细菌耐药监测

    Surveillance of Pathogenic Bacteria and Drug Resistance in Hemotology and Oncology Ward of Zhejiang Children 's Hospital during 2002-2008

  21. 浙江省儿童医院1991~2000年儿童败血症病原菌变迁及耐药分析

    Changes of pathogenic bacteria in pediatric patients of septicemia and drug resistance there of in Zhejiang Children ′ s Hospital 1991 ~ 2000

  22. 浙江省人民医院的程爱萍医生建议准妈妈,打手机和用电脑的时间不要过长;

    Dr. Cheng Aiping at Zhejiang Provincial People 's Hospital suggests that people should not use computers or mobile phones for long periods .

  23. 现代化医院的空间组织&浙江省人民医院门急诊楼改扩建工程设计回顾

    The Spatial Organization of Modern Hospital & Recalling the Reconstruction and Extension Engineering Design of Emergency Building in the People Hospital of Zhejiang Province

  24. 利用灰色模型对全国卫生技术人员数量的预测研究浙江省某医院卫生技术人员职称评聘现状及对策

    Study on the Forecast of Health Professionals in China by Gray Model An Analysis of Status and Problems in the Evaluation and Employment by Title Criteria and the Countermeasures

  25. 前言:目的:了解浙江省人民医院西药用药结构和态势,并与杭州地区用药情况作比较。

    Objective : To elucidate the situation and tendency of the use of drugs in the authors hospital , and compare them with those in other hospitals in the Hangzhou District .

  26. 选择同期前往浙江省儿童医院外科及呼吸道发热门诊就诊,近二周内未发生过腹泻症状的患儿作为对照组。

    Children who visit the outpatient of the surgical department and fever clinic in this hospital at the same period and have no diarrhea within the latest two weeks were chosen as control .

  27. 方法:随机抽查浙江省各级医院口腔内科医师,进行问卷调查,内容包括牙髓病首选治疗方法和考虑因素,根管充填术所采用的具体器械、材料等。

    METHODS : Dentists in different hospitals were asked to fill in the questionnaire , which included the methods and factors of the first-choice treatment of endodontic diseases , instruments and materials used in RCT .

  28. 检测浙江省各医院送检的97份疑似肾综合征出血热患者血清及36份正常人血清,与传统的抗原片比较,阳性符合率为100%。

    Using recombined antigen to detect 97 serums of patients and 36 serum of the normal from the hospitals across Zhejiang province , the positive rate of accordance was 100 % , compared with traditional antigen substrate slide .

  29. 同时还对浙江省民营医院的发展趋势作了预测:实行医疗机分类管理后,民营医院的发展趋势是营利性医院。

    In addition , the article forecast the developing trend of the hospitals owned by the public operated by the civil in Zhejiang province . After medical institutions sorting management , the developing trend of the hospitals owned by the public operated by the civil is for - profit hospital .

  30. 浙江省综合性医院人员编制分析报告

    Personnel post allocation analysis on general hospitals in Zhejiang Province